Chapter 55

Chapter 55:

Tatiana’s P.O.V

Damien seemed nervous to tell me his story. I could clearly see the weariness in his eyes. But curiosity had won over me and I couldn’t seem to tell him to stop, even if it meant him being uncomfortable. I was going to see a part of Damien not everyone knew; it was my chance to get to know him better, to see how his mind really worked.

“I met Marian Joseph a little over a year ago, at a night club.” Damien began. “She was a beautiful woman with this dark hair and pale green eyes, so it wasn't a surprise we ended up spending the night together.” I tried to suppress my jealousy as I heard Damien describe this Marian woman, but the only comfort I found was that he didn’t look all that thrilled to be telling me this story. In fact, there was an underlying tone of bitterness to his voice.