Chapter 33

Baker stood there, watching his teacher. He…. she….. What was happening?

Baker just stood there, confused. "Uhhh... Hisoki, why are you-" He turns around to face Baker. "Talking like that? Sweetheart," What was up with all the pet names? He stepped up to him, kissing Baker on the cheek. Did he just- "It's not my fault I talk that way It's what a girl does I guess."She shrugs, stepping back to the class. Girl?

Yoshi pulled Baker back to his seat. "First off, so unfair. And second, what the hell did you do to him?" Yoshi whispered, glaring at Baker. He hastily shook his head. "Nothing! I don't think he hit his head, I caught him before he even fell!" Baker whispered. He wanted to know why Hisoki was acting and talking like that, but he was also too scared to ask. "So what are we supposed to do….. Just go with it?" Wafi asked, leaning down so he could talk with the other three. "Uh, no. Maybe he had a concussion..?" Kai asked, though Yoshi shook his head.

"Excuse me, Mrs.." Yoshi turned to him, but Baker only shrugged. Hisoki, or whoever this person knew, smiled. "Kiso. You guys can just say Kiso, god it's rude to call someone as young as me Mrs." She jokes with a smile. Yoshi nodded his head. Was he really about to go with this? "Kiso….. Uh, where did Hisoki go?" Yoshi asked hesitantly. The girl giggled, waving her hand. She walks behind her desk, grabbing a pink hair clip, sliding it on the smaller side of hair. HIsoki had styled it as a side-part, which almost seems perfect.

"Hisoki's still here dear, trust me." Se says, moving hair behind her ears. She sighs, clicking the compact case shut and looking up at Baker. "Now for you young man. Hisoki told you to place the bear exactly where you had found it, not in someone else's room. We don't need Kiki coming out, now do we." She voice sternly. Baker nods his head quickly. He felt like he was being scolded by his own mother.

The door opens, Mago and Harley both running in. So they were together, huh. Kiso turns to smile as they dash in. "Hi boys, why exactly are you two late?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, and placing both hands behind her back. They both just blink at her. "What….?" Mago asked. She clicks her tongue, shaking her head. "Hisoki…?"


Harley stands side by side. What the hell is happening? He shakes his head. "Try again, Doll." He says calmly. Harley freezes, his breath running cold. The sudden autumn weather catching up to his warm body, his blood freezing at the touch. It's an altar. Harley stares at her for a moment. Is it a she….. He didn't know what to say. "Give me back Hisoki." Harley dared, glaring at the other. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "Your just like the rest of them. Always bossing women around, doesn't care about what we think," She walks to Harley, who seemed to be abandoned. Where did Mago go?

She places a hand on his chest, pushing him back. Harley allows her. He doesn't know if she is stronger than him. No need to assume. "Well I will not let it happen again. It seems you need to be taught a lesson, since you men never learn the easy way." She spits harshly, glaring at him. She tries to knee him in the groin, but right before she does he steps away from her, stepping back into the door. If it's a fight she wants, then it's a fight she's going to get.

She raises her hand to hit him, but right as she does he grabs her wrist. She spins her around, pushing her onto the door. "Give me Hisoki." "Make me." Harley sarcastically thinks for a moment. "Hmm, fine then." Still holding onto her arm, he throws her onto the ground, her sliding back a few meters, barely not hitting the opposite wall. "Harley!" Kai yelled, worried for his teacher. He simply waved the other off.

Harley rolled out his shoulders, walking over to the other, who was groaning on the ground. "You are much less resilient than Sahae." Harley jokes. He went to his knees, placing his hand around her throat. "Give me Hisoki" He bargained calmly. She continued to glare at him. "Go to hell." She muttered. Harley rolled his eyes, and started slowly squeezing her neck. He didn't want to kill her, just needed her to get scared enough to leave. Kiso's eyes slowly shut, as she gasps for hair, before her body goes limp.

Harley sighed, stepping back from the body as Hisoki gasped for air, clutching his throat. Harley rolled his eyes, snatching the pink hair clip, holding it in his hand. Hisoki looks around, standing up. He brushes off his clothing, shaking his hair and combing through it. Maybe Harley shouldn't have dragged Kiso on the floor. But she deserved it. He cleared the voice, before looking up at the class. Harley finally noticed Mago, who was behind Yoshi. "Hello, Hisoki's students." Harley groans, rolling his eyes.

It's another one? Why can't he just talk to Hisoki?!