Chapter 3

Hisoki was writing the English alphabet when four of his students rushed into class, bags in their hands. Baker, Kai, Wafi, and Yoshi. He continued writing as if they weren't even there. "Mr. Hisoki sir, We're so sorry. We went to the store down the street. We didn't know what time it was until it was too late!" Wafi said though Hisoki continued writing. Once he was at 'Z', he placed the cap on his marker, before turning to the students. He frowns dramatically. They all bowed, having a grim look on their faces. 

"Well, you guys are ten minutes late, plus you called me Mr. I'm going to have to take you to the office." He says sadly, the student's eyes widening. "No, please Hisoki! We're so sorry! We promise we won't do it again!" Hisoki looked down at the bag, before backing up at this student. He smiled, leaning on the board. "It's fine, just try not to be late again. Did you guys eat lunch?" The boys shake their heads. "Alright, well just don't be loud as you eat. You can sit down." Hisoki says with a smile, before underlining the alphabet. 

"This might shock you, but every English word uses only these letters, that's it. There are only 26 letters of the alphabet. These all have different and multiple sounds you can pronounce, it all depends on the word. That's why we aren't going to learn rules in this class. Not now at least." He explains, looking around the room. He frowns slightly when he noticed Harley on his phone. He taps the board. "Harley, quick how many letters are in the English alphabet?" The boy looked up, his eyes widening. He wasn't even paying attention. 

"15?" He asked hesitantly, Hisoki shook his head sadly. "No, it is not." He says, shaking his head. "Put your phone away and maybe you might learn something, who knows." He says, before looking at the rest of the class. "Yoshi, how many letters are in the English alphabet?" He stutters for a moment by the sudden question, but looks down at her notes. "twenty-six?" He nods, sitting on his desk. "Yes, there are twenty-six letters of the alphabet. We aren't going to learn them all today, however, we are going to learn the vowels."

He sighed, sitting back in his chair. He placed the stack of filled-out homework beside him. "Um, Hisoki?" Wow, rude. Hisoki looks up at the voice, his entire body freezing. He pushed back his rolling chair, sliding back and forcibly swallowing. He sucked in a harsh breath. What was he doing here?! He quickly stood, walking to the door and shutting it, his shoes clicking on each harsh step. "What are you doing here, Mago?" He asked,  the boy not expecting such words. 

"Is it true?" Mago asked with a soft frown, his tan skin leaning on the desk, Hisoki allowed it. "What are you doing in my classroom?" He demands, glaring at the boy. "' I just want to know, I've been writing this essay for two years now, if you're just telling me-" He sighs, shaking his hand. "Why would I tell you? Why is it so important for you to know?" Mago huffs angrily. "Come on! I have been trying for years now! You have to tell me something!"

Hisoki shakes his head, crossing his arms. He had nothing to tell. "As a researcher, you need to find that out, yourself. I've never been easy on you, why would I be easy now?" That made Mago huff. "It was easy when you were my assistant. But now you're not." "Then let me be!" Hisoki sighs. "Do what you want. The class starts at twelve-thirty. Be there by then and I'll let you in." 

Hisoki grabbed onto the boy's hand. "What the hell!" Mago said as he was being pulled by Hisoki. The teacher opened the door, pushing Mago out. "See you tomorrow." He mutters, before closing the door. 

He sighs, leaning his beach on the door. He closed his eyes. "Jesus, he needs his pills."

Yoshi saw everything and quickly ran up to Mago. "Woah, what happened?" He asked worriedly to the tan boy, but he only nodded his head. Yoshi has seen him before, but he never thought he was in Hisoki's class. "Did Hisoki just throw you out of the classroom?" Yoshi asked, and the boy huffed. "It's nothing, I just have some questions." Yoshi looked at Mago, obviously not convinced. "Yeah, because every teacher throws a student out of a class after answering questions." Yoshi mocked. 

"I'm a student-teacher. I would expect you to at least call me Mr. Jinja." He says, looking down at Yoshi, why did everyone do that. "Ok, Mr. Jinja. Are you in college?" He nods. Oh, so he is the student-teacher. He stepped back, bowing. "Sorry then, I didn't know. Just kinda thought you were a student." Mago shrugged quietly. 

He felt a tap on his shoulder, making him turn around; it was Baker. "Hey. Kai, Wafi, and I are going to have a little hangout tomorrow. You two wanna come?" He says, looking between Yoshi and Mago. Yoshi turns around, looking at the tan boy. "You should come, it'll be fun." Mago looks hesitant, but sighs and nods. "Fine, I'll go. I need to get this class's homework done anyways." He says, shrugging. 

Yoshi mentally cheered, a smile on his face as he turned back to Baker. "Same here, do we know if the trouble maker will also be going?" Mago scoffs. "Yeah, no. I know that kid, super self-absorbed." Baker shrugs, holding his books in his hands. "Well, I don't know. Would he want to go?" Yoshi sighs, leaning on the sets of lockers, his head tilted to Baker. "Baker, you seem like a cool guy. Do you think you could ask?" The boy in front of him blushes, www. "I can try, but don't expect it to go well." He mumbles. 

Mago begins to walk off, leaving just the two of them. "I'm curious. Are you…. You know?" Yoshi looks at him. Is he what? "I don't get it, am I what?" Baker sighs, shaking his head. "Nothing, nothing. Hey, I'll see you at class tomorrow, ok?" Yoshi smiles and nods. He watches as Baker smiles back, before walking away. That boy was so kind, why hasn't he talked to Baker sooner?