Chapter 141

"This is…" Huang Yuxin looked at Tenku and said. Even though she didn't know what the boy had given her, she could guess when she felt that the wounds on her body were slowly getting better just by smelling the scent of the liquid inside the bottle.

Huang Yuxin's face brightened, and she became very excited. Her mother can be cured with the liquid in the bottle if her guess is correct. Even so, she did not dare to say it. She was afraid that what she thought was wrong made her disappointed. Huang Yuxin had to confirm it from Tenku's mouth directly.

"You are right. It is Holy Water." Tenku answered briefly.

"Is that Holy Water!? But how did you get your hands on it!? I heard that the Holy Water is a prize for one of the champions in a martial arts competition. Are you the one who got third place!?" Huang Cheng said in shock after hearing Tenku's words.