Chapter 1: a new transfer

In a one of the known university in town, a new transfer student enrolled in second year high school in class 2-D.

A middle aged woman in her late forties is having a lecture for homeroom in the said class when a two knocks from the door destroys the silenced of those students who are not really listening to her. A young man wearing the school uniform in his sixteen entered the room. Everyone's eyes was on him that creates an awkward atmosphere except for one person sitting beside the window looking from afar. The teacher signed him to introduce himself so he move a step closer to a platform. He was Kazumi Yano, he was sixteen years old and came from a school in a neighboring town. When he finished introducing himself just like other transfer students do he looked at the old woman like saying where he should sit. The teacher seems to understand so she pointed a vacant seat at the middle in front of the student who like have an own world. Then after a bit of interruption the teacher continue where she have left a while ago in her lesson.

The bell rung which is a sign that the first subject is done. Some students went to introduce themselves to a transfer student while waiting for the next teacher however, even how many classmates wants to make friends with him, he is still confused of the student at the back who really don't like socializing with others that makes him more intrigue.

After a while, the next teacher came who seems younger than the one before, wearing a dark blue blouse with the same color as her pencil cut skirt matching with a black sandal that really fit her looks makes her more younger having a really straight black hair that looks like fresh from salon. She start her discussion where she left yesterdays unfinished lesson but while she was discussing she noticed a new face from the class.

It was not easy for Kazumi coping with a new environment and new faces, just like other new students it is hard for him to be alone when you have no one in this kind of situation. Almost half of the class remained in the classroom for lunch. Kazumi brought out his lunch box to eat but he stopped from what he is doing, well everybody does when someone from the other class went shouting at their door saying that Saki is in another fight again with the upperclassman. Everyone leave the classroom immediately to go where the said battle is held. Kazumi is still thinking twice whether to go with them or stay in the room to eat lunch. As much as possible he wants a quiet high school life which didn't happen in his old school.

Everyone is cheering and people are keep coming at the school gym where Saki is having a fight to a two men who looks like a delinquent. Her mouth is already bleeding but that doesn't stop her, she throw a punch in one of the boys that makes him lie on the floor with the same wound as her. The other man was about to give her another punch but she avoid it quickly then kick him in his temple that also makes him kneel on the ground screaming in pain. The crowd becomes wilder as Saki flip her hair while living both of them in pain.

Because of the commotion the room was quieter as it was a while ago. Kazumi was eating his lunch peacefully when he remember the name of the girl sitting at the back who has the same name mentioned having a fight. Because of curiosity he went to the school gym immediately even though he don't have an idea where the gym is. He thought that he might got lost and not make it to the next class so he decided to go back to the room and finish his food. Even he is very much curious about that student, study first. He was given a noted for the pass lesson he missed so that he can cope up with it.

He was a little bit shocked when he heard a voice in front of him, who would've thought that someone was here except for him when he knows that everyone was watching a live action at the gym. The class representative giggled a little when she saw Kazumi's shock face. She apologized for not making a noise while entering the room, she thought that no one is in here.

Nagisa Fuyumi is the class 2-D's representative. Having a perfect look that anyone could fall for her in first glance wearing a bright smile. She looks like a model wearing a school uniform having her not so long curly blond hair tied. ''Fuyumi-san sorry I didn't notice you were here'', Kazumi said in his shy voice. Instead of answering him back Fuyumi wore again a bright smile hiding her two eyes. Kazumi was about to talk again when the bell rung for the first subject in the afternoon.

Kazumi is really exhausted for his first day at school knowing that instead of staying late at night playing video games, he needs to study for the lesson he missed for exams are right around the corner.

Passed ten in the evening when Kazumi decide to buy some snacks at the near convenience store in front of his apartment. The weather is still warm even it is already dark unlike where he grew up where sunlight is only coming out once in a while and when it is dark it is really dark unlike here that there are lot of streetlights so you can see your way without using flashlight. He bought some junk foods, breads, soft drinks and cup noodles that is already enough for him in how many days to survive. When he got out of the place he sighted a familiar figure in front of the store and when he got nearer, he was right. He wants to talk to her realizing that she didn't attend the afternoon classes a while ago. But instead of approaching her, he went passed by her acting that he didn't see anything. After a one step away from her, Kazumi stopped when he noticed that Saki is holding the sleeve of his jacket. Even the place is a little bit dark he still noticed the wounds and scars on her faces that it are still fresh. He faced her with a questioning face however Saki remains quiet.

Kazumi can't still believe what he is seeing right now. A girl in his age is eating a cup noodles this late at night in his apartment with just the two of them like she didn't eat for how many days. He tried asking him countless times but she chose to zip her mouth. Kazumi took a deep breath that seems he lost while he lay on the floor. When she is already full and lean on the wall like she ran a marathon. Who would think that a girl as short as her eat a lot. ''I can't take another bite anymore'', she whispers.

Saki is well known not just in their school but to other schools also. She was that small but inside her lies a tiger. She's wild and war freak that anytime soon the school can kick her out for joining some fights. She was living in a small apartment near the place with her old man. But she always spend time alone for her dad is always busy at work, however it doesn't mean that he is not a good father to her. Her dad doesn't know what she's been doing and because he's present this time she decided to not show her face. Seeing that kind of face will only worries him, she's still a good daughter after all.

