The funnels hit Robin directly and slam him into the support pillar nearly eight feet off the ground, then he falls to the ground. Hitting his back both times. The other members of the Team running in through the loading bay doors, Superboy jumping the stairs to land beside Robin as the Boy Wonder sits up. "Who's your new friend?" Robin looks to Superboy, grimacing at the motion. "Didn't catch his name," the clone jumps at the villain. "but he plays kinda rough." he finishes, warning the clone.
The exo-suit wearing villain stands ready, air pulses still coming from his wrists, though the bright blue tubing is now confirmed to be going to the tops of his wrists as well. "My apologies." he says, revealing his robotic tone. "You may address me as Mr. Twister." Mr. Twister then throws both his hands up, creating two more tornadoes, which Superboy withstands, but before he can gain any more ground Twister redirects the tornado, grabbing Superboy before launching him into the wall, a good fifteen feet off the ground. As he hits the wall dents and he falls to the metal floor, unmoving.
Now on the main floor with Aqualad and Kid Flash, M'gann turns the two more experienced boys. From his pocket, Wally pulls out his goggles sliding them over his eyes. As Robin gets back to his feet in front of him the barefoot Atlantean looks to M'gann then nods. Understand the Martian nods back. All three take off as a group around the Boy Wonder. Kid Flash speeds through a front handspring before aiming with both his feet at Mr. Twister's chest. He doesn't quite make it as Mr. Twister raises his hands to create vortexes that stop him in his tracks. Then turn 180° and launching Kid Flash out the bay doors, where he skids across the parking lot.
Unamused, Twister turns back in time to create twisters under a flying M'gann and a charging Aqualad, but before he can get to them I created Wind Shield for both of them giving protection. Aqualad and M'gann are surprise seeing me flying toward them, as I fly I began to create multiple Air Blade that launch to Mr.Twister. the Wind Blade hit him and give a small chip in his armor as he fall back. He created a big tornado and shooting it at me, sending me flying back.
"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero." Twister goads, as Robin pulls a disk out from under his jacket. "I was not, however, expecting children."
"We're not children!" Robin yells, launching a small bomb then the disk. Twister counteracts the bomb with dual vortices, causing it to explode at a harmless distance, thinking the Boy Wonder faked one of his moves he lets the vortices drop, giving the disk the opportunity to land in the center of his chest plate. Which the villain flicks away with one finger. "Objectively, you are." only then does it explode. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."
Well, we hate to see you disturbed." Robin bites back, bringing Twister's attention back to the standing five members of the Team. "Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!" With that M'gann reaches out with her telekinesis. Destroying the fixture over his head, creating a steam barrier that Superboy jumps through. Even with the barrier Twister still reacts fast enough to catch Superboy before he can land a hit. Throwing him back and causing him to hit where the ceiling changes height, then bounce off to fall into a flying M'gann. Both Robin and Aqualad dodge without missing a beat. The Atlantean's hands charging with electricity. Twister says nothing as his hands begin creating vortices, that then become miniature twisters then pick up Aqualad and Robin before slamming them into each other. "Indeed." the villain says, rising off the ground. "That was quite turbing. Thank you." then leaves as the Team groans back to consciousness.
Outside, in the beginnings of the forest with the evidence of his crash surrounding him Kid Flash comes to. Seeing Twister leaving he runs in front of the villain, then rolling to change direction and rolling through two more somersaults to stare down Twister. "What have you done to my team?" he demands."Embarrassed them, largely." Twister says, then bringing both his hands together to form a singular twister that snatches Wally up and is heading right for the outside wall of the power plant. As the wind clears Wally is braced for impact, but not slamming into the wall.
"I got you" I assure him grabbing him before he hits the wall. "Thanks" he say to me with a bit of confuse look on his face. Then M'gann, Robin, Superboy, and Aqualad gather and regroup."I would have thought you had all learned your limitations by now." Twister speaks to the Team."What do you want?!" Aqualad yells angrily at the villain, who rises into the air."Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real Hero." Twister tells them, proving his thoughts that they are not that.
"Read his mind, find his weakness." Aqualad throws over his shoulder to M'gann."I thought I wasn't supposed to do that." M'gann objects, now slightly hesitant and equally confused."It's okay with the bad guys." Robin tells her.
Determination sets in as M'gann sets out to do just that. "Nothing. I'm getting nothing." then she breaks her concentration, knocking her head slightly. "Hello, Megan. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise." all of them look up to the 'villain' in hurt shock. "He's inorganic, an android." Aqualad turns to M'gann. "And how many androids do you know that generate tornadoes?" now both Robin and Kid Flash turn towards her as well.
"Red Tornado sent us here." Aqualad agrees. "After saying we'd be "tested soon enough"." Robin agrees and continues. "This is his test, something to keep us busy.""Speedy called it." Wally says, then hangs his head sadly. "We're a joke."
"You cannot just assume that, because if you make a mistake other will pay for it, beside he's tornado is not red like Red Tornado" my word make them question if Mr.Twister is Red Tornado.
Before they can confirm Mr.Twister create a lightning attack, in the last moment I manage to create a wind dome to minimize the damage, but some of it still penetrate and hit us.
Twister approaches, prepared for the final shot. As he does the only one who regains consciousness is M'gann. She looks up at Twister's web of lightning before all five disappear from sight. He backs off. "Fine, then." M'gann remains crouched as six of them are hidden by the camouflaged BioShip. "I won't deny that you children have power," Wally comes to- his goggles now pushed to his forehead by the force of Twister's previous strike- with hand to his head and groan, but the groan barely begins before M'gann covers his mouth. "But playing hide-and-seek with you will not help me achieve my objective." Wally and M'gann stare right at Twister, but he still cannot see them. "So stay concealed. If you confront me again, I will show no mercy." emphasizing his point by clenching his fist to create lightning sparks does he finally leave. Heading for the town of Happy Harbor.
Robin, Aqualad, and Superboy all stare up in shock. "What happened?" Wally questions, confused. "I placed the BioShip between us." M'gann explains.
Superboy stands and releases to hook punches on an unsuspecting rock formation. "And that's supposed to make it right?" all three other boys stand up as Superboy stalks towards as still sitting Miss Martian. "You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado."
"She didn't do it on purpose" I say calmly. "Who are you" Superboy ask pointing his finger at me. I look at him and calmly answer "I'm here to help".
"He save me and M'gann earlier from Mr.Twister" Aqualad say proving my point on helping them. "I though you died when Twister hit you with that big tornado" Robin ask. "I manage to shield it but the force of it throw me away from the fight."
"Like I say Twister Torpedo is white while Red Torpedo is red and Red Torpedo Cant create that lightning attack" I say to them. "It- it was a rookie mistake." Robin agrees. "We shouldn't have listened."
"We need a plan"