One Small Step for Jon Snow…

Jon knew his father's order will be imposed from the next morning. So he figured that he needed to do a few things while he still could. He didn't return to his room from Lord Stark's solar. Instead, he went to the Godswood. He climbed the Hearts Tree and broke off two sticks the length and breadth of a longsword. He was barred from the training yard, but that didn't mean he can't practice in his room. He tied them together and put them behind his back, under his tunic. He had to walk stiff but it's for only a short time. Then he went to the Maester's room. If his calculation was correct, then Maester Luwin was partaking in his supper at the Great Hall. There, he swiped a couple more books – one on the treaties between the kingdoms since the Conquest, and another on the political histories of the North. If he was going to be confined by forced incarceration, then he will make sure that his time was spent wisely. The last stop he made was at the Crypt. He felt that he needed to explain to Lady Lyanna why he wouldn't be visiting her for the next few days.

Jon stood in front of her statue. She appeared to be smiling down at him as if she approved of how Jon plans to spend his punishment. He took hold of her hands. "I don't know anything about you, My Lady. I wonder if you are my mother…and I intend to find out the whole truth. But one thing is for sure, even if it appears that you are my aunt only, I'll forever consider you my mother. For you have always been there when I needed someone. Mayhaps it was you who guided me towards the Gods and their blessing. I will always love you for that, mother. I will not be able to visit for a few days, but after that, I'll come back. I heard that the winter roses were your favourite. I'll try to bring you some the next time. Good night, mother." He kissed her cheek and made his way out of the Crypt.

Jon was near the doors when he heard the approaching footsteps. He entertained the idea of hiding at first, but then thought better of it and continued on his way. Right on the staircase, he came face to face with Lord Stark.

"Jon?! What are you doing here at this hour of the night?" Lord Stark was surprised, and a little suspicious.

Jon raised the gloves that he pulled off earlier when he held Lyanna's hands. "I left them here earlier when I was playing with Arya. As I will not be allowed to come out later, I came down now to retrieve them. I don't want them to be damp or damaged."

Ned peered at him for a few moments, then nodded, "Very well then. On your way, lad."

Jon nodded and strode out with his head held high.


Success: Lying +5

*Line Break*

You have slept in your bed, it restored your Health, Stamina, Mana to their maximum. Whatever ailments you may have suffered are nullified.

Jon had stayed up the previous night and read through the history of the rebellion. Finishing the book acquired him 10 points to his Common Tongue skill and added one single point to his Intelligence attribute. Though he went to sleep near the hour of the wolf, his Champion's body aided him to be well-rested when he woke up an hour before the sunrise. He put a chair to his table and sat there contemplating the things he read and started to make notes.

Though the book stated that the proper rebellion had started when the Mad King Aerys had burned his grandfather Rickard Stark alive and his uncle Brandon chocked himself to death trying to reach his father, the wick was lighted during the tourney of Harrenhal. An unknown knight, only known as the Knight of the Laughing Tree created quite a raucous when he unhorsed three knights. Then the Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen won the jousting event and crowned Lady Lyanna as his Queen of Love and Beauty. The uproar that caused was enormous. Princess Elia, Rhaegar's wife was present at the tourney as well as then Lord Robert Baratheon, the betrothed of Lady Lyanna. It was said that the Prince had slighted Dorne, Stormlands and the North with a single stroke. Later it was said that the Prince had then abducted and absconded with the Lady. Lord Brandon, the then heir to Winterfell was at Riverrun for his wedding with Lady Catelyn when the news reached them. Lord Brandon went to the Capital and demanded that the Prince "come out and die!" The Mad King threw Lord Brandon in the Black Cells and demanded Lord Rickard to come down to the Capital, who went there with 100 men and demanded a Trial by Combat to free his heir. Aerys then roasted Rickard in his armour claiming fire as his champion while he put Brandon in shackles around his neck in front of his father and a sword almost within his reach. Rickard died by fire and Brandon choked to death trying to reach for the sword. Then the King demanded from Lord Jon Arryn, who was fostering Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon, for his wards' heads. The three men then raised their banners and rebelled against the Targaryens and the loyalists. The alliance later joined by the Riverlands by the ways of marriages, Ned Stark to Catelyn Tully and Jon Arryn to Lysa Tully. Robert slew Rhaegar in single combat where he caved in his chest with his war hammer. After that, when the Allied forces, led by Ned Stark, reached the Capital, they found that the Westland led by Lord Tywin Lannister, who sat out the entire rebellion, were already there and sacked the city. The Mad King was slain by his own Kingsguard Ser Jaime Lannister. Princess Elia and her children with Prince Rhaegar, Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon were murdered brutally and their bodies were presented to Robert Baratheon by Tywin as a peace offering. Ned Stark vehemently protested about the merciless killings of the innocents and stormed out to lift the siege of Storm's End. Then he went to Dorne to retrieve his sister only to return with her body, saying she had died of a fever. The alliance then put Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne and had him wed to Cersei Lannister.

