Zuri fell to the floor after Hades showed her what would happen if he withdrew the protection that he had created. The devil really knew how to force her to the corner without even trying so hard. He was so patient to find the right moment to appear under the guise he would help with the situation.


"So? Will you accept my offer now?" Hades squatted down in front of Zuri, so their eyes were on the same level. He could see those beautiful eyes and how a few strands of her white hair stuck on her face, she was sweating after the fear that he displayed.


Zuri was having a hard time to breath, the image that Hades showed to her was something that she thought would never happen.


She saw how the dragon burned down the East Draghar, killed million of people, even the heat from that fire was so real, she could feel the heat licked her face.