08 - Hidden Boss

Souls God. This was the name Kyle had decided to use in Elder Worlds, not because that was the name he liked to use the most, but because that was the name the Souls player community had given him.

Souls started as just a very difficult game that players got very angry while playing, but over time, players began to identify patterns in the monsters and abuse the characters' agility to dodge all monster attacks in the game. .

The more people played Souls games, the more people realized that this strategy could be used in other games as well, although in different games this tended to be more difficult.

But there was one player that no matter what game he played, he always used Souls' Rolling strategy and stood out for it, managing to complete the hardest games in the world in record time without being hit by any enemy attack.

The more games this player played, the more people knew about him, causing this player's fanbase to grow a lot over time.

Over time people started calling him Souls God, as he could use Souls strategy in any game, and was considered the best player in many games.

One day he was bored and decided to look for a different game on the internet to try to complete, and he found a game called Elder Worlds.

From the game's advertising, it looked like it would be a success, but Souls God was not shaken by the game's advertising, as he had already been very disappointed with other games that promised players countless things, but which in the end couldn't deliver any of the that they promised.

But what Souls God didn't expect is that when he played Elder Worlds, he found that this game was everything he had been promised.

Extremely realistic graphics, the feeling of really being in another world, a dynamic combat system that no other game can compare to. All of this shocked Souls God.

In just 24 hours of playing he found himself in love with this game, mainly because the monsters were so powerful, and he had to battle for so long. Souls God felt it would be impossible to go back to playing other games after experiencing Elder Worlds combat.

But what frustrated him is that the game was so realistic that because he struggled for hours to kill the monsters, his body was showing fatigue and muscle aches.

On the one hand this was something amazing as it made this game feel even more like reality, but on the other hand it frustrated him because he wanted to be able to play more but his body wasn't taking it.

Until the moment the DM had allowed players to use the library.

There Souls God found a perfect technique for him, [Muscle Amplification], a technique that made a person's muscles become stronger and more agile, which was exactly what Souls God needed to end his disability.

Soon after learning the technique, Souls God ran to the forest to try to fight more powerful monsters. He knew this was something like a beginner's tutorial, so he wasn't afraid of encountering extremely powerful monsters.

Before long he had gone very deep into the forest. The weaker monsters like Goblins he saw previously were now hard to find.

This made a thought pop into Souls God's mind. 'Either I left the monster area, or I entered a Boss zone!'

This was exactly what he wanted. For Souls players, fighting small monsters was a very tedious thing that posed no challenge. Even though the fights were lengthy, the players never felt that they were really in danger, as monsters could hardly hit an attack on the players.

But finding a boss was completely different, Bosses were monsters so powerful that they would make players' blood boil, they were monsters that depending on the player's level could kill him with just one hit.

It was this kind of challenge that Souls God was looking for, and apparently he had found it.

Searching the area, Souls God found a cave.

'Will it be a fight against a Boss in a closed environment? If it's too small, my agility will be affected...' Even before entering the Souls cave, God was already planning how he would fight the Boss, what tactics he could use and with him what points were good to deflect.

Inside the Souls God cave he felt a very strong smell of blood.

'The senses of this game are very realistic...it feels like I'm smelling real blood!'

The deeper into the cave he went, the stronger the scent of blood became, to the point where Souls God even thought it was some kind of skill.

It took some time for him to reach the deepest part of the cave, where he could finally see something other than rocks.

The environment was very dark, but with the skill that Souls God learned, his eyes could see a little in this place using only a tiny amount of Mana, if he used more mana to amplify his eyes, he could probably see better, but he he knew wasting energy before a battle was stupid.

Lying in the dark was a large monster lying on the ground.

The monster's appearance shocked Souls God. He had already played so many games that he thought it would be almost impossible to see a monster he didn't know, especially after seeing that the first monster players faced were goblins, which were very common monsters among other games, which made him think that this game wouldn't be able to innovate much in terms of monster design.

