Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Revelations

Daniel’s P.O.V:

“You knew?”

It broke my heart to see the distrust in Grace’s eyes, but I knew it was more shock than actual distrust. I nodded my head. “This weekend, when you’d been on your conference, Kendra came over to the club.” I rubbed my hands on my face. “You should’ve seen her, Grace. She was a mess. She wouldn’t stop drinking and she could hardly walk. I had to call in a doctor to stabilize her. It was in that drunken state that she confessed she had a relationship with your brother.”

Grace sat on the bed beside me, looking a bit calmer. “For how long?”

“It didn’t sound like it was something new. In fact, I had tried not to pry but when your brother came over for Thanksgiving, I saw it then too. There was something between them...a tension of sorts and it seemed like they had some unfinished business between them.”