In this chaotic situation where people were trying to find a way to save themselves from the dragon, which flew straight to this place, Nikolai arrived with the rest of the soldiers in his team.

Once he got out of the car, he felt this odd feeling, and his heart skipped a beat. He felt like there was something familiar, but he didn't know what it was about, or who it was…

Nikolai furrowed his brow, he couldn't shake this feeling, but at the same time he needed to focus on the crucial matter at hand; how to stop the dragon, because he didn't think these people would survive from the hell that this creature would bring onto them.

Damn, he was not even sure that his plan or even himself would be able to survive this. The pain that he felt was almost unbearable. He almost reached his limits.

He hated to say this, but he didn't think he would survive this, therefore, he didn't have time to tend to this odd feeling that he had right now.