The day that most of the students hate came, the exam day. Even of all the things had happened Kazumi still went to school prepared hoping to get the top of the class again this year. It was a tough day for everyone, some was sure they will pass some are not, some are doomed and some are just going with the flow.
After exam, Kazumi wishes to go home early to play games. The Saki incident has not yet been revealed for everyone after a week. He wonder if the body is already eaten by crocodiles or other water creatures. He was at the entrance of the building about to go when he heard a group of voices calling for him. It was his classmates inviting him for soccer. Norman is known as the varsity in their school when it comes to soccer and he was also a bit popular to the school. There was also some rumors in the past that he and Nagisa had a short time relationship but the two of them keeps on denying about it. Kazumi didn't expect this coming, no one invited him to play with them after the incident with his best friend a few months ago. He flashed a weak smile at them as he nod. It was just one life opportunity for him to enjoy things with people.
The sun is starting to set but they are not aware of the time. Kazumi was about to kick the ball when he feel a chill at the back of his neck. He looked back as if someone is watching him playing. Norman and the other was curious of what happened to him. Norman tap his shoulder while asking him what is wrong. Fear and nervous mark on his face as the sweat are cold not because he is tired but because of the fact that someone is watching him.
Thirty minutes before seven when Kazumi decides to go home and waved goodbye to the soccer group. At the entrance of the school, there was Nagisa Fuyumi standing beside the school fence, when she saw Kazumi she smiles as she approached him. She cling in his arms like they are a couple as they continue to walk. Fuyumi wants to treat Kazumi for both of them did great in the exam. Fuyumi brag Kazumi in a near cafe so even Kazumi wants to go home early he just went with the flow. As if he has a choice in the first place, Fuyumi is clinging to his right arm tightly like he was an ex-convict who was finally caught. Kazumi ordered a slice of strawberry shortcake and a full cup of latte while Fuyumi had just a cup of caramel macchiato and a slice of cheese cake. It was look like they're having a date, celebrating their victory for the both of them got in the top of their class. Fuyumi do the talking while Kazumi's mind was flying somewhere. He was still nervous about what happened. ''Yano-kun, Yano- kun'', that was the time he get back to reality. Fuyumi asked him if he was listening and he just answered with a ''hmm''. After that Fuyumi continue her story. He was observing her as she continue talking, that moment Kazumi envied her. He think that everything that surrounds her, everything she saw was colorful, unlike him that it was monotone. Fuyumi is always cheerful and hyper, everything that is with her makes a color like she was giving them one.
The next morning after a month Kazumi transferred in the school, a new transfer student was standing in front of them first thing in the morning. That moment that Kazumi and the new transfer student met their eyes he knew. He feel the chill, it was creepy as the cold wind blows in his skin even the windows are close. The new transfer student introduces himself as, Hitoshi Ruwasaki who went the same school as him then flashed a smile to everyone. A smile that it means someone is going to die. A question was marked on Kazumi's face for if that guy went with the same school with him and same batch, why if he is not familiar with him, he didn't saw his face before. This was the first time seeing him.
He sat at the back of Kazumi's seat where Saki was used to sit. Kazumi's hand is shaking as he holds the pen. The creeps he feels was coming up to his neck as someone tap the back of his shoulder. Before he turn his back someone whispers in his ears in a creepy voice. The voice asked if he was enjoying his new school and if Saki's body is not yet found and what might happen next if he keeps on engaging with other people. Kazumi tried to be calm and answered him in a shaking voice asking him why he do this and beg him to leave him alone, he just want to have a fresh new start and live a normal life. The guy giggled and said that he will never leave Kazumi alone and live happily not until he's dead.
Hitoshi's evil laugh was keep ringing in his mind as he realize that the killer he dreamed about has the same face and body with his new classmate. Because of that thought it never let him sleep all night thinking that there is a possibility that the one who killed his girlfriend, best friend and Saki is the same and the thought that it might be that Hitoshi guy.
The next morning Kazumi decided to confront Hitoshi early in the morning. There were still no student present at that time, it was just a great timing for Kazumi to have a chat with Hitoshi for the both of them went to school an hour early before the class start. Hitoshi entered the room and smile when he saw Kazumi staring straight at him standing in the platform. ''I know that you didn't change, you still have the habit of going to school early"''did you kill... my girlfriend, my best friend and... Saki? '', Kazumi asked with his bravest tone even inside of it he was getting weaker. Instead of answering him back, Hitoshi just laughed as he walks nearer to Kazumi in the platform. ''Didn't you know that you are the one who caused it all? If you just didn't exist nothing will happen'' ''why'd you hate me so much, I didn't even know you. You were an unknown person to me, an unknown person who keeps on destroying my life' '''I heard that you are still the top of the class this year, congratulations. I'm so proud of you, you grew up so well'' Hitoshi holds his hair but Kazumi tap his hand away with the look of a glaring eyes. Kazumi was about to answer him back when Kota entered the room while feeling the song he was singing. The two of them drove their attention to the guy who was catching every students who pass' attention with his not so pretty voice. He was just stop when he saw the two transfer student in front. He greeted them 'Good Morning' even he didn't get a respond. Little by little students are coming so the two of them finished their conversation, however, there will be a part two of this little chat.
