"Common man, let's get out of here" Chris urged, pulling Leo towards where his car was parked. They opened the car and both sat inside, not saying anything, just staring into space, each man left to his own thoughts.
After some minutes of silence, Leo opened the glove compartment and brought out a packet of cigarettes. He removed one for himself before extending the rest towards Chris.
"Yeah, thanks." Chris also removed a cigarette from the pack and they both lit up.
"Don't, Leo..." Chris suddenly said after smoking for a while, breaking the silence between them.
"Don't what?" Leo asked in confusion not understanding what Chris was driving at.
"Please don't fall in love with her man..."
"I'm not falling in love with her..."
"Oh, you're not?..." Chris asked with a raised eyebrow. "You could have had me fooled then... I must have mistaken the hurt expression on your face when you saw them kissing!"