
Hello, my weblings! I'm back with another book. However, PLEASE DONT SKIP. I understand the mental illnesses as a whole are very badly represented in the media. So before I wrote a single word I made sure to understand how the mental (not gonna say cause SPOILERS) illness works, what it affects, and other things like that. I also watched documentaries, since I do not want to contribute to the growth of negativity when it comes to this disorder.

That being said, I still want to explain my warning. If you are offended by anything that is written, please comment or contact me in some way. I tried my best to portray the illness as truthfully as possible, though I can not truly understand the daily life with such illness. Also, this book is not finished. I wanted to ask if there are any ships, character arcs, or short storylines that you guys might want to add. Usually, I upload an already finished book, BUT NOT THIS TIME!

Also, one last thing. There are little references to my past books, so if you can spot them that would be cool!

P.S: Peeps who are fans of The Boy With The Pink Hair, would you guys want a Christmas special? Ok, done! BYE BYE!