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Chapter 14

"Well you see there's this girl...", Chris said, as he avoided eye contact by looking down at his feet.

"A girl?", Mia asked in a confused manner.

Was he really just asking her for girl advice?

"Yes, well you see, I am in love with this girl, but I haven't seen her for almost two years," He muttered, his gaze fixed on the trees out the window.

"How come?" Mia asked, feeling bad for the male and wanting to help him. "Well, the truth is, I'm actually married," He simply said, not looking at the dumbfounded female behind him.

"Wait you're married!? To whom? And if you're married, then why are you in love with another woman?" Mia rambled angrily, not believing what she was hearing.

How did he expect her to have sympathetic feelings towards him if he wanted advice from her about a girl other than his wife?!

"Please, listen before you judge me, there is a lot that you still don't know..." Chris said with a sigh, sadness enveloping his tone.

"Fine. I'm listening," Mia said, sitting down on the sofa while crossing her arms.

"Well, first things first. My wife wasn't my choice, I was forced to marry her," Chris confessed, as he started to think back to the time when he was truly happy.

In the living room of the big, dark mansion the female backed away from the man approaching her, as she tried to get away from the hands that suddenly encaged her.

"Chris, no! Stop it, please!" The female begged as the tears rolled down her plump cheeks.

"Never! You're mine!" He growled back in response as he continued to tickle his girlfriend.

The female constricted her body as she tried to push the male away from her, not succeeding.

"I'm gonna die if you don't stop!" Lily exclaimed as she finally managed to get Chris to stop tickling her. When he finally let go of his girlfriend, he laid her on his chest and caressed her arm, as he looked deep into her eyes.

She extended her neck to place a sweet kiss on his lips, the male gently kissing her back.

"Oh, my eyes! They burn!" Austin screamed as he ran down the hall, away from the laughing couple.

Chris chuckled at his younger brother's cute antics as he got up from his comfortable position with Lily on the sofa. As he was helping his girlfriend up from her seat on the sofa, he lost his footing and tumbled down onto the sofa once again, clutching his head in pain, Lily snorting as she tried not to laugh.

"Chris! How dare you scare my poor baby!" Damon said as he stood behind the said male with his trusted wooden spoon in one hand, as his other hand rested comfortably on his hip.

"Damon, what are you talking about?" Chris grunted in pain. "What am I talking about? I'm talking about my poor innocent Austin witnessing your sinful acts. How do you expect him to stay innocent if you go around the house doing your disgraceful actions?" Damon scolded Chris, as the younger male's cheeks flushed a bright pink.

"And as for you," Damon started scolding, moving his attention to the short female in front of him. "I expected more from you," Damon said as he looked down at the female.

"I'm sorry," She said, as her head hung low, only to be enveloped in a big bear hug seconds later.

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you! It's alright, just please be considerate of your future brother-in-law," Damon said before making his way out of the room, leaving a cherry-faced female alone in the room with her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about my brothers, again," Chris sighed as he rubbed the spot on his head where Damon had whacked him with his spoon.

She sat down on the sofa and pat her lap as a sign for the male to rest his head on her legs, which he did gladly.

"I already told you a million times, it's alright. We have been dating for almost a year now, so I'm pretty much used to it by now," Lily said lovingly as she rubbed the part of Chris' head where Damon had hit him.

"But why do they have to be so weird," The male whined causing the female to giggle cutely.

"Ugh ew, can you please just get a room?", Robert says, agitated, looking at the cute actions of the couple in front of him.

"You're awake! I thought you were gonna sleep the day away again," Chris teased his youngest brother, as the boy in front of them just rolled his eyes, uninterested.

"Well whatever, I'm awake now so that's what counts. Where's Damon? I'm hungry," The raven-haired male let out before making himself comfortable on the couch across from Chris and Lily.

"I don't know. He's is probably still busy preparing lunch," Chris said, shrugging, his attention back on his adorable girlfriend.

"Ugh fine, I guess I'll wait here then," Robert said as he made himself more comfortable.

"So, Rob how is everything with you?" Lily asked the youngest. "Oh? I'm doing quite well thank you for asking," The male said, his mood more pleasant now.

Just as they were sitting and chatting, they heard footsteps coming down the hall quickly, followed by Damon screaming at whoever it was that was running through his halls, to stop running.

"Guys!" Austin said as he came running into the room before tackling Chris off of Lily's lap.

"What was that for Austin?" The boy on the floor said as he stood up from the floor.

Lily nudged the second youngest boy to get up and then scooted over towards her boyfriend, resting her head on his toned arm, as she gave him a few funny-looking faces to try to get him to cheer up.

At first, she didn't think it was going to work but after trying one more time, she saw that gorgeous dimple smile break out, the man in front of her chuckling at his girlfriend's weirdness.

