Chapter 8- Monster

While Alex was slowly making his to his next target/ victim, the UISF began their duties albeit a bit late.

They set up a command post, got in to the security cameras so they can see where the enemy bus and if there are any survivors. Most of the agents stationed at Charlie base were caught off guard by the sudden attack, so they were killed. The others were able to get protection on and are fighting back in groups though not fairing well.

Seeing this Olivia gives her orders and the agents enter the battle. Olivia also located Alex on the cameras and goes to fight with him, she also just wants to see first hand how strong he is. She took up her weapon a bo-staff made out of an unknown material and ran towards him, her heart aflutter.


Alex was quickly moving through the numerous white walled hallways towards his next test subject, he had a smile forming on his face.

His eyes glowed bright blue, his teeth changed into that of a K9 and the muscles in his legs changed and became denser. His body went through a half Werewolf transformation, something that took him a lot of time to get a hold of. Though not as strong as his full transformation, in this form Alex has more control over his emotions and mind.



A low growl was belted out as he rounded a corner and came across the lucky enemy attacker.

"Ah! who are you. Nevermind since your here I'm gonna burn you alive!" The attacker yelled as soon as he noticed Alex approaching.

A small flame formed in his hand which then turned into a fireball a very basic fire spell.

Alex didn't mind and in fact slowly walked towards the cloaked man.

The man's name was Jerry and when he saw that Alex slowed down and started walking towards him his confidence grew, he thought he was scared of his spell.

"Haha you're scared right. This is my most powerful attack, let's see if you can take it."

Jerry was very proud of his seemingly super powerful fireball spell, so without hesitation he threw his fireball at the closing in Alex.



The fireball hit Alex dead center and fire suddenly engolfed his body.

His skin started to bubble and pop, it was burning off.

However Alex didn't care he continued walking forward, he didn't feel the pain at all.

"wh-wh-what are you!" Jerry yelled as a flaming Alex stood in front of him not minding his burns at all.

"I'm a Monster." Alex said as he lifted his mechanical arms.

He grabbed Jerry's arms and ripped them off his body, as blood gushed out of his wounds.


Pain overtook his entire being it was a miracle that he didn't pass out yet. Alex didn't stop there he took his mechanical finger and pressed it into Jerry's forehead.


Jerry's screamed in pain again, and for the last time.

Alex's finger bore into his forehead, stabbing into his brain and then killing him painfully.

He was dead.

"Eight more." Alex said as he continued forward looking for more victims.


Not long after Olivia made her way to one bloody hallway. Body parts were on the floor as a person lay dead with a finger sized hole in his skull. The only thing that was on dead Jerry's face was fear, pure fear.

Olivia was shocked beyond belief and didn't know how to process what she is seeing. The sheer brutality that happened to poor Jerry. Though she doesn't know the poor souls name.

Not wanting to be there any longer Olivia quickly follows after Alex.


Alex was making quick work of the enemy intruders that think they are strong.

There are only five left. He killed two in the span of a few seconds. He was having a lot of fun squashing these bugs. He liked the way they squished and splattered beneath his feet.

When Alex goes into his Werewolf mode or even his half mode his personality changes and becomes much more brutal.

He comes upon a new target who is about to kill a group of UISF agents, the ones that were stationed at Charlie base.

"Hahah die you pathetic pigs!" The cloaked man named Tim yells, as an ice spear forms in his hand.

Tim raises his arm and is ready to strike when a voice calls out taking his attention away.

""Hey am I interrupting anything." Alex casually says to Tim.

"Oh! So you've come to die great!" Time yelled with passion as he aimed his arm and threw the ice spear towards Alex. He didn't waste any time.

"scoff" Alex scoffed and easily avoided the ice spear like it was moving in slow motion.

"Crash" the ice spear hit the floor a few feet behind Alex and shattered bro a million pieces.

Alex than walked up to Tim without saying anything else and simple lifted his arm and punched his head.



Tim's head blew up upon impact nothing was left.

The two agents who were wounded on the ground facing death mere moments ago couldn't even figure out what happened nor did they care, they just wanted to live.

Alex looked over at the two cowering UISF agents and coldly said.

"Your both weak! Now leave and get healed."

Without sparing a second glance or word Alex continued onward, he had a few more victims to play with.

Four to go.

The two injured agents slowly get up when Alex is further away and head to a safe are to get healed.

They pass Olivia on the way and sh sends them down to the transportation room where they came in. She quickly left them and made her way towards Alex once again passing by a very gruesome seem that made her question what kind of monster Alex truly is.

Meanwhile Alex made it to a big room with four cloaked attackers standing there. This was great for Alex because they were the last four victims that he needed to take care of. However those four men also looked like the were waiting for Alex's arrival which he also noticed. He knew they were weak, very weak compared to his partially transformed Werewolf state. So he was not going to underestimate them in case they had a trick up their sleeve.

The final battle is afoot.