David is Cassidy's only child, bore him by the wife that's left him from frustration of being cheated on, over and over again. David's twenty-five, and would much rather live on his trust fund, than bothering himself having any kind of job. He was in his room, getting his freak on with a dude friend when he needed a drink of water from the dispenser in the hall, but much to his annoyance, it was out, and he had to head downstairs to the kitchen. On getting to the upstairs landing, he noticed downstairs, a strange assortment of people, and in that, two men in balaclavas, one of them wielding a pistol. He retreated back into his room, not saying a word to the dude he left hanging, and he rushed to his closet, fishing out his Varminter K1-V-BBZ hunting rifle. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?!" Alfie, the dude friend, asked.

"Stay here," said David, "there's trouble downstairs."

"What kinda trouble?"

"Guys with guns."

"Oh my God!" said Alfie.