"Chris?", She asked him, as the man gazed at her fondly, a small pout resting in his smile. "Yeah?", He replied. "Why is my boyfriend pouting?" Lily tried to ask him cutely.

"My stupid brothers are taking away all your attention! My brothers try to take you away from me and then people ask me why I'm a clingy person, they-", He pointed at all of his brothers who were in the room, "-take all of my stuff away. Your attention, and toys when we were little, do you know why the younger ones like to play video games so much? I played them first and when I thought it would be nice to show them how to play, they took over and I couldn't play since! I never really get free time with the company taking up all of my energy, and sometimes I just want to enjoy things I used to," Chris ranted to his girl, not caring that his brothers, except Damon, could hear his complaints.

When he was finished complaining, he sat there out of breath, with his head laid against Lily's chest, and his eyes closed.

"Chris, I'm sorry for taking away your video games. It's just that when you showed us how to play, we always wanted you to play with us, but you were always busy so we stopped asking," Robert said, a horrified look on his face, it being very obvious that he felt very bad for what they did.

Chris raised his head and his brow at that.

"You wanted me to play with you?" Chris said, dumbfounded. "I'm so sorry Rob, Austin, I was to blame here, and instead I blamed you guys for it.

If you guys still want to, we could play a little bit later?" Chris suggested, to which the two younger brothers' smiles perked up instantly and they rapidly nodded their heads to show that they would want to play video games with their older brother again.

"And as for me, I will always give you attention. You are my boyfriend, I love you okay?" Lily said as she kissed Chris on the cheek. They heard gagging sounds and cute giggles a few seconds later.

"Don't be a meanie just because you haven't gotten laid in a while, Austin," Robert let out with a chuckle to which he received a fiery glare.

"Says the virgin in the room," Austin clapped back with a straight face.

"Ohh! You got burned!" The couple shouted out together. "Wait, who was burned!?" Damon ran into the room, panicked, thinking someone got hurt. "Rob has some third-degree burns," Chris said to his eldest brother with a smile.

"Wow, thanks, Chris. You saved my ass," Rob said sarcastically. "Sorry Robbie boy, but it's true!" Chris defended himself. "I thought we had a special bond!" Rob exclaimed, a playful expression on his face. "For the last time, there is no such thing as a psychic sibling bond!" Chris sighed.

"Well, I'm not the one with the 148 IQ now, am I? Figure it out bitch," Rob shouted at Chris.

"Hey! No swearing in front of the kids!" Damon scolded Rob. "Sorry Damon," Rob quickly apologised.

"And even if I could figure it out Ron, it's not even a guarantee that it would work on us," Chris said as a matter of fact. "And how would you know that, Einstein?" Rob asked.

"I actually researched it, my dear brother. And it isn't very likely to work. Not with our age difference at least," Chris said. "Ugh, five years aren't that long, lady luck is just not on my side today, is she?", Rob said, slouching on the couch in defeat.

"Oh my gosh! Guys, look at the time, I really need to go!", Lily said with a chuckle.

"But what about lunch? I don't wanna spend all my time with these idiots!" Damon exclaimed in protest. "I'm really sorry, but my evil stepmother wants me to go get dinner started. My brothers aren't going to feed themselves," Lily sighed.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. Please take some of the food for you, I made it, especially for you, it would be a shame to let it go to waste," Damon offered.

"Oh no, I couldn't! It wouldn't be right to take your hard work for granted!" Lily said.

"That's exactly why I'm telling you to take some," Damon said as he rang his trusted bell.

Heffley entered the room a few seconds later.

"Heffley, be a dear and pack some of the food for Lily please," Damon said to Heffley, the older man giving Lily a warm smile before nodding.

"Of course sir," Heffley said as he left the room to go do his task. "Damon, you didn't have to, but thank you so much," Lily said, before she gave him a big hug.

"Oh it's my pleasure, but don't let your family walk all over you okay? My offer still stands if you need it," Damon reminded her. "I promise I'll keep it in mind," Lily replied with a nod.

Just when they finished talking, Heffley came into the room with a neatly wrapped box of food.

Lily took it from the older man with a smile. "Thank you, Heffley!" Lily said as she hugged the older man.

"You are very welcome, Miss Lily," Heffley said as he made his way out of the room.

"Chris? Aren't you saying goodbye?" The female said as her boyfriend snapped out of his daze.

"Of course," He said before standing up and giving her a hug and a goodbye kiss. " Bye my love, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked his cute girlfriend.

She nodded in agreement. "Of course!" She said as she gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Bye, guys!" She said as she waved to the other brothers before going out of the room.

As they all watched her old, broken car leave their driveway, Namjoon released a big sigh.

"Chris, if you don't marry Lily soon, I will," Robert said seriously. "All in good time Rob, all in good time," Chris said with a smile to his brother.

Chris turned to his eldest brother. The eldest looked at him with a confused look on his face as he waited for Chris to say something.

"Damon, I need your help."