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Chapter 6

It was only six months ago that everything was good, or at least as good as it could get being in the closet. Little did Austin know how fast that would change

Austin was so happy. He was getting a visitor. And not just any visitor, his boyfriend was coming over.

They met each other at college. They had the same subjects and so they were together in classes all the time.

And with Austin being a social butterfly and all, he started to talk to the boy, and soon, they became close friends.

Max Granger was the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He was loving, kind, sweet, smart, and attractive. He was the whole package.

About four months into the school year, Max confessed his feelings to Austin, and they started to date. They had been dating for just about a month. And now, Max was coming to his house for a project! It's not exactly what you'd call a date, but it's close enough. It was the first real alone time he could spend with Max since they were always busy with school and life.

He asked his brothers to help him prepare everything. Damon made the snacks, while Chris helped Austin clean around the house. Meanwhile, Rob used his strength to move around the furniture to create the perfect scene.

They are the best brothers ever. He would die for them or even kill for them if they asked. And the same went for his brothers. Of course, being the best brothers meant that they would accept anything the others did or how they feel.

So, when Austin told them he was gay, they didn't ask questions or laugh at him. They stood up and had a big brotherly group hug. To be honest, Austin was terrified when he decided he was going to tell his brothers about his sexuality.

He was afraid that they would laugh him out or judge him, but as he knew deep down, they accepted him and loved him even more because they always kind of expected it. The thought of him finally being his true self made them happy.

This study date made Austin more nervous because Max was his first boyfriend.

He was really important to Austin because it was Max who opened his eyes to his own sexuality. He always suspected something, but because he'd had girlfriends before, he just figured he was Bi-sexual. But none of those girls caught his attention as Max did.

But when Max suggested that they do the project at Austin's house, Austin was hesitant. He did not want his father to find out that he had a boyfriend because he was a giant homophobe and he would have probably disowned Austin if he ever found out.

The boys, on the other hand, were satisfied with Max because they all knew what type of person he was, and they were all quite close. Some of them even went to the same high school.

When they were all done with the chores, snacks and preparing the things that Austin and Max would need for the study session, they heard the doorbell ring.

Nervousness spilled over Austin's body as he nervously walked towards the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Mac standing there with a smile.

"H-hey Max," Austin greeted nervously.

"Hey, Austin!" Max greeted back gleefully as he hugged Austin. "Please come in and make yourself comfortable," Austin says as he watches Max take off his jacket and place it on a hook at the door.

"Thank you for having me," Max says politely.

Austin leads them towards the living room, where all the snacks and necessities for their study session were.

"Wow! This looks great! You didn't have to do all of this, babe." Max says, causing Austin to suddenly get shy, appreciating that Max saw all the trouble his boyfriend went through.

"Well, let's get started, shall we!" Austin says as he claps his hands together, Max nodding in agreement.

They sat down, took out their books, and got to learning. Several hours passed before they decided to take a break.

Austin took this time to get closer to his boyfriend. He moved closer slowly, Max not noticing until Austin placed his hand on Max's knee.

Max slowly looked at Austin. Their eyes met and lingered for a while. As they both start to move closer slowly, their lips touch, and they share a soft, innocent kiss.

It felt like fireworks went off in Austin's head and heart, and he felt like all the places Max touched him, burned like a fire.

As they part, Austin's face became cherry red. He looked away, and at that moment, he saw Damon slyly looking around the door, smirking, a devilish look in his eyes.

"Just don't forget to use protection!" Damon screamed at them before running down the hall, laughing.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry about him! I'm so embarrassed, I could just die!" Austin says, his head in his hands, his face a deep crimson.

He heard a chuckle and a snort, and then Max just laughed his ass off. "H-hey! It's not funny!" Austin whined seeing Max wipe away the tears of laughter with the back of his hand.

"No, you're right it's not funny...it's hilarious!!" Max said bursting out laughing once again, clutching his stomach as he tried to regain his breath.

Austin pouted and Max cooed at his cuteness, slightly pinching Austin's cheeks and calling him cute names. When Austin didn't stop pouting, Max kissed his nose, cheeks, and then, finally, he gave Austin a peck on the lips, the kiss lasting a little bit longer than he intended

Austin felt so immersed in the sweet, loving kiss that he didn't notice the person standing at the door. Not until he dropped his keys on the floor, eyes wide at the sight he just saw.

