Chapter 3

Chapter 3:


"It's time to head upstairs."

I must be really crazy if I was letting a stranger drag me upstairs to do whatever he pleases. But if Ty is right, which she usually is, this is supposed to help me clear my head and help me get back to work with a new incentive.

He guided me through the middle of the dance floor where the people just moved away from him to let us through as if overwhelmed by his presence; and then he led me to an isolated corner where he opened up a set of double doors to reveal a flight of stairs. We travelled up the stairs but didn't stop at the first floor. Instead, he pulled me up another flight of stairs and to the second floor, where a bouncer stood waiting.

"Thank you, Zach." Mr. Sexy Italian, because I was tired of calling him Man Mountain and hook-up guy, gave the bouncer a curt nod, to which he bowed his head and went downstairs.

" you have a name?" I asked awkwardly. Of course he has a name Grace, why won't he?

I was a lot sober now and I hated that if I was getting detoxified at this rate, I would no longer have the guts to go through with tonight's plan. It's not like I'm a virgin, which I'm not, but I don't do one night stands with strangers. The fact that I'd not only thought it was possible, but was standing in front of a private apartment, waiting to go inside so this sexy Italian stranger could go down on me...spoke volumes of how crazy I can get while intoxicated.

"Daniel," his voice brought me back to reality just as a click sounded indicating that the door was now unlocked.

I extended my hand in a formal greeting while at the same time, trying not to fall off my heels. "Hi Daniel, I'm-"

"Grace." I cannot describe how incredible it felt to hear my name roll off his tongue. "I know."

"But-how?" I blinked.

"Let's just say tonight isn't the first time I've seen you." With that, he took my outstretched hand and pulled me into the apartment. "No more talking."

His mouth was on mine the next instant and it felt like every nerve in my body just exploded. His hands entangled in my hair as he pushed me against the door, clicking it shut behind me. My hands were just as eager, trailing up his waist to dig into his broad shoulders. He gave a grunt of approval when my nails dug into hard lean muscles.

"Cristo amore!" He snapped out. "You make me lose control."

He moved away from me for an instant and in the dim light coming from tiny fixtures in the ceiling, I could see him unbutton and toss aside his shirt in a hurry, to reveal a body coveted by the Gods. Oh my!

His chest and shoulders were broad, his waist lean and every inch of his delicious skin was ripped with muscles and in the dim light, held an olive tint that spoke of his Italian ancestry. He carried himself with confidence, someone who knew every inch of his body and the effect it had on the opposite sex. He made quick work of his belt buckle and fly and then his pants were at his ankle, strong muscular legs bared for my panorama. He stepped out of his pants and kicked aside his shoes and socks and was left standing in only dark briefs while my heart beat skyrocketed.

He crooked a finger at me, motioning for me to move forward and as if in a trance, I went to him. This time the kiss was slow, raw with hunger, drenched in passion. His hands slid down my back and pulled down the zipper of my dress with them. I wasn't wearing any bar underneath because my dress hand an in-built one, so as my dress piled at my feet, my upper body was left bare for his inspection. A sound of appreciation left his throat and he didn't waste any time diving in. Lifting one round mound in his hand, he swirled his tongue around my nipple and sucked it into his mouth, making my head fall back.

I didn't know we were backing up until he fell back on the bed with me on top of him. Daniel flipped me over to lie on the bed; soft silk sheets greeted my bare back as he came up to straddle my thighs.

Every nerve came to roaring life each place he touched. Blood rushed to the apex of my thighs, making me so wet I was sure my panties were drenched. I was ready for him, hell I've never felt so ready in my life! He had a certain charisma to him that drew me like a moth to the flames. He ignited such intense desire I never thought I had in me. Everything else just vanished until even thoughts were sensation. And then he was pulling down my panties with his teeth and parting my legs so he could get a look at my most private areas.

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment, but he removed them with his hands. “Don’t hide, you’re beautiful.”

He then moved back down my body and it wasn’t long before I felt the flick of his tongue against my clit. I couldn’t hold back the scream that tore through me as he licked at my entrance and sucked on my clitoris with soft, wet sounds. And before I knew it, I felt warmth in my abdomen, a sensation that told me I was about to cum. But he stopped just before I could go over the edge.

Making a sound of protest, I opened my eyes that I had no idea of closing and looked to see what he was doing…and the breath rushed out of me. He’d been jerking off himself as he took care of me and now he had one arm wrapped around the thick mound of his penis while he was rolled on a condom with his other hand. Task done, he blew out the condom packet he’d torn off with his teeth and covered my body with his.

“It’s time,” he said, the bunt head of his penis rubbing against the slickness of my entrance.

