Chapter 18

Chapter 18: When Opportunity Comes Knocking

“Honey, what is the pyrimidine base in a DNA?” Was the first thing my dad asked as soon as I closed the front door behind me, Raymond having left the last of their luggage at our doorstep.

“Not this again!” My mom gave a dramatic eye roll. “We just got back from a 4-hour drive, aren’t you the least bit tired?”

“Just catching up with our daughter, Tasha. Being a good dad and watching out for her isn’t a crime.” Dad defended himself, which simply made me and my mother groan. Being a good dad, my ass! We both knew it was him being a typical dad and bringing out the guns at the sight of another man around his precious little princess.

“It’s cytosine and thymine, dad,” I answered on a sigh. Well, two could play this game.

“Very good, Akira!” Mom praised me enthusiastically and then turned to dad. “If your scrutiny is over Dmitri, can we go unpack? I’m hungry, and where on Earth is Eva?”