WebNovelMiaw Miaw19.05%

Chapter 4

"Well...yes, I know of someone."

All of their heads turn to the deep voice.

"Frankly, I could think of more than just one person who would've wanted to do our father harm, and to be honest, I'd one of them."

Mia sits on the comfortable sofa, with her eyes and ears not believing what just happened. Not only did she learn that the deceased had many enemies, but she learned that even one of his sons wished him harm.

Jake sits next to Mia on the blood-red sofa, starting to get very interested in what the four brothers have to say.

Not that he didn't know, but he still wanted them to admit to it.

"Rob? Why would you say something like that?" Mia asks, astonished at the fact that a son would want to hurt his father.

"I am not at liberty to say. Even if I did, it would do more harm that good," the youngest brother admits truthfully.

"But you know you can trust me, right? I promise that what is said between the two of us is purely confidential. That goes for all of you. If you feel the need to share something, always feel free to call me. I left my cell phone number with Mr. Heffley," Mia says, her voice containing the fire of determination but also giving off the feeling of trust.

A few seconds pass, awkward silence filling the room. Mia tried to piece together some reasons why Rob would even need to cause harm to his father. While she wonders what else he's hiding.

Jake cleared his throat, getting the attention of all the people in the room.

"So if there isn't anything else, we'd best be on our way," He says while getting up from the sofa.

Mia is also about to get up when she notices a small hint of guilt resting in the second youngest brother's facial expression.

"Austin? Are you alright? Is there something you would like to share before we go?" Mia asks sweetly, trying to get the shy boy to open up to her.

"U-um. Well, y-yeah, kind of. When Rob said that he would've wanted to hurt Father, that made me realise that... I wanted to hurt him, too..." The younger boy says, tears already welling up in his doe eyes.

Mia goes to sit next to him on the sofa, across from where she sat, and puts her hand on the poor boy's back, gently rubbing it, to assure him, that with her, no judgement was going to be tolerated. None. Not from her or anyone else.

"Austin...it's normal to want to hurt others from time to time. The most important fact, though, is to get the reason for the

hatred in the open. That's the only way I can help you," Mia says, not stopping the rubbing on the brown-eyed boy's back. She hopes that after reassuring him that she won't judge him, he would trust her enough to open up to her. Even if it's just a little bit.

"Well... I'm...I'm gay... and let's just say that Father didn't take it too well. He threatened to disown me and promised me that if I were to stop my foolish phase, he would make sure none of it came out and...and... he wouldn't hurt...I'm sorry, I can't..." Austin says before bursting into tears, Mia instantly embraces him in a warm and loving hug, letting the boy grab her loose shirt, and cry his heart out.

After what seems like hours, the boy stops crying, his nose red, and his eyes bloodshot. Mia's heart breaks at the sight of him crying.

The room is suddenly as silent as could be, the only sound resonating in the room being Austin's sniffles.

Mia gives the boy one last hug to calm him down, and that seems to work. He suddenly gives her a small smile and a proper hug, pulling away, but not before whispering a small 'Thank you' into her ear.

Mia smiles at this, knowing that she got the boy to open up, even if he didn't tell the entire story. She knows that he trusted her enough to tell her he's gay and to her, that was the biggest step that could've been taken by him.

"Thank you for sharing something so personal with me, Austin. It means the world to me," Mia smiles at the male, receiving a boxy grin in return.

Jake stands there, amazed by Mia's ability to get people to open up about stuff that isn't exactly easily talked about.

'Another reason why she would make a great chief,' Jake thinks to himself.

After about two hours, she gets home from the Grey mansion, Mia decides to go take a bath, relaxing as the warm water envelopes her body. She takes a lengthy bath, and after she gets out, she puts on her oversized sweater and some sweatpants and goes downstairs to get some dinner going.

As she was busy stirring the pot with the lamb stew in it, she heard a ping on her phone and quickly went to see what it was.

You have 2 unread messages...

unknown: Hey Mia, thanks for our talk today, I appreciated it.

unknown: BTW, this is  Austin Grey.

She smiles at the younger boy's antics, and she quickly replies.

Mia: Hey Austin! I hope you feel better! Haha, I'm like your unpaid therapist, but I love it, though!

She puts down her phone, but not even a second later, she hears her phone ping again.

Austin: Yeah...

Austin: I'm sorry for bursting out in tears like that. It doesn't happen that often, but I just felt like I could tell you everything you know. You're so easy to talk to.

Mia: Well, I'm glad I could help! Feel free to talk to me anytime you like.

Austin: I will, I promise. Thanks for being my new friend. I already know we're gonna be besties! (PS:Don't tell Rob you're my new bestie or he will have a fit!)

Mia: It'll be our little secret.

Austin: It better be!

She switches off her phone and goes to check on her stew, the tasty aroma already filling the small kitchen.

After she eats, she brushes her teeth and crawls into bed, pulling the fluffy covers over her body.

She switches her phone on again, and it is instantly filled with messages.

(4) Messages from Austin

(2) Messages from unknown

(3) Messages from Mr Annoying

(1) Call missed from Austin

(5) Instagram notifications

She sighs and opens up her messenger app.

You have 4 unread messages

Austin: crap

Austin: Rob saw the chats!

Austin: And now he's sad. Do you think he's mad?

Austin: Help me!

She giggles out loud at the boy and his adorable actions.

She quickly replies. 

Mia: Aww, I'm sure he's not mad at you. He's probably just a little jealous that his best friend is being taken away from him.

Austin is typing...

Austin: You sure?

Mia: Positive, good night

Austin: Night!

you have 2 unread messages

unknown: Hey!!!

unknown: It's me, Robert!!

Mia laughs at her phone, not knowing why the Grey brothers are so weird when it comes to text messages.

Mia: Hey, Rob.

Robbie: Mia, why are you so mean to me?

Mia: I wasn't being mean to you.

Robbie: But why are you so nice to Austin then? Am I not special enough?

Mia: Don't be silly! Of course, you are.

Robbie: Yay!

Mia: Goodnight, Rob

Robbie: Good night, Mia!

you have 3 unread messages

Mr Annoying: Hey, babe. Got home safe?

Mr Annoying: I'm glad I came with you today.

Mr Annoying: You know, those Grey brothers give me a weird feeling... just a hunch.

Mia: a weird feeling?

Mr Annoying is typing...

Mr Annoying: Yeah, I don't know, I can't put my finger on it, though...

Mia: hm... I think you're overreacting, the boys seem fine to me, especially the youngest ones. They are so cute.

Mr Annoying: Ok then. Goodnight.

Mia frowns, usually Jake would say something cheesy like "Goodnight Miaw Miaw" or "sweet dreams my love", but he didn't this time. Is he mad?

Why would she care? She doesn't...

Does she? Nah...

Mia: Ok, good night, Jake.

She closes her messenger app and opens her Instagram to see that Austin and Rob had followed her.

She giggles, shaking her head at her new friends' weird actions. She sure liked having them as her friends.

She hopes she can help them find their father's killer.

Back at Jake's apartment, he is lying on his bed, staring at his ceiling. Thinking to himself how Mia could fall for their little act, she just met them!

They have already got her wrapped around their finger.

Was it the right decision to just be short with her?

It could cause her to just distrust him even more than she already does.

Ugh..why is all of this so complicated?