Austin's father.

Austin's eyes widened at the sight of his father, and he instantly pushed Max away, slightly. He quickly stood up and greeted his father, not having the guts to face Max.

"Well, I'm sorry I interrupted your...study session, Austin. Will you please see me in my office when you are finished?" His father asked, more like a demand than a question.

"Yes, father," Austin replied blankly.

When his father left the room, Austin sat down on the red sofa, his head in his hands. He was contemplating what to do next. Should he send Max home?

Should he just come clean and tell Max that his father is a homophobic asshole who doesn't accept people for who they are but instead judges them according to the image he made up in his mind.

Maybe it would be easier, to be honest.

But he didn't want to burden Max with this so early in their relationship. So he wouldn't. Austin asked Max to leave, and he promised that they could finish the task they had later. Max, of course, didn't hesitate or question him, for he knew what it felt like to be outed against your will.

But that was a story for another time.

As Austin watched Max make his way out of sight, he sighed and felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Damon standing behind him with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop him from finding out Austin. If only he'd let me know that he was coming home early from the trip, I could have prevented this." Damon said, his head hanging low.

It was happening again.

Damon was blaming himself for things that there was no way of controlling.

He always did that. To all of his brothers. He always felt that everything was his fault. Maybe, it's because he raised them, that he felt a certain responsibility towards his brothers.

It was more than that, though. He felt like it was his fault their mother had left.

He never told the boys this, though. When they would ask why their mother left, Damon would always say that he didn't know, when in fact, he knew the real reason behind their mother leaving.

"Please, Damon, don't blame yourself. You do so much for me already. You don't have to do anything more than that." Austin said before he hugged his brother.

But Damon still felt guilty. He promised himself that he would not let his brothers suffer or feel any pain again. He knew it would be hard but he already almost lost them once. He was not planning to lose them again.

She left them broken once. He was not going to let them break again. He would do anything in his power to stop that from happening.

So he just sighed and hugged his younger brother closer to him, Austin absorbing his brother's warmth.

"It'll be ok... I'll make sure of it," Damon says, still hugging his younger brother.

"Thanks, but this is my fault, my fight. I need to handle it alone." Austin said, his voice full of determination. He was going to change his father's mind about everything. Even if it was the last thing he did.

He left Damon in the living room and went marching down the hall towards his father's office.

His breath got stuck in his throat as he approached the dark, hardwood office door. His hands trembled as he reached for the cold, metal doorknob.

He knocked on the door with his fist, and when he heard a muffled 'come in', he walked into the office and observed his father sitting behind his desk, hands folded as he sat up straight, staring at Austin with a blank face.

"Sit down, Austin," his father said, without any emotion in his voice. Austin did as he was told and sat down at the other end of his father's desk.

"So, care to explain what happened in there."Mr Grey said, the blank look still not leaving his face.

"Well, as you may have noticed. I'm not what you thought I was. I'm gay. And before you even try, no, it is not a phase, and there is nothing you can do to change it. I am my own person, and as much as you would like me to be like you, it is never going to happen. Ever." Austin says, his face void of emotion.

"I wasn't going to try to change your mind, especially because just like me, you are stubborn and hard-headed. But there are always ways to break down people like us. Take away what matters most to them, and they fall. If you can do that, you have them under your mercy. So I'm not going to ask, and you're not expected to do anything, but hear me now Austin, if you do not accept the real you and stop this nonsense, you will regret it dearly." His father said in a threatening tone, while fire danced around in his eyes.

As his father was threatening him, Austin bit down on his teeth, hard so as not to burst out in anger. How dare his father threaten him. How dare he say that Austin wasn't being his true self, because, for the first time in his life, he actually was being himself.

His father was right about them being alike, and as much as Austin hated the thought of that, he needed to accept it and try to find out what his father was planning.

He swiftly stood up and made his way towards his father's door, opening it and slamming it closed as he exited the room.

When he was alone, Mr Grey folded his arms, and a sickening, devilish grin appeared on his aged face.

"Oh, you should watch out, Austin. No one defies me. Not even my own sons. You will regret doing this, greatly." he said to himself, his tone deep and raspy, just like Austin's.

Austin was going to get the shock of his life if he thought his father was going to let this type of action slide.

He was going to obey his father by any means necessary.

Even if Mr Grey had to play dirty...