I merely nodded, unable to say anything else and then he was pushing into me, careful enough so as not to hurt but soon enough, he was buried to the hilt inside me. I felt a sharp jab of pain since this was my second time and that too after years of celibacy. But the pain was gone as soon as he started thrusting into me slow and steady, his mouth devouring mine.

Soon enough, the pace increased and with a steady rhythm, he brought me to a climax with the world splintering around me into a million shards of light and pleasure. And then there was nothing other than the delicious scent of spices with a burst of lime.


When I came to, it felt like every bone in my body had turned to honey. It took a good long time for me to get over my catatonic state, but when I did, I jolted up.

I was in a huge king sized bed with black silk covers and a black comforter was draped over me. The apartment was spacious but with very few furniture. All I could see were a closet in one corner and a small table which held a watch and a leather wallet. There were two doors in the room, one was wooden and was wide open, while the other was made of black glass and I could hear the shower running just beyond it. The walls were made of a deep green and it prevented the light from entering into the room. The heavy silk drapes didn’t help either. Small lights placed in the ceiling were the only source of illumination in the apartment.

"Shit!" I cussed myself. I can't believe I'd actually had a one night stand with a complete stranger!


Okay, so his name was Daniel and he was extremely gorgeous, but that doesn't change the fact that I'd just slept with him! And to think that I'd been coherently sober while doing so. I needed to get out of here. It doesn't matter that I'm all sticky and in desperate need of a shower, I can do so at my apartment where there won't be anyone else to remind me of how splendid a night I had and how totally against my character that was.

Jumping out of bed, I reached for the nearest piece of clothing I could find that belonged to black heels. Okay, so they weren't clothing but at least they were mine. I went out the wooden door in search for the rest of my clothing, completely naked and hoped that Daniel was the only person to inhibit this apartment.

My panties were right outside the door and thankfully, there wasn't anyone in this room. Pulling my panties on, I noticed that just like the bedroom, this room too was huge and barely furnished. A fridge, a sofa and a TV. That's all it had along with an open kitchen. The opposite wall however, was made completely of glass and gave a view of the road in front of the bar.

Finally spotting my dress by the front door, I rushed over and picked it up, checked for creases and pulled it over my head and down my body. Just as I removed my hair over my shoulders and reached for the zipper, I felt someone else tug it up my back. I yelped and turned around, only to find Daniel standing behind me in only grey dress pants. He grinned as my eyes met his bottomless blue ones.

"Planning on running, zucchero?" His accent sounded thicker today.

"I-I was just-" I cut off awkwardly, flailing my hands around me as if that explained everything.

"You were just?" He raised an eyebrow, his smirk made it clear he was enjoying my perturbation way too much.

"Look, I really need to get home now." I said at last.

"Should you?" He stepped closer, towering a foot over me. His bare chest kept begging my attention.

"Yes." I gulped, completely forgetting what I was saying yes to.

"I guess you should," he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and pushed the locks over my shoulder. "We'd probably get nowhere if you stayed. Pity, I could've made you one Hell of a naked breakfast."

I gulped again, my throat suddenly too dry and took a small step back. Daniel radiated power through every pore and being near him was like getting drawn in by an invisible magnet. It wasn't doing me any good rather than frying my brain cell by cell.

"Can you tell me how I can get my purse?" I asked instead. "I think I left it on my bar stool last night." And just the mere mention of last night had me blushing like a rotten tomato.

"I saw one of your friends pick it up," he stepped into my personal space again, his hands going up my arm, leaving goose bumps in their wake. "Are you sure you don't want a shower?"

"Y-yes, I'm s-sure." Mentally cussing myself for stuttering, I took in a deep breath and immediately, the scent of cinnamon with a fresh bite of lime drowned my senses. How can a man so intimidating smell so gooood!

"Good. I like my scent on you." With that, he backed away and went into his bedroom, leaving me gaping after him. He returned not long after, but this time he was dressed in a steel blue shirt and in the process of throwing on a grey jacket, similar to the dress pants.

And to think I was drooling over him last night.

"Come on. We'll have breakfast on the way and then I can drop you off." He said, fixing the buttons at his cuffs.

"There's really no nee-"as if on cue, my traitor stomach gave a loud roar making me flush from head to toe.

He simply held out his hand for me.

I placed mine on his a bit hesitantly. His big, warm hands engulfed mine a second later, pulling me out the door, down the same set of stairs but this time he exited through another door which brought us to a shiny silver Sedan. Thankfully I'd already put on my heels while he donned his shirt, or I'd be dragged barefoot around town.

I wondered yet again why I was even following him, letting him take control. I could very well blame it on him and say that he intimidated me into doing things, but everyone who knew me, knows that I don't bow down to bullying or to men who intimidate to get their ways. Daniel didn't seem that kind of a guy. He simply knew the effect he had on other people and was confident of his enticement.

So, then why was I so drawn towards him?

The answer was simple, I was intrigued by him.