This night, Blake and Joanna are sat on the couch, watching the TV. Blake has his notebook, pen, and laptop set before him on the coffee table. The laptop's on the God's Plan blog page. The TV's showing the season premiere of the blockbuster reality series, 'Catching Up with the Carlsons.' The Carlsons are a big, wealthy family with a shady, scandalous background, but people love them for their openness, liberalness, and nudity. Trisha Carlson, the main star of the show, for her spiraling personality, and sexy demeanor, and her 4 year old son, Louis, are consulting with a psychiatrist, Dr. Schmidt, in her office. The psychiatrist breaks the news to Trisha, that her son, Louis, has Asperger's Syndrome Autism. Trisha takes this in, her head dropping as she pauses, mind reeling. The doctor does her best to condole her, telling her how sorry she is, that she knows how sad this must be for her.

"Sad for you," says Blake as he jots in his notebook, "gold for me. No offense."