So much were unclear to Jon. The glaring inconsistencies could never be overlooked. If Prince Rhaegar suddenly declared Lady Lyanna his Queen of Love and Beauty, then how could he offer a crown made of winter roses? That flower can only be found in the North, in extreme cold condition. Then how did the Prince, or whoever arranged for the crown, had fresh winter roses for the crown to be made and that too in a place like Harrenhal, deep in the Riverlands? Lyanna was said to be a fierce she-wolf, then how come she was abducted without anybody noticing from the heart of the North? Or the fact that nobody was aware of their journey from the North to Dorne? Who told Lord Brandon about the abduction? Only four Kingsguard were counted for during the entirety of the rebellion, Prince Llewyin Martell was killed alongside Rhaegar, Ser Barristan Selmy was injured and surrendered after the fall of Rhaegar, Ser Jaime Lannister was with the Mad King, Ser Jonothor Darry was with Queen Rhaella, he later arranged for his cousin Ser Willem Darry, the then Commander of the Gold Cloaks to fled to Essos with Prince Viserys and Princess Daenerys. Ser Jonothor died by his Queen's side when Lord Stannis attacked Dragonstone. But Ser Gerold Hightower, Ser Oswell Whent and Ser Arthur Dayne were at Dorne. Jon had heard stories about how Lord Stark and his friends came upon them when they tried to rescue Lady Lyanna and how Lord Stark had beat Ser Arthur in single combat. What were they doing at Dorne? Ser Gerold was then the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, he was supposed to be with the King, or even with the Crown Prince. And it was said that the Prince and Ser Arthur were best of friends, why then the Sword of Morning left his friend alone to die? It was said that they were guarding Lady Lyanna, but Jon didn't believe that it would take three Kingsguards, the likes of the White Bull, Ser Gerold; the Black Bat, Ser Oswell; and the Sword of Morning, Ser Arthur to guard a lone woman so far from her home and country. How did Lord Stark come to know that his sister was in Dorne? Nothing made sense, the numbers just didn't add up. And to top it all off, Lord Eddard Stark had come back from Dorne with the bones of his sister and a newborn babe in his arms, Jon himself. He was now almost sure that Lyanna Stark is his mother.

Jon sat at the table tugging on his hair. His eyes darting through all the notes he had made. Trying to find one clue, one confirmation that he was wrong about the conclusion he had reached. If Lyanna is his mother, then is he a child born of rape? A Blackfyre or a Sand instead of a Snow, but bastard nonetheless? But he didn't have any Valyrian features, did he? He heard that the Targaryens or Blackfyres have silver blond, almost white hair. They have purple coloured eyes. He had dark hair…and grey eyes. He couldn't be the blood of the dragons, could he? Out of all Stark children, only Jon and Arya had the Stark looks. And everybody, even Lord Stark, was heard to say how Arya was Lyanna reborn, by the looks and nature. It wasn't a big secret either that Jon and Arya look like true siblings, born of the same parents. It could be said that if Jon were a girl, or Arya were a boy, they would look exactly alike. He leaned back into his chair and heaved a sigh. Even his Champion's Mind wasn't able to shed a light. He brought his face to his hands and rubbed vigorously, trying to stave off the weariness he felt.