But this proved wrong when Souls God analyzed the monster lying in front of him. The monster was covered in black fur with some darker streaks, looking like a tiger. This monster's muscles were very large, as if he were a beast made especially for killing. His mouth was big with a lot of teeth, and apparently from having just eaten, it was heavily smeared with blood. The only downside to this strange creature is that it apparently had no eyes.

(To see the visual representation, go to the discord server. The link is at the end of the chapter.)

Souls God looked at the big monster and his heart started to race. He was never afraid of monsters in games, even in VR Souls, for Souls God was just a big pixel monster that someone else had made to try to scare him.

But this time it was different, he was really getting scared of this monster! It was as if in front of him there was not a pixel creature, but a real living monster that could kill him at any moment.

When the monster breathed, you could see that even the hairs on his body were moving, something that the other games couldn't even come close to in realism.

But perhaps because of Souls God's heartbeat accelerating, the monster lifted its head and began to "look" sideways, despite not having a face.

At that point Souls God's body hair stood up. He realized that he would have to fight this creature somehow, or he would just die from it.

So far Souls God hadn't died once in Elder Worlds, and it wasn't going to be now that he would want to break that record.

With that in mind, Souls God calmed down and went into battle stance. He hadn't even brought any weapons to this battle, as as he intended to fight a Boss, he knew rocks could hardly do any damage against it.

So he intended to use the ability he's gained and amplify his own muscles to somehow cling to this monster's weakness and manage to kill it with his bare hands.

With Souls God's small movements, the monster seemed to have noticed him and without thinking twice jumped from his place and headed towards Souls God at a speed that the player didn't think was possible.

It was like a sports car was coming towards him at full speed.

At this point Souls God couldn't even think of anything and instinctively rolled to the side and dodged the monster's attack at the critical moment.

Souls God noticed that the monster in front of him was actually a bipedal creature, meaning a monster that stood on two legs and used its top two legs to attack.

This would make the battle even more difficult, as with the big claws on this monster's paws, Souls God knew that if he suffered a single attack he would die.

The monster didn't give Souls God time to balance and attacked the player again, this time even faster.

Souls God was forced to use his years of training with Rolling to the extreme in order to dodge all of the monster's attacks.

But the more Souls God dodged, the more the monster got angry and attacked with more ferocity.

Souls God was only forced to dodge this monster for 1 hour until he realized something. The monster's mouth wasn't the only place that had blood, the more the monster tried to attack Souls God, the more blood leaked through the monster's body, apparently opening wounds that hadn't yet healed.

At that point Souls God realized that he actually had chances to kill this monster. Even though he had already spent a great deal of mana to make his own body able to dodge this monster's attacks, Souls God knew that the monster's strength was much greater than his, and probably the resistance of that too, so even if if the monster stood still and let it attack, it would be very difficult to get critical damage to that creature.

But knowing that the monster already had wounds from a previous battle, it opened the door to a way to deal with this monster at some point. The only thing Souls God needed to do was focus on dodging and waiting for the right moment to attack.


Arthur had a satisfied smile on his face at this point, players were a great source of Points for him, for every monster that players killed, Arthur got 50% of those points, so with 99 players killing monsters, it was like at least 49 people were working just to provide points for him.

And after he opened the library with the skills, the players' speed to get points was even higher, to the point that at that time there were even some groups of players hunting Mid Mortal Core monsters, something that shocked Arthur as he knew that all players were Low Mortal Core.

But Arthur's peace ended within seconds.

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of him with some notifications.

[Congratulations to player Souls God for completing the Sect Quest!]

[Congratulations to the host for killing 1 Elementary Core Monster!]

Arthur had no idea what was going on. He was prepared to call players to try to kill an Elementary Core monster in a few days after the players ascend to Mid Mortal Core, or even High Mortal Core, but now one of the Low Mortal Core players had killed one of the Elementary Core monsters?!

And most shocking, the player apparently did it himself?!?!

"What kind of monster players are these?" Arthur told himself, shocked.


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Discord server for visual representations: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr