"Can I see your eyes?" the nymph asked him, it had been three days since the last time she saw his eyes and as odd as it sounded, she missed them. 

"Why?" Chaos didn't straight out refuse to do it, but he wanted to know the reason why she wanted him to open his eyes. He was too tired to entertain this small creature right now. 

"I like seeing your eyes. They look very beautiful," the nymph answered truthfully and then waited for his reaction, whether or not he would fulfill her wish was in his hands. 

However, to her disappointment, he didn't open them and stayed still until the nymph left the room. 

The next day, which was the fifth day, was still the same. The torture, the boring expressions from everyone, who attended this torment and how aloof they became and how they thought Chaos deserved to receive this punishment, because of his disobedience, he should have carried out whatever order that he received.