July looked at Knox, the man groaned in pain, but she didn't have time to put her attention on him, because right now, their daughter was also crying, she was in so much pain, it seemed both of them were going through the same thing.


However, of course, Knox handled it better than Rhea. The little girl was bawling her eyes, her face had turned red and she didn't stop thrashing her body, telling her how painful it was.


On the other hand, Knox couldn't reach to his daughter and he was helpless. If he could, he would like to get the portion of pain that his daughter had to endure, he would be grateful to free his daughter from the pain, but the problem was; the situation was not as easy as he wanted it.


"Seb! Come home! Rhea is in so much pain! What should I do? What can I do?" July was crying, she was panic, she didn't know what to do to alleviate Rhea's pain and the look on Knox's eyes made her even wanted to crumble.