
I laid on a sofa next to Ria.

It appears that I've made the hospital my home.

"What a long day it's been! You deserve some rest, Miles!"

In the previous world, I never would've fathomed that I would be able to say that, but ever since the transfer, I've been saying it every day.

This world is Hades's domain, but within this shithole, I found plenty to die for.

First, the person in a coma next to me, Ria... After a month of staying by her side, I noticed something in myself. My feeling for her is broader than what I think it is.

I don't know what to call it, but it's similar to what Reyna feels about me...

Well, that's enough protagonist monologue! Time to doze off, Miles.


"Master! Good morning!"

"Nori! What am I doing here?!"

I'm back in the void! What is it this time?

"So, Nori... why'd you summon me?"

Nori frantically stood up and exclaimed, "I came here to warn you, Master!"

I blinked my eyes. "Warn me?"

"The suppression of your counterpart is going well, but I need more energy from you, so you'll be sick until I'm finished!"

"How sick, Nori?"

With her clenched fist underneath her chin, in contemplation, Nori said, "Hmmm... high fevers, muscle pain, runny nose, and migraine headaches."

My jaws dropped.

"Nori! Are you trying to kill me?!"

"You should be praising me and patting my head, Master! It's all for the greater good!"

"Can't we make it less painful?"

"Well, I have to continue the suppressing. Bye-bye, Master!"

"Nori! Wai-"


Argh! My body is freezing cold... but my head is boiling hot! I can't feel anything except pain... I can barely open my eyelids!

As I swim in pain, an unfamiliar voice yelled, "Somebody! Get a nurse! There's a man on the floor!"

I tried to stand up, but then... I passed out.


Where am I?

I opened my eyelids, and all I could see is white.

Am I in heaven? Did I die? If I did, why am I in heaven? I don't deserve to be here...

As I speculated about my condition, I heard the voice of a familiar man. And I felt an intimidating aura.

"Doctor! What is his condition?!"

"S-Sir Rigor! I assure you... it isn't fatal, but... this boy's condition is rare. He has Apysichos."

"That's bullshit, doctor! That's a mythical disease!"

"I know that, Sir Rigor! But he has all the symptoms! His life energy is getting sucked away at this very moment, and unless we find the source, he may no be able to use his enhancement anymore."

I can't see anything, but it appears that they're discussing about me...

"Ahh! Fuck... Do as you need to! But tell me, doctor... will he be back to himself in two days."

"As of now, it's fifty-fifty, Sir Rigor."

"Doctor... I hope you know how paramount this task you're dealing with. That brat is the pillar of Midway's safety!"

"You chose the right person, Sir Rigor! I will bring this boy back!"

"I'll be counting on you, Gustavo."


That was some conversation! Hopefully, Sir Rigor didn't know that I was eavesdropping.

That said, my condition is "rare," huh? I already have Dark Elf Syndrome, and now I have a mythical disease named Apysichos. That sounds like a name for a doomsday event!

But! I have to trust Nori on this one! I would rather die than turn into a psychopath!

While I was lost in thought, the doctor interrupted, "I know you're awake, kiddo..."

Well, that's creepy!

I tried to lift my head and sit down, but my vision spun like I was on a rollercoaster.

The doctor rushed towards me and warned, "Don't move a single millimeter! Don't waste energy!"

"Doctor... is it that bad?"

"Yes, kid! Now lay down!"

I laid down on my bed and asked, "Doctor... am I going to die?"

"You heard the conversation, right?"

"It isn't fatal, but doctor... you only said that to not worry Sir Rigor, right?"

"You sharp bastard... My name's Gustavo, by the way."

"My name's Miles."

Dr. Gustavo grabbed a syringed and said, "I have to put you to sleep with anesthetics. You'll sleep for two days."

My old buddy fear is pointing a dagger at my chest again. To be honest, I'm petrified... what if I die? What will happen to Ria? What about Ishigami, Shiatsu, and Kiatsu? How will Reyna react? And what will happen to Ms. Alice and her people?

Haha... for the first time, I'm mortally afraid of death.

"I don't want to sleep, doctor."

"Sorry, kid, but you're shivering uncontrollably. I have to put you asleep."

"That's not it, doctor... I don't want want to sleep forever."

While inserting the syringe in my right arm, Dr. Gustavo whispered, "We all do, kiddo."

"Well then... good night."


Hmm... I'm back in the void, huh?

I stood up and yelled, "Nori! Are you there?"


All I can hear is silence. I suppose Nori is still fighting off my counterpart. Then that means I'll be here alone for the next two days?! That's fucking boring!

Wait a minute! I'm in my mind! So that means... hehehe... If I can think of Ria, then that means...


I closed my eyes in anticipation.


I want to replay all my memories with her... it's the perfect way to waste time! Now, if I open my eyes, then it should be...


I'm back in the room on the sky islands! This is where it all started! Now... where's Ria and I?

As I scan the room, I was met by a figure. It was Ria, and...

I hurriedly looked away, covered my eyes, and whispered, "She's naked!"

What the fuck, Miles! That's some creepy shit! I just want to replay all my memories with her! Not this!

I immediately thought of another thing. My surroundings are now the same void as earlier.

As I reflect on my creepiness, an all-so recognizable voice echoed throughout the void. "Enjoying ourselves, aren't we?"

I turned my head and was greeted by...

"Hahaha... Hello, Miles!"

I must be going insane... why is there another Miles in my head? Hahaha... what the hell is going on?!

In a shaky voice, I replied, "W-Who are you?! And why are you here?!"

With a devil's smile, the other Miles exclaimed, "The day is finally here! The day we finally meet!"

"A-Again! Answer my question!"

"Don't be so cold to yourself, Miles! Let's have a pleasant and long talk..."

"Answer my fucking question, damn it!"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm... you."