''WHAAAAT!!! No you can't''. Kazumi still refuses in his bravest voice even though you can feel that he is trembling inside, well who will not Saki can take down men in her size. So even he is against the idea as if he has a choice as long as it is just for tonight. Kazumi didn't expect this coming, who would know that some of his new met classmate will show up in front of him one night to eat all of his stock foods and want to spend the night together. Even he is against the idea, of course Kazumi is an intelligent person and he has a dignity to hold on and besides he don't have an experience at girls so this is his first time so it was not already uncanny if he is in panic right now and another one the one that is with him is no ordinary girl that anytime can hurt or kill him, maybe that is too much after all Saki still have a conscience and she's still a girl so it leave him no choice.

The two of them slept pass three in the morning. Kazumi spent the whole time treating Saki's wounds and scars, after all it is not right or good for a girl especially a teen ager like her having wounds in her face. You can see that these two young people didn't have enough sleep because if you examine their faces the first thing that can catch your attention are their eyes whose like competing on having large eye bugs. And another beside the dog's neighbor who keeps on barking whole night like it was witnessing some supernatural event or having its dream concert itself is Saki's unending moans every time the cotton touch her skin, even it doesn't hurt a lot but she likes teasing Kazumi like they have known each other for a long time. So because of this the neighbors may get the wrong idea but even Kazumi covers her mouth she will just bit his hand that sometimes makes him scream that can wake all the tenants in his floor.

After that, because Kazumi is an intelligent and responsible student he still needs to wake up early and attend the class. Beside those big eye bugs hanging in his face and a little bit of scar caused by the girl who is sleeping soundly in his bed. Before they slept that night they have a little fight who will take the bed and because Kazumi is a gentleman he let her have it. He prepared for school with a sleeping face and prepare a breakfast for two people. Before going out, Saki is still sleeping in his bed, he tried waking her up numerous times but this girl is made of steel so instead of being late at school he just left a note then leave her having her dreams.

The first thing Fuyumi noticed when she entered the room wearing her big smile and energetic as always is Kazumi sleeping in his desk. She wants to wake him up but she think twice and when she already decided to do it the bell rung. Even he is still sleepy he tries to wake his spirit up for homeroom and when he is stretching his arms someone put a cup of coffee in his desk. With a wondering face he looks up who did it nevertheless he didn't hear an answer but a smile. He finished the cup of coffee before the teacher arrives and thank goodness this helps him a lot to start the day with some energy.

While there homeroom teacher giving a speech about her history in life someone brake in to the room. The homeroom was nearly to end when she came in and before she went to her seat she tossed a note to Kazumi's table. Kazumi didn't expect Saki to attend and with a wondering face he opened the note.

Thank you for letting me sleep in your apartment and by the way the breakfast is not bad.


He didn't expect that a girl like her knows how to appreciate things. While the teacher is still having the story of her life he looked at her with confusing face. From looking at the window Saki turned her attention to the guy who is looking at her with a question on his face but instead of saying something she just look at him with what-look.

During break time Fuyumi went to Kazumi's seat to ask him what makes him lack of sleep. Kazumi can't find words to say, he can't say that Saki was in his apartment last night and he treat her wounds, he doesn't want people to get the wrong idea and start rumors about them. He was stuttering while looking for a perfect alibi when Saki appeared in front of them wearing a devil's eyes that can kill. Kazumi and Fuyumi have a loss of words while looking at the girl standing beside Kazumi's desk. She was just standing there for a couple of minutes already however she still don't say anything.

Fuyumi can't take it anymore so she decided to break the ice in asking Saki what she needed but still she is quiet. This time Kazumi did the same thing that is when Saki talks when next class will start.

Kazumi decides to stay at the library to complete his notes. It was already past eight at night when he got home. It is very tiring so he lay down in his bed immediately without changing clothes. However, the moment his back touches the bed he felt something hard. He immediately turn on the light to see what it was and there he saw the same girl who slept in his bed last night having a peaceful nap in his bed. He pull her legs to wake her up and get out of the bed with all his energy left but this girl is really strong even she's in her sleep. So without a choice again he slept at the sofa.

The next morning with his uniform on he wakes up in his bed. Yes, something is weird knowing that last night he knows that he slept at the sofa having Saki in his bed. He got up immediately to look for the said girl but she's nowhere to be found inside of his place. He thinks that maybe he was just imagining things up so instead of thinking those unexplainable things he prepare for school and do his everyday chores and rituals.

The class already begun but still Saki is not around, her absence is not already new to everyone except for him. Saki rarely attend class and spending most of her time with her gang fighting with some group of delinquents around the city.

Days and weeks had past and yet Saki is not attending her classes and because of her absence Kazumi spend most of his school days with Fuyumi. It's not like they were close or something but Fuyumi finds it hard to approach Kazumi if Saki is around. He asked her if they are worried to their classmate being absent for several days but Fuyumi just answered saying that it is not already new to them like they don't care about her existence and the school is peaceful without her around.

In second Kazumi doesn't know why he was pissed of what he heard but it makes his blood rise. He shouted to Fuyumi that makes the whole class freeze and look at him and also to Fuyumi shocked. When he realized what he had done he ran out of the classroom living his classmates hanging especially Fuyumi who just said what really is true. Saki caused a lot of trouble at school and why the school is not kicking her out for the likes of her is a real pain in the ass.