Chapter 76

Four people came out from behind the basement pillars, and Tenku was familiar with two. They are Ye Xuan and Lei Jie, whom he saw with Wang Xiqing at the banquet. Lei Jie brought a sword at his waist while Ye Xuan held the spear. The security at the hotel should prohibit guests from carrying dangerous weapons, but they hide somewhere for their current purpose.

Tenku did not know the other two people because they wore all-black clothes and covered their faces like ninjas. They brought a sword on their backs, and he could feel that the two men were quite strong.

"I didn't expect that you could notice our presence. Do I have to say, as expected from the first elder's disciple? No matter how weak, you are still a cultivator." Lei Jie smiled and strolled towards Tenku.

"What do you want from me?" Tenku asked calmly.