WebNovelMiaw Miaw95.24%

Chapter 20

Six years prior, in a new place, Mia was currently sleeping in her newly moved-in room.

"Wake up Mia, you're going to be late for your first day!" A female's shout could be heard from downstairs.

Mia groaned. She regretted this day since her family arrived in a new town only a week ago.

She regretted everything. Saying yes to the move, leaving all her friends behind, leaving Jack behind...

She missed him. It really wasn't fair.

She had to leave everything behind to move to a new town with her parents. And to top everything off, she was smack bang in the middle of high school! Why transfer when you only have like a year and a half of high school left?! She was pretty sure the rest of her family felt the same. Well, except her mother. Her mother was the whole reason they moved in the first place!

Mia hated her. She had the right to hate her.

She wasn't even her real mother. No, her real mother died in a car crash only a year after her younger brother, Felix's birth. So, her father got to know a model he met somewhere and only a few months after they started to date, they were planning the wedding.

She was too young to remember all of this though, since it happened eleven years ago.

Now, Felix was thirteen years old and Mia was going to turn seventeen soon. She couldn't wait until she was eighteen. Then she could leave this world and go to live with her grandfather, with whom she was very close.

He was always there for her and her little brother since their mother, his daughter, died. They were all that he had left of her. Well, except for loads of lovely memories of course. They only had each other. Her father and stepmother were mostly not even at home, travelling the world with her family's money.

Mia was wealthy, very wealthy, so she never worried that she and her brother would be taken care of. So, she had to make things work in this new town to keep her father from leaving again.

Although that wasn't very likely. But for now, she appreciated all the help she had from all of her family's maids and butlers and her grandfather.

They helped her raise Felix after all. They had threatened to take him away from her when he was but a baby, when her father and his wife first left, but she had fought tooth and nail to keep them from taking her brother away.

She got up after the head housemaid, Mandy, called a second time for her to get up for school.

She quickly showered and put on her new school uniform. She put on the short black school skirt and white shirt with the black blazer and black knee-high socks. After she finished dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror, to see if she looked decent.

She combed her long brown hair, and let it flow down her shoulders and back. She put in some hair clips to get the hair out of her beautiful, perfectly proportioned face. After she finished, she headed down the many stairs, towards her house's large dining room, seeing her brother already eating his breakfast.

She went over to him and kissed the top of his head. "Mia, I'm not a little kid anymore, you can stop kissing me all the time," He said with a cute pout. "No can do little bro," She said as she ruffled his hair. She giggled as he frantically tried to comb his hair with his fingers.

"So, are you ready for school? Do you have everything you'll need?" She asked him, like a concerned mother. "Yes, Mia, I have everything I'll need. And you, do you have everything you'll need?" He asked his older sister the same question.

"Jup! Got everything," She answered as she dug into her breakfast, soon finishing the plate before taking her and her brother's plates and placing them in the sink.

"Mia, Harry is waiting for you and little Felix outside," Mandy informed her, handing her the lunch that she prepared earlier. "I'm not little anymore, Mandy!" Felix whined as he took his lunch from Mandy, pouting at the woman in front of him.

"Come on bro, we don't want to keep Harry waiting, do we?" Mia said as she walked in front of her brother towards their driver, Harry.

"Good morning you guys! Are you ready for your first days of school?" Harry asked as he opened and closed the door behind the two teenagers.

"Yeah, Harry! We're as ready as we'll ever be," Felix exclaimed. "Well, that's great, let's get going then," Harry said, starting the car and driving off.

About fifteen minutes later, Harry pulled up in front of a fancy-looking place. The prestigious school buildings stood tall and proud.

Teenagers walked around the big schoolyard. Mia released a shaky breath. "Don't worry Mia. You'll do great, have fun and I'll pick you up after school ok?" Harry said as he gave her an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, Harry, I'll see you later then," Mi said, as she stepped out of the expensive car and made her way inside the main gates. She paced around nervously, looking around for the office so that she could sign in. She couldn't find it though, as all she saw was groups of people looking at her, a few guys who look like jocks who gave her a few wolf whistles.

That only placed more attention on the poor girl as people began to whisper about her.

She felt so exposed. She had hoped this would be a good day. Please let it go smoothly. She walked around the schoolyard, before sitting down on a bench as she grew tired from trekking through the large campus, and to make things worse, she still couldn't find the office.

She then spotted a group of decent-looking guys not too far from where she was sitting. So, she decided to swallow her pride and ask for help. She stood up and took a deep breath before moving towards the group of boys.

She lightly tapped one of the guys on his shoulder as he was not much taller than she was, which is why she picked him in the first place.

The other boys were a lot taller than her and it kind of intimidated the usually not-so-shy girl.

"U-uh excuse me, could you please help me?" She asked in a small voice. The male turned around, and all the boys' attention went from their conversation to the short girl clutching her books nervously.

"Oh? Sure. What is wrong?" The male asked.

"I'm kind of new here and I can't seem to find the main office. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction?" She asked the ash blond-haired male in front of her.

"Oh! That's why you looked so unfamiliar! Well, you're in luck! You made it there all on your own.

It's the building right in front of us!" The male said cheerily with a cute eye smile. "Really? Well, thanks so much for helping me. I'm Mia by the way, nice to meet you, uh?" She said expectantly, as she stretched out her hand for the male to shake.

"Jake, pleased to meet you too, Mia. I hope to see more of you in the future," Jake said as he shook her hand and placed a chaste kiss on the back of her hand. She started to blush profusely. Mia retracted her hand and waved to the rest of the group of guys before she made her way towards the big building, not aware that Jake was checking her out.

"You gonna pursue this one, Jakey?" His friend Jackson asked the boy. "What do you expect, Jackson? Of course, I'll need to educate our little sapling," Jake said as a smirk appeared on his handsome face.

"Jake, go easy on this one, okay? She's still new, you don't want to ruin her in her first week of going to a new school," Barney, his other friend scolded the younger male.

"I can't promise anything Barney, she might just be the best one yet," Jake said as he watched as the wind blew Mia's skirt up just a little bit, showing a glimpse of her black underwear to him.

"I can't make any promises," The male confirmed again as he smirked at Mia's innocent act.

He was going to change that very quickly.

Mia was coming from the office. She was faced with a whole new problem now. Finding her homeroom. She wandered down the various halls, searching for room 134. When she finally found it, she took a deep breath and pushed the door open, going inside the room as she already felt the stares from her new classmates.

She went over to her homeroom teacher and greeted her, giving her the entry form as confirmation that Mia would be joining her class. "Welcome Mia. I am Mrs. Park, please take a seat anywhere and I hope you enjoy your new school," Mrs. Park said with a smile to the poor girl, who didn't know what to do.

Mia looked around for an open seat and spotted one, making her way towards the seat, before sitting on the cold surface. "Well looks like we meet again, Mia," She heard a familiar voice next to her.

"Jake?" Mia asked, confused. She thought he was older than her, but guess not. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon," He said with his cute eye smile. "Me neither. To be honest, I thought you were an upperclassman," Mia said shyly.

"Can I see that?" Jake said as he pointed to her schedule. She handed it to him and saw his face light up. "Wow! You have almost all of your classes with me! I'll tour you around, just don't lose me, got it?" Jake ordered playfully.

"Okay," Mia said with a playful punch and a chuckle. "We have music class after this so just follow me okay?" Jake said with a small smile.

She nodded her head and smiled back at her new friend.

A friend. Wow, did she really just make a friend!?

And a guy at that! Maybe this school wasn't going to be so bad...