Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Let’s Go

Rhys’s P.O.V

"A white wolf in the Middle Himalayas?" I looked at them unbelieving. "You know I can't believe that, right? There haven’t been any wolf packs in India for the last few decades. Even if they’re rogue, they must have gotten to the Himalayas by crossing the mountains somehow. And if that’s the case, then someone must have seen them. I’ve had no such reports in the last decade and neither had the previous Alpha."

"Yeah, we thought you wouldn't believe us. After all, it was just a fragment of our imagination that killed eight of our best spies." Aiden answered sarcastically, but his voice shook with the pain of loss.

"It's true. You can see our memories if you want to. But there is a white wolf in the Middle Himalayas, a potentially powerful Alpha that just killed our men. We need to investigate if he is any threat to us. I cannot just stand and watch as our men get slaughtered!" Devon said, his voice coming out as a harsh snarl.

I saw Zyane tense up from the corner of my eyes but I made a tiny movement with my hand to tell him to stand down. Devon and Aiden weren’t in their proper state of mind, having just lost some of their best warriors. I could sympathies with them, but I also knew they were looking for a motive.

It was tradition. If we were able to defeat an Alpha then their pack members were distributed among the other packs. Their Alpha was then killed or sentenced to wander alone as a rogue wolf, depending on the severity of their crimes. These two obviously had things in mind for the wolves in the Himalayas. If they kill the Alpha, they could easily take in the wolves under their command and extend their pack numbers. But they were both Alphas. It was not my place to point out how they rule their territory or if they want to declare war on another Alpha. Rogue’s were nomadic wolves that deny the authority of an Alpha and roam free on their own, but if this rogue pack had decided to bond together, it might be to cause trouble for the other existing pack around their location.

"I'll investigate into the matter," I gave them a pointed look when they opened their mouth to protest. "I don't need you two starting any unnecessary war with someone who probably just wants to be left alone. I can take care of the matter alone. And we won't pointlessly capture and kill for your sick pleasures."

"But what if the Al-" Aiden started but I cut him off.

"If the Alpha wants to attack, I'll take him down. If they decide to form a treaty, they are free to join us. And if they want to be left alone, they will be left ALONE…until they make a move." I emphasized the word 'alone' to make the two dickheads understand.

"Ok. Fine. Whatever!" Devon and Aiden replied simultaneously and the line went dead.

God, they could sulk better than any woman in her menstrual cycle.

I sighed in relief and turned to Zyane who had been listening to the entire conversation quietly while staying out of the camera range. I couldn’t directly involve him into our conversation; he wasn’t an Alpha so the others could take insult. "What do you think?" I asked him while rubbing my temples.

"Those pigs are after the women." Zyane replied with a frown. "But if they are willing to let you check their mind then it means they aren't lying either."

Wolves in a pack were all connected to their Alpha through a mental bond. But a unique trait that only an Alpha could possess is the power to read the minds of other Alphas and their pack members. By their permission of course, or in cases of emergency, otherwise it would start an unnecessary war among the packs. Nobody wants to be violated by another Alpha when they have no business snooping around in another person’s mind.

"We need to check it out. See if they plan on attacking or if they’re a pack of rogues hiding up there to regroup and attack another pack," I told Zyane. “Rogue’s rarely form a pack and this white wolf must be really powerful to have brought a bunch of maniacs under his control.”

"I'll come with you. I'm almost as strong as you are and as your Beta it is my duty to protect you from danger. But, do we take a few fighters with us on this trip? The white Alpha attacking those spies clearly meant they don't like trespassers in their lands. We have to be careful and the more people we take, the better our chances are of defending ourselves from sneak attacks. We are heading to unknown territory after all.” Zyane warned.

I sat in my chair thinking for a while, deciding on the best steps. Then I nodded in agreement. "You can come. And bring four of our best fighters with us. No more, no less. And since we'll both be gone, tell half of rest of the fighters to guard the perimeters and keep the rest on standby. Adrian will act as leader for the time being and make sure no one knows that we're leaving. And I mean no one; except the fighters and Adrian. We don’t need anyone getting any ideas." Adrian was my third in command; and it was best that we didn’t broadcast our departure plans to others. The less people who knew, the less the chances of a surprise attack.

"Got it." Zyane said and turned to leave when I called out to him. "Yes?"

"We leave tonight."

Zyane didn't complain, just went out the door to perform his duties.

I quickly went through what was left of the paperwork and got up and stretched. The clock read 2pm. It was time for lunch and to get some much needed rest before the trip. Then we had to pack and leave in the dark of the night so that no one finds out about our exact time of departure and alerts the other Alphas. I wasn’t stupid enough to think that I didn’t have spies in my land. Every Alpha had their spies in another territory. Information about the opposition’s strengths and weaknesses was vital in case of a war. And the darkness will help hide our identities in case there are any onlookers. Aiden and Devon won't consider me acting this quickly. They would expect me to wait at least a week before I took action. I'll be back home by then.

I headed to the kitchen in the main pack house to get some lunch. The pack house at this time was nearly empty with everyone out to work, school or on patrol duty. The kitchen staff would be preparing lunch for when everyone arrived home, which could be any minute now. Normally, I would have a seat at the dining room and ask how everyone was doing but today I was a little preoccupied.

I came to the kitchen and gave a sharp nod as everyone bowed their heads in respect and fear. Without me asking, a pretty brunette with skimpy clothes and killer legs walked up to me with my lunch tray in hand. I took it from her and was about to leave when I felt her hands trailing up my arm, a clear declaration of what she wanted from me.

"In my room." I told her, loud enough for everyone to hear. I make no secret of who I sleep with because, if I didn’t, there’d be rumors all over town and I hated it when fake news started circulating the pack. I’d taken even fewer lovers in the past couple of years because, I’d reached the stage of my life when I’m required to settle down with my mate, and she deserves my complete loyalty. But I haven’t found her yet and wolves, just like most shifters, are highly sexual creatures; it’s difficult to hold our urges in check for longer periods of time. The suppressed urges can even lead to violent behavior.

I turned and went up to my room with my tray in hand. This was my temporary room since I only stay in the pack house during the day. It was a simple room with wooden floors, a king sized bed, a TV, a small closet with a few spare clothes and a bathroom. This is where I bring in my mistress, especially when the breeding urge gets too strong to resist during the winter months.

I have my own house a bit further towards the forest edge. It's especially reserved for my mate and I. I've never brought a woman there and never will until I find my mate.

I ate my lunch quickly and waited for her to arrive. When she did, I wasted no time.

Locking the door after her, I turned her around and slammed her on the wall, ripping her clothes in the process. In the end there was not much to rip.


"Y-you're done?" the girl asked still panting as she lay on my bed, covered by the white sheets.

"Yes." I replied curtly and picked out an outfit to wear for the evening. I’ll need to start packing soon if I wanted to leave tonight and I’ll need plenty of warm clothing.

"B-b-but..." she trailed off unsure and scared.

"I have work, sweetheart. Go and take the dishes with you," I told her firmly and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door shut and locking it. There was no point in getting her hopes up. I didn’t do relationships and I wasn’t about to give her any false expectations about the future.

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath.

She might have given me a release but I was far from being satisfied. And the only person who could give me that satisfaction was my mate.

"Damnit all!" I repeated, punching the wall as the water cascaded down my body. I need to find my mate and I need to find her fast. Not only did I need someone to hold the fort while I was gone, I also needed a mate to soother the inner restlessness of the pack.

But right now, there are bigger challenges to deal with. The top among that list:

The White Wolf.