Blue was not sure that she could dodge the bullet, but then again, she didn't have many options. Yet something hit her hard. A realization that she missed before.

How could she miss such an important thing?

She had seen this man before. He was the same man that approached her when she was in the café, on her first trip together with Chaos, during which he killed a pack full of shifters.

But then, another thing that she realized was… she had met him even before their encounter in the café.

He was there when the green people attacked her pack. To make things worse, he was the man that killed her friends and the members of her pack, hunted her father and her down, until she had to spend two years in her beast form, pretending to be a pet dog…

He was the reason she lost her family. He killed them all. He led those people to kill all the people that she knew.

And now he wanted to kill Gael after he killed her?