Chapter 130

After Tenku and the two girls exited the cave, the nearby Drakes quickly noticed their presence. Fortunately, there were only three monsters in the area because the others were still looking for them in the east.


The Drakes roared and opened their mouths wide. Each of them shot a huge fireball toward the cave.

"Now!" Tenku signaled Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin to release their full power. The two girls nodded after hearing his words.

"Phantasmal Release..."


Huang Yuxin released her Phantasmal Object first. She spread her fan, and the fireballs from the Drakes suddenly stopped right in front of them. After that, the fireballs merged and formed a giant firebird.


The phoenix cried and entered Huang Yuxin's body. Then a pair of huge wings of fire appeared from the girl's back and burned the surroundings. Surprisingly, his clothes were not damaged in the slightest.