"Hello there," I say to them. but I didn't get any answer from them, they just stared at me."Who are you?" Batman question staring at me."Well, you know just your average boy cruising the city." Robin chuckles at my answer while Batman scowl at me."You need to come with me, I need to ask you a few questions, I can't have an unidentified meta in my city." Batman command.
"Well no," I answer, Batman tries to order me again but I interrupt him." First, it is the people city, not just yours. second, you are not a cop so you have no jurisdiction to arrest me, third no law says I can't fly, maybe?. and finally can't touch this" the moment I finish my sentence I flyway the fastest as I can leaving Batman and Robin staring at my disappearing figure leaving the city.
As I fly away from Gotham City, I rethink what to do?. I need a base, preferably a town with no justice league on it and have no major villain attack. My best bet is Happy Harbor justice league's old base before it was attacked by some villain and making them move away.
Arriving at Happy Harbor I found my way to a deserted part of town to descend. But before I do I hear a scream near me. I fly to the source of the voice to see an old man being mug but a man holding a knife. I wanted to go and fight the man but I don't have super strength or experience fighting. Well, time to get creative I guess.
I float toward the man sneaking behind him. and when he didn't notice I hug him from behind and begin to fly upward toward the sky the fastest I can fly. the man startled by my action and tried to wiggle away."Don't be stupid man, if you wiggle and I let go, do you honestly think that you can survive the drop from this high up?" my question shut him up and stop him to wiggle. and at high enough altitude I began to fall. the man scream as we fall until he passed out before we get to the ground. as I glide to the ground with the now unconscious man and let him go.
I search the man and found his wallet."You have money on you why would you try to mug people, sometimes people are just the worst." I take all of his money almost $300. and also his watch since it looks expensive. and I can pawn it for more money.
[Congratulations on completing the mission (First Good Deed)]
[First Good Deed: Save one people from danger]
[Congratulations you obtain Skill Box 1x]
[Mission (Good Deed) is now available, Mission (Path to Heroism) is now available.]
[Congratulations on completing the mission (First KO)]
[First KO: Knockout one Thug]
[Congratulations you obtain Skill Box 1x]
[Mission (KO Champion) is now available]
[Congratulations on completing the mission (First Crime)]
[First Crime: Commit your first crime]
[Congratulations you obtain Knowledge Box 1x]
[Mission (Junior Thief) is now available, Mission (Path to Villainy) is now available].
after the multiple notifications by the system I got happy to see I got 3 new boxes, it's not a power box but it still can help me out.
Now since I have some money let's find something to eat and a place to sleep
Note :
I know that I change a lot of the story, but previously I just think it was becoming too dark and I want it to be for fun and light. but I will still be doing a whole different alter ego becoming both heroes in the light and anti-hero in the dark killing those irredeemable.
Should i also change the title?any suggestion?or stay?