Chapter 269

Wang Haotian walked over to Tenku and looked at him with a cloudy face. He was angry because he thought his disciple had played with the heart of Wang Ruyue. Wang Haotian couldn't accept it because he didn't want his granddaughter to be sad.

"What are you saying, Master? Don't your words make me look like a scoundrel who likes to play with girls' hearts?" Tenku complained in response.

"Isn't that the truth? You were dissatisfied with the three beauties accompanying you and added another. If you're not an asshole, then what are you called? Shouldn't you know how Yue'er feels about you? Even though you are my only disciple, I will never forgive you if you hurt her." Wang Haotian said seriously. He would be furious if Tenku toyed with Wang Ruyue's heart.