Chapter 162

After they finished their lunch and their stomachs were full, Kohana and the others took a tour around lake Motosu. The three enjoy the scenery, take photos together, and fish by the lake. They seemed to be having much fun there, especially the little girl.

Kohana is satisfied because she can spend her vacation with the two people she cares about the most, after her parents. Even though she hasn't known Tenku for long, Kohana feels very close to him and believes he is a good person.

Most importantly, Tenku had saved her life, and he looked cool to her. He was the right person to accompany her older sister. That way, Kohana can meet Tenku more often.

"Big brother! Big sister! What were you two doing in that place!? Please help me catch this butterfly!?" Kohana shouted at Tenku and Setsuka. The two sat by the lake, watching her play with the butterflies around her.

"Okay. I'll be there now." Tenku replied and then looked at Setsuka.

"I'll go accompany Kohana to play."