Liam could see Emily holding a bowl of food, while talking to Colton as the gamma shook his head a couple of times, denying her entry because Eros was still unstable, they couldn't take this high risk and let her enter the room. 

What if Eros snapped and he didn't recognize her? 

Yes, they had put the device that the human had invented on him, which could prevent a shifter from shifting to their beast, but even so, Eros was way strong when it came to physical strength. Even in his human form, he would be able to crush this little girl easily. 

"Let her go inside," Liam said, as he approached them. "Open the door and let her go inside." He smiled softly at Emily and saw a bowl of porridge in her hands that was still piping hot and then nodded, as if he approved what she was doing for the young lycan.