Everything was on fire, as smoke permeated everywhere and all alarms went off, blaring loudly, the sound was deafening, coupled with the roaring and screaming in panic of all the people that ran down the corridors.

They shouted something to one another and left whatever they were doing, as the scientists stormed out of the rooms, trying to save themselves from this destruction.

They looked panicked by this sudden calamity and didn't really know what was going on actually, but they couldn't stop running and check to know what the real problem was if they didn't want to burn into ashes.

This was the second time that something like this happened.

However, the first time it happened, when their object of experiment, the lycan escaped, was not as big as this, it happened because the girl, their experimental subject, was out of control, she unleashed her power and caused so much damage in one of their laboratories.