New Employees

Three weeks have passed, and the hiring process for Management Trainee for Black Bamboo Café has ended. Along the three weeks, Ken get around twenty-person that is interested in working with Black Bamboo Café. Most come from Zhoumen University, one or two come from the neighboring universities.

With all the processes finished, Black Bamboo Café now has three new employees. All three of them were students in Zhoumen University's Business Administration Undergraduate Program.

They are Wu Siyi, Zhang Zhixin, and Huang Yingwei. Hao Siyi and Huang Yingwei is friends since they enrolled together at Zhoumen University. Meanwhile, Zhang Zhixin is only an acquintance with Wu Siyi and Huang Yingwei, but as they study in the same place, they know each other.

Based on Ken's first impression, Wu Siyi is a cheerful woman, Zhang Zhixin is an easy-going man, and Huang Yingwei is a serious and confident woman.

Even though they were studying in the same major, their specialization is different. Wu Siyi was taking the finance, Zhang Zhixin specialize in marketing, while Huang Yingwei took the management.


Main store of Black Bamboo Café.

"Oh, all of you are here already. Sorry to make you wait." Ken just come to the café and he notices that three of the newly hired people is already sitting at the same table. Today is the first day of work for those three people.

As there is still no office for the management of Black Bamboo Café, Ken is forced to use one part of the café for a meeting. Ken actually want to use the staff room but as it will bother the staff, he decided to not use it.

While sitting down, Ken noticed that the three has a formal outfit while he use his casual outfit. He feels like that he is the weird one here.

"Looks like I am mistaking my outfit for today. Haha…" Ken tried to start the conversation with a joke. "…" It doesn't look like a good joke.

"Well, let's not think about that. Nice to meet you all, I am really happy that all of you want to work in this small place." Ken stopped for a second before continuing, "As you know, we only have 2 stores as of now. Also, we don't even have proper management for this, most of the management is done by me and the two store managers. This recruitment is Black Bamboo Cafe's first step in building the proper management."

"Now for what you will do here. I want to split you up. One of you will be here, one of you in the first branch, and the last one will follow me. So anyone wants to be in the shop?"

Wu Siyi raised her hand, asking a question, "What will we do in the shop?"

"I need you to make the financial report for this month. Other than that I want you to observe how the manager does marketing, supplying, and managing the worker. I'm pretty sure you all have already learned how to do accounting and make a financial report right? Now I want to see you use the knowledge in practice." Ken answered.

"I will let you discuss it first, tell me when you already decided."

Ken then move from those three, but it is not far when he heard Wu Siyi suggesting something.

"Want to use rock paper scissors to determine this?"

'Huh!?' Ken is surprised

Zhang Zhixin replied, "Sure, the winner chooses where he/she want to go."

'You too!? Is this really okay?' Ken is a little worried about his new employees.


Ken is now together with Huang Yingwei. They are inside a taxi to the northern part of Zhoumen City. They want to go to the 3N Real Estate Agency to look for a small office. The loser of the rock paper scissor game is Huang Yingwei and she gets the remaining choice, which is following Chen Qiu.

"That is how I became friends with Wu Siyi." Huang Yingwei has just finished her story about her first meeting with Wu Siyi. "She might look a little aloof but she is always serious when it matters. Always."

"Hee… I don't know that the two of you are friends. Are you also friends with Zhang Zhixin?" Ken asked Huang Yingwei, he is a little interested.

"Well not really… I know him, we are in the same major, but I am not close to him."

"Hey, can I ask you a question? You can also choose not to answer if you think it is not good. Why are you choosing Black Bamboo Café? I am pretty sure with your resume, you can get a good company in the business area." Ken changed the topic with a question for Huang Yingwei.

"To be fair, I only applied here when Wu Siyi tell me to. I also applied to many other companies. But when both of us get called for an interview, I said why not. Then in the interview you said about the salaries and… hehe, I am happy to get the job," she grinned a little at the end.

"Oh shoot, I paid too much?"

"Yes." Huang Yinwei replied fast with a grin plastered on her face.