The reason why I keep my feelings for myself, is because I can't explain them.



The first thing that Trisha realized after she saw her step sister was how pale Lise was. She looked barely alive, literally.

Her sunken eyes and the dark circles under her eyes she was desperately trying to conceal, couldn't hide how depressed she was.


Trisha couldn't imagine what she had gone through under the hands of Gael McKeltar. She knew for sure that the man wouldn't hurt her psychically, but it didn't mean he wouldn't hurt her mentally.

And from what Trisha witnessed now, it seemed it was the latter, coupled with the fact that they would get married in less than a week now. It was probably the reason why Lise looked so haggard…

She approached her step sister and hugged her tightly only to notice how skinny she became after the last time they met each other.