After the scene in the ice cream shop, Julian’s words reverberated in my head. I couldn’t believe that after all he put me and my heart through that he thought I was a slut. Pot meet kettle.
“If his words are affecting you this much, it means you still care about him,” Desta said.
Desta and I were currently sitting in my room with one tub of ice cream each; I forgot he was even here.
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said shoving a spoon of ice cream into my mouth.
“You are in denial. You know what I mean but you are just choosing to claim ignorance which is not a good look on you,” Desta replied.
“I Do Not have feelings for Julian if that’s what you’re implying,” I told Desta pissed that he could accuse me of harbouring feelings for my cheater ex boyfriend.
“If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
After that, the conversation I didn’t wish to have ceased.