Suddenly, a strong icy wind blew through the open window, scattering all the parchments upon Jon's table. He scrambled out of the chair running to catch the flying parchments, the notes on them could prove fatal if fell into the wrong hands. Jon didn't notice where he was going in his haste of catching every last bit of those parchments. One landed right at the hearth, and Jon, without thinking, thrusted his hand into the roaring flame to snatch it back. It had already caught on fire, tried as he might, he couldn't save it. Once again, his action caught up to him rather late. Jon snatched his hand back from the open flame and looked at it with fearful eyes. The sleeve of his tunic was singed around the edge but his hand was absolutely fine. Not even a single boil or a burnt mark could be found on his pristine, white skin. In a daze, Jon again slowly put his hand in the flame, after waiting a few moments, he took the hand out. The sleeve had caught fire now, but his skin remained unblemished. For fire can't hurt a dragon.


Quest Complete!

Find out about the identities of your parents!

You are the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen!


Trait: Dragonblood: Blood of Old Valirya runs through your veins. Your blood is magic. You may develop the ability like Deanys the Dreamer and have Dragon-dreams as you mature. It is also possible for someone of your bloodline to hatch a dragon egg and become a dragon rider. You are resistant to fire.

Trait: The Song of Ice and Fire. Your bloodlines have granted you unique abilities. As you mature, and your skill(s) grow, you will come to know of the blessings your birth has given you.

+3 Strength

+3 Endurance

+3 Perception

+3 Dexterity

+3 Intelligence

+3 Willpower

+10 Charisma

+3 Luck

Title: The Hidden Dragon

200 exp


Your Character Sheet has been updated!


Level Up!

You have reached Level 2!

Jon felt sick. He ran to the privy and emptied his stomach. He came back on shaky legs to his bed and collapsed on it.

*Line Break*

It's been two hours since Jon got back to his bed. A maid had come and put a plate of food on the table, his morning meal. He didn't feel the energy to get up and eat. He didn't think that he can eat anything. He just kept staring at the Champion's Character Screen.

His real name is Aemon, like the Dragon Knight. How many times was it that he fought with Robb for who to be the Dragon Knight in their games? Now he was Aemon for true. And he was a Targaryen, not a Blackfyre, or a Snow, he wasn't a bastard. They were married, Rheagar and Lyanna were married. But he was already married to Princess Elia, how could he marry Lyanna then? Did they know each other from before? The crown of winter roses certainly points out their familiarity. Did they plan to run away together? Why would then the rumour of the Prince abducting Lyanna spread throughout the Kingdoms? Was it Robert Baratheon who started the claim because he was spurned by Lyanna? It wasn't hard to imagine an older Arya raising all kinds of hells if she was being married off against her wishes. It can be understandable why his uncle claimed him as his bastard after the massacre of Targaryen children at the Red Keep. If his identity came to the front, he would've joined his half-siblings' fate. If the honourable Ned Stark said he was his bastard, nobody was to gainsay him.

Jon got up from his bed and reached for the food. He chewed on without paying any notice what he was eating, his turbulent mind running here, there, everywhere. Finishing the plate, he started to pace around his room, he just couldn't sit still. He brought out the sticks he collected last night from their hidden place. He went through the motions of the stances. Jon took a deep breath and prepared himself for a battle. He let loose whatever he learned in the training yard. Parries, thrusts, slashes, stabs – he attacked the imaginary foes with every ounce of his strength. All of his rages poured through. He didn't know for how long he warred with the shadow opponents. It seemed to him like too soon that he collapsed on all four panting. Sweat ran down his brow like a river, his tunic sticking to his body.


Success: +10 Sword

+1 End

Jon hardened his resolves. It wouldn't do him any good wallowing in misery. He needed information, he needed to know why his parents had to die, why his step-mother, his siblings were killed. And he had been granted a boon unknowingly by the form of this punishment. Nobody to tell him if he immersed himself in tomes for two days. He wiped his brow and got up, it was time to visit the Maester.

*Line Break*

When Jon reached the Maester's tower, he could see Robb, Theon and Bran were taking their lessons from him. Well, Robb and Theon were conspiring in low voices and Bran was squirming in his seat looking out the window. Jon knocked on the door, they all looked up to him.

