chapter 7 : exams

(the day of exams arrived)

yule:good morning

mark: good morning yule.....uuurgh

yule:whats wrong with mark?

chris: apparently he forgot to study for the exams instead he played games

mark: yule help me!!!

yule: thats a no

mark: I'm done for!!

chris: stop being a drama queen you can just pass the remedial exams man

mark: yeah thats right but if my parents will found out i failed an exam they will take my console

yule: i think thats good

mark: yule come on man, its my console!

yule: and?


yule: what is more important your console or your future??

mark: my...fu...futu....CONSOLE!

chris: *sigh

yule: well say good bye to rae then

mark: wait why?!

yule: you said that your console is more important than your future so your dream of being with rae in the future is not important

mark: its not like that,... i just...

yule: *sigh.... its fine if you know what i mean

mark: yeah i learned my lesson

yule: good now focus in the exams for now

mark: yeah

teacher(m): alright everyone you may start the test!

(yule answered every questions carefully while chris and the other students answered seriously and mark is having a hard time remembering the answers for the exams they took)

(few hours later)

teacher(m): alright i will collect all of the papers now everyone you may go home after i collected all of the papers

students: yes sir!

yule: how did it go mark?

mark: i had a hard time but i might pass a few of them

chris: really well we won't have a hard time teaching you

yule: don't worry i have a plan and it will be like killing two birds with one stone

mark: what does that mean??

chris: you won't understand it anyway so forget it!

mark: man shut up!

chris: well should we go home now?

mark: yeah let's go , i don't want to miss the bus

yule: you guys can go ahead i was asked to go to the teachers lounge today so see yah!

chris: yeah bye yule

mark: bye yule

yule: bye you two stay safe!

(chris and mark went home and yule went to the teachers lounge and upon arriving yule met...)

yule: oh rae how is it going?!

rae: kyaa!! oh yule its just you

yule: haha yeah its just me so whats up?

rae: oh i got my phone confiscated,i'm here to get it but I'm to scared to go in alone so can you help me?

yule: yeah sure i was heading inside also

rae: thanks yule!

(yule and rae entered the teachers lounge)

teacher(f): oh yule glad your here, and who do we have here eyy

yule: good afternoon ma'am, and this is rae she came here to get her confiscated phone

rae: good afternoon ma'am

teacher(f) *sigh... i see well the teacher who took your phone miss rae entrusted it to me to give i to you and please don't use it at class anymore especially during exams

rae: yes ma'am I'm sorry i won't do it again!

yule: good for you rae!

rae: yeah, thanks and i need to go home now,

bye ma'am , yule!

yule: bye stay safe!

teacher(f): don't go anywhere and head straight home now.

(rae left the teachers lounge and went home)

teacher(f): now yule i have a favor to ask you.

yule: what is it ma'am?

to be continued.....