Chaos returned to the room and found Zuri was still soundly asleep, with her body curled on the bed that looked so big for herself, while breathing deeply.

He walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed, as he leaned over to kiss her temple and tucked a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. She looked so adorable when she put her guard down and was oblivious to her surroundings like right now.

Chaos loved to see her like this, not really caring about the world around her and more importantly, she didn't need to think about all the heartache and pain that they had gone through or they would endure in the near future.

If he could, he wanted time to stop and he would gladly spend the rest of his eternity with her, just staring at her like this.

This feeling didn't go away, even after more than one lifetime. Even after both of them forgot about a few things, they always found a way to be with each other again.