"Jon!" Bran shouted excitedly and tried to run towards him, only Robb to grab his shoulder and kept him in his seat. Theon had a wide mocking grin stretched on his face.

Robb raised an eyebrow at him – What the hell were you thinking?

Jon shrugged his shoulders – I don't know, my mouth got the better of me.

Robb shook his head – I am sorry, brother.

Jon nodded – It's alright.

The sound of Luwin clearing his throat brought an end to their silent conversation, "What can I do for you, Jon?"

"I have come to return this book to you, Maester. I am done with it."

Luwin's eyebrows reached his hair. "You've read the entire thing? I just gave you the book last night!"

Jon nodded his head, "Aye, Maester. When I came to know that I am to be barred from any outdoor activities, I stayed up the night and finished reading the book."

Luwin peered closely at Jon. He certainly looked like a fright. Hair sticking out everywhere, dark circles under his eyes, rumpled and sweat-stained clothes. Jon's earlier break-down helped him to establish his story. Theon's snickering could be heard in the back, then a shuffle and sharp yelp. Robb had kicked him in the shin.

"While I am glad about your newfound scholarly attitude, lad, I feel I must object with the tendency you are showing. Seeking knowledge is a noble path, but not at the cost of one's health. If I am to help you farther in your quest of knowledge, Jon, then you must give me your word that you will not lose yourself between the pages and will properly take care of yourself." Luwin said sternly.

Jon nodded, "Aye, Maester, I promise. It was just that sleep didn't come easily to me last night, so I thought I may as well finish my reading."

"Very well, will you be wanting a different subject or continue with the one you are currently on?"

"I will continue. There are still so many things I am yet to understand."

"Hmm, good. You know where the books are, then."

Jon went to the shelf and put the tome back in its place. He took out two more books and dared a glance for any more skill books, no such luck. He bid the Maester goodbye on his way out, giving the shortest nod to Robb – I'll see you later, Stark.

Robb winked at him – Be good now, Snow.

*Line Break*

Jon made several trips to the Maester for the duration of his punishment. He now understood that there was a huge conspiracy that brought down the dynasty of the dragons. The so-called abduction of his mother or the deaths of his maternal grandfather and uncle were the excuses the conspirators used to do the dirty deeds. What he didn't understand was the motive of the said men. Were they acting alone or were there more than one group of men? Is it possible that someone or someones saw an opportunity and sowed chaos for their gains during the turmoil? Who are these men that brought such devastating blow to both sides of his family? Jon swore to himself that he will get to the bottom of this mystery.

He spent his punishment reading tomes and practising his Valyrian letterings. As the Maester said, writing down the spiral letters did indeed loosen up his left hand and wrist. His diligence proved true when he could write in Common Tongue with both his hands at almost the same speed. Maester Luwin was ecstatic with his progress. He kept reminding Jon to keep him posted on his martial experiences with his left hand. Jon also kept up with his sword practice. Right-handed, left-handed, even times with both hands – he used the sticks as many times as he could. On the third day, the day that his punishment was over, he woke up with several alerts.


Quest Complete!

Two of a Kind

Do you want to become a Dual Wielder? Do you want to shoot arrows with either hand? Try to find out how to train your non-dominant hand to work simultaneously with your dominant hand.

Reward: +1 Dex

+1 Int

10 Exp


Quest Complete!

Sharp as a Blade

You can train your body to become the perfect weapon of warfare. But a body cannot function without a sound mind. If your body needs working out to be in top physical condition, then your mind needs books to be sharpened at its finest. Try to read a book or two!

Visit Maester Luwin about relative books that may help you!

Bonus Objective: Find a Skill Book

Reward: +1 Int

+1 Wil

10 Exp

Bonus Objective Reward: 20 Exp


Quest Complete!

Free as a Bird!

You've been caged and now you are free to reach out for the skies once again. Your punishment made you come out stronger than you were!

Reward: +1 Str

+1 Per

+10 Politics

+ 10 Economy

+10 Lying

+10 Strategy

+20 Valyrian

+20 Common Tongue

20 Exp


Level Up!

You've reached Level 3!