Eros walked gingerly, as he carried a tray that was filled with his poor food. He managed to escape from the facility after that girl burned everything inside the room and created so much uproar and ruckus for him to escape that horrible place.

He felt bad for that little girl because he managed to escape alone and now there was no way he could find out about the girl's fate.

However, he didn't want to return to that place again. He didn't want to be controlled anymore. And after being just a few weeks away from the only place that he knew, the eight years old boy had learned a lot of things.

Humans and the non-human beings, the supernatural creatures, were at war. The humans hunted down the non-human beings, while the opposite party did the same thing, they tried to kill each other and Eros was part of the supernatural creatures, he knew that he was a shifter.