Something's wrong

"Forgive me manager I am not feeling well today so I am not able to perform as your standard requires." A disgusted look spread across my manger's face, after all who was I to speak to her and only to tell her I'm sick nonetheless.

"How dare you approach me without going through the filing system first and furthermore we don't get, sick. Everyone knows that every single cure that is available to our species has been found and perfected, with our most recent being the great plague." Her nose did a little twitch and I didn't know whether it was because of her disgust or her pride as being a part of the generation that found the cure.

Turning to walk away from me I wanted to reach out to her to let her know that I was genuinely feeling ill, but I know she would just take my monthly incentive for wasting a minute more of her time, even though I'm positive I'm carrying the whole team project on my back. I simply walked by to my desk trying not to faint on my way there and deciding to focus on my breathing because my lungs obviously weren't doing their jobs.

Leaving work at the 14th hour I still had an hour left to spare before night fall so I decided to visit a hospital to find out what was wrong with me, I had gotten every shot necessary even more than others so there is no reason for me to be sick but here I was ghastly white and hair sticking to my skin, barely pulling myself to the hospital doors. The sensation passing through my body had not only hit my lungs but was now spreading to my back and my legs. I felt like I was made out of silly putty and my limbs were not holding up the way they were supposed to.

Weird looks encompassed my vision and it was unsettling to say the least. Now it's one thing to be looked at by others but in a society of perfectionist the scornful glares at the sight of something imperfect is enough to make you want to be perfect and thus creating yet another cloned perfectionist in a society already full of them. Nevertheless, death and illnesses wait for no one and they most definitely wouldn't stop for me.

Finally making it to the front desk I manage to squeeze out a few words to the nurse at the desk, "Hey there, I'm not feeling so well help me please," was all I could remember saying before the world went pitch black.

"I'll need to conduct a blood test because her blood count is abnormally low and there seems to be a virus in her system somewhere around her spinal cord. I worry that it's one of the nasty ones though because it seems to be attacking the nervous system."

A virus? I don't understand, I thought that I had the vaccines and shots, there shouldn't be a thriving virus in my body. What is this doctor talking about? It has to be some kind of mistake.

"I don't understand Doc I thought she was supposed to be protected from all viruses?" Me and you both sister.

A small moment of silence hung in the air before the doctor finally responded, "Well she is, and according to her records she has taken all the necessary vaccine shots," he sighed. "It might just be an ill judgement, so we'll do a regular check up as well as the specified test I had mentioned. The Tizanidine seems to be working so she should wake up in little to no pain but she might need some water, I'm stepping out for a minute so please get the patient ready and don't worry everything is fine." I heard the footsteps of the doctor leave the room as the nurse approached my bed.

"I know you're awake Ms. Azurine. Would you like some water before I start going through the details for preparation you'll need to take before doing these tests?" She sweetly asked in a tone befitting for a toddler knowing damn well I heard what the doctor said. I knew why she was doing this, the very same thing everyone else did, mocking and scorning me all at once because of the way I was born. Nevertheless I opened my eyes and mouthed a thank you to her.

When she finally left I muttered "bitch," under my breath before finally relaxing in the bed and allowing the tension in my muscles to unwind. I hadn't realized I had dozed off until the nurse returned a few minutes later with a pitcher and glass on a tray, it's quite unnerving how easily you fall asleep when ill.

"If you're worrying about what Dr. Cray said you don't need to be, he's only doing the professional thing by running these tests to make sure that you're in the best of health," she said to me, and there it was again, that annoyingly sweet smile. Maybe she's just genuinely doing her job and I'm the one being bitchy after all this is what her job entails. Well she wasn't wrong about the doctor running the tests for my own benefits, so mustering anything except duplicity I tried to reply to her calmly in a non-sarcastic way.

"I really am not, I was just thinking some things over," even offering to throw a smile in to show my lack of duplicity. But I guess I was right because the bitch just glazed over my response telling me she had to step out for a second. 5 minutes.....10 minutes.....15 minutes, no nurse, no doctor but I could hear the movements in the hall wall but only slightly. Having nothing better to do, I grabbed my phone out of my bag on the beside table to notice I had been out for three hours it was currently the 17th hour. I started scrolling through a couple news articles and there was apparently an asylum patient on the loose who was attacking people in hope of getting information on T.G.O. from The Governing Bodies but before I could delve any further into the story, the nurse gets back with another doctor who introduces himself.

"Hello Miss Azurine I am Dr. Stoner and I'll be conducting the tests as Dr. Cray is currently busy in the ER. I hope we can cooperate with each other and find the source of your illness," he said with a smile albeit smaller than the nurse's, there was something quite eerie about it.