Skylar stared at Chaos intently, she didn't like this meeting. This was the first time they met again after decades.

Chaos looked the same, but she didn't like the rumors that she heard surrounding him, especially when those rumors were proved right.

The way Chaos talked about that girl and how he made his decision right now, told them vividly about the importance of this girl.

"We just need to get rid of her then," Skylar concluded simply. She would fight until her last breath for Chaos, but not for a girl that she didn't even know. Her pride wouldn't allow her.

Yet, Chaos' reply to that statement was beyond her expectations.

"Should I get rid of all of you too since you are worthless to me unless you did what I told you?" Chaos snapped at her. The only reason for Chaos to not get rid of them immediately was that he still needed them. They were useful.