Ch 12

It's been a couple of days since my encounter with the Young Justice and it was a blast, meeting the young justice, defeating a villain. there this rush of endorphin i got after defeating Mr. Twister. I did exactly as I plan, helping them just a little bit for my first impression.

I wanted to be seen as an immature new hero that just got his power, so that the justice league can come and recruit me like they did Artemis, I also make sure that I was in the open going back to my shop before going out unmask, so that the league can track me.

My plan works wonderfully because as I was going to close the shop two figure came to the shop, a gorgeous blond woman wearing A black, one-piece bustier-leotard combination, gray stockings with seams up the front and back, Black, heavy, calf-length boots, Black fingerless gloves that go past the elbow to the biceps, A blue jacket, and A black choker. With a tall red robot with no ears or nose. His mouth and eye sockets are black giving him the appearance of an emotionless robot. He has a yellow T symbol on his chest, and a yellow arrow on his forehead. He also wears a blue cape.

Black Canary and Red Tornado came to my shop. As they came to the counter "Can I help you?" I ask them. "We need to talk" canary answer showing me a picture of me going in the shop with my prototype mask and going out unmask. I act surprise and begin to close the shop before going to the table meeting them.

"This is you ?" Canary asks. "Yes, I was tending my shop when the power when out, hearing the explosion I try going there to find out what happen. Then I see the robot attacking them and I try to help " I explain.

"The team brief me about what happen in the mission, you help protect Miss Martian and Aqualad and help them plan to take out Mr. Twister" the android say to me in his robot manner.

"From the mission summary the team really impress with your ability, and we like to invite you to join us, we can help you train your power more" Black Canary say. "Join the justice league ?" I ask.

"No, a team for the future generation heroes, that can help you get more experience and training" say Black Canary.

"Join the team that the sidekick on? the don't really look like a team, they argue a lot and have no team work"

"They are learning too"

"Is it full time? Because I like to continue to work here"

"You will be called if there is a mission, you can go to the base anytime you like and train there" Black Canary explain.

So, I decided to join the Young Justice team, this way I can have their trust and screw with the light plan.

My plan to infiltrate the Young Justice is now starting, if i want to make a new team of anti-hero a need a way to enter the heroes community, this way i can start gaining the young heroes trust and giving me a way to recruit them, i can also screw with the light plan. first i need a way to find the real roy harper before the clone able to gain control of the lead. like the show my best bet to find this information is Cheshire, Outing the clone and liberating it from Cadmus programing can help increse their trust in me. discovering project match can also help. in the future i can influence jason todd and save him, recruiting Red Hood or should i give him Arkham Knight?

"Are you sure about this ?" Superman ask Batman.

"Yes" as he displays my info and picture to show Superman. "Jack Morrison, a person who just appear out of thin air, he has a valid id but no proof of his background, I saw him in the past flying around Gotham, the first time he discover his power I assume, and when I confront him he just escape flying away from Gotham, week later I found him in Happy Harbor renting a house and opening his shop, there is no footprint to where he got the money from to do any of it. But for my initial surveillance I didn't see anything wrong, he just goes to work and leave home every day. And this way we can keep our eyes on him more and found additional information" Batman brief Superman.

Arriving home, crashing to my couch I decided to open my box. "Inventory".

[Power Box 1x, Skill Box 2x , Knowledge Box 3x , Item Box 1x ]

I have a lot of boxes in my inventory and a new item box, from the name it look like it will give me an item.

"Open Item Box"

[Obtain Programmable Metal]

[Programmable Metal (Batman the Animated Series) : A special metal that can be programmed with only a few slight touches, creating impressive geometric shapes, weapons, or nigh-unbreakable bindings, and changing flexibility and rigidity in a moment's notice.]

A metal that can be program, my luck is broken since I can use Technomagic and maybe create a shapeshifting weapon or other stuff.

"Open Skill Box"

[Obtain Analysis]

[Obtain Perfect Aim ]

"Open Power Box "

[Obtain Environmental Adaptation]

On my opening I gotten some nice supporting power up, something that can help me out a lot in the future.

The skill a got really complement my current move set, I think I gotten myself a plot armor for getting all this amazing draw.

I left the knowledge box for now since I wanted to have a nice rest and not passed out with coping the new information I got (I'm stuck at what to give MC from knowledge box, leave suggestion here)

[Power :

- Flight ( The Power to fly without any outside influence )

- Aerokinetic Constructs (The Power to create tools, objects, weapons, armor, and even appendages out of air)

- Techomagic (The power to use a combination of magic and technology. Form of Magic. Combination of Technological Constructs and Magic, Users can combine magic and technology in various ways and to various extents. Beginners can create and mimic technology via magic. Advanced users can infuse technology with magic, granting it considerable edge and versatility. True masters can fuse magic and technology entirely, retaining all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses.

- Environmental Adaptation (The power to survive and adapt to an environment, The user can survive and adapt to any environment and/or condition, being able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount/quality of sustenance, breathable medium, etc. with little or no discomfort.)

Skill :

- Body Reader (Accurately read body language to anticipate emotions and actions )

- Jury Rigger ( Build complicated devices or fix things using random nearby objects )

- Smooth operator (Remain cool, calm, and composed even during the wildest times)

- Savant (You're a Savant! This means you've got an incredible insight into crafting all sorts of things, from meals, clothes, armor, weapons, magical devices, and all sorts of other things besides. Even if you've never done something before so long as it's a skill remotely 'craft like' in nature, you'll be able to perform it at the level of a (mortal) master.)

- Sketch artist (Rapidly and accurately draw sketches)

- Analysis (You can immediately identify any defects in hardware upon casual observation. This is effective on devices, Vehicles, and buildings.)

- Perfect Aim (You have the ability to aim perfectly at your target)


- Weapon Modification ( You design and modify weapons with flair, creativity, and skill ),

- Martial Artist ( The user understands all martial arts and perfectly utilizes them like they've trained in them for years.)

- Cooking ]