In their first subject which is the homeroom, the teacher gave the time for the students to have a meeting and finally decide what they want to do for the upcoming cultural festival. Kota is the first one to suggest, he suggest to have a maid café, almost half of the boys in class agreed and voted to that suggestion. Honestly, this boys of the class who suggested this was agreed to all of them because; first, they want to see the girls in sexy maid outfits which is heaven to them; second, the same as first then next, the same as first again, that was their only objective in suggesting that. Fuyumi who is the class representative the one writing class' suggestion's on board suggest a horror house, it was unusual for a girl that bright to suggest that, five or more of the class vote it. Then there it comes Hitoshi who suggest a theater act. The story is already prepared by him and who will act. He shared his written story to everyone and they seemed to be persuaded.
Everyone agreed to practice and make the props when they are free. Hitoshi teases Kazumi making him the main character of the story and the genre seems to fit on both of them. Hitoshi is pointed as the director and the script writer. Fuyumi is pointed as the second lead of the story. The boys who voted the maid café especially Kota is disappointed sitting at the back corner of the room like a kid who is angry to his parents when they promise to visit the amusement park this weekend but something came up so they need to reschedule it.
When Kazumi got home that night feeling exhausted in the after class practice, the first thing shows in front of him when he opened the door of his apartment is unexpected. It was Hitoshi standing in front of the door like a wife who is waiting for his husband coming home after having an overtime work. His hands is trembling holding the door knob to close the door and remove his shoes while asking him what he is doing here or how does he entered. Hitoshi responded in a proud voice saying that what is there that he doesn't know. ''If you expect that I will welcome you like a guest, well you're wrong so if I were you, you better get out of here'' as he pointed the door. ''Oh c'mon I just got here, would you not give me a hug?'' He smile teasingly as he open his arms as if Kazumi will hug him. Kazumi didn't move a muscle still pointing at the door while glaring at him. Instead of getting out, Hitoshi entered into the room examining the whole place. ''Your place is quit big for one, would you mind if I will stay here?'' ''As if I'll allow you! Can you just get out. I'm too tired to deal with you now. ''Aww… is your role really that tiring? You're my inspiration why I came up with that story. I was thinking of you while writing that, don't you think we're meant to be'' Hitoshi said while lying on the bed but before he do that Kazumi pulled him out saying, ''NEVER!!'' Hitoshi giggled letting Kazumi pulled him out of the bed. ''You're cute as ever'' ''that's why I like you'', he whispered to Kazumi's ear. After that Hitoshi leave in his own will saying goodbye to Kazumi and he will visit him again. Kazumi said, ''NO WAY!!'' as he closed the door with force that makes a loud noise that echoes in the whole place, even him got shocked on what he did.
The next day Kazumi went to school, Fuyumi asked him in a curious face as he sit on his desk. ''Ney ney Yano-kun, did Hitoshi make you the starring because you went the same school as him? Are you two close? I saw you one time you're talking to him so—'' ''Sorry Fuyumi-san I was tired and I don't want to hear his name for a while'' Fuyumi apologized then leave him alone and have chit chat with their girl classmates.
Five minutes before the homeroom when Hitoshi arrive. He was smiling wildly as he sit while talking to Kazumi who is just in front of him saying that he got another idea about the story they're making that what if the main character Kazumi Yano will die at the end of the story. Kazumi doesn't care on what Hatoshi said instead he turned to him to ask why he transferred there of all places. Hatoshi smiled hiding his eyes saying that he just want to be with him if he could he wants to stay with him twenty four seven. Kazumi can't find words to answer him back so he faced front not answering him.
''Yano-kun, Yano-kun'', Fuyumi said as she approach Kazumi in his seat while making a cute voice and face. Before she talk what she supposed to say when Hitoshi interrupt him. ''Nagi, do you have a crush on Kazumi?'', he asked directly without hesitation. Both Fuyumi and Kazumi blushed then confronted Hitoshi. Kazumi got the chance to talk first saying, ''what are you saying are you dumb?!'' then Fuyumi followed that question, ''I…it's not like that… stuuupid''. Hitoshi just burst a laugh looking at their faces burning in red. ''I can't blame you, Kazumi is a smart and handsome kid he was also quite popular in our old school'' ''I told you I don't like him'' ''In your reaction right now it looks like I hit the jackpot, so… when did you start dating? Kazumi start studying here a couple of weeks ago so did you start in his first day orrr…. Are you two started dating before he transfer here'' ''Shut up!!!'', Kazumi shouted in an angry voice that catch the attention of the other students in the room. ''Stop talking nonsense you're making Fuyumi-san embarrassed'', he whispered while sitting when he stand so sudden a while ago when he shout. Fuyumi was so embarrassed going back to her seat.
''So you've moved on already to your ex dead girlfriend'', Hitoshi whispered in Kazumi's ear. ''Shut your stupid mouth up before I cut your tongue out of your mouth'', Kazumi answered in whisper. ''Since you already moved on maybe the same with your best friend I can be your new best buddy'' ''I'd rather have a dog as a best friend than having you'' ''Oh, that hurts I really want to be one'' ''Back off before I kill you'' ''So you're threatening me now, do I need to be afraid of you?'' ''Of course you should, the moment I found out that you are the one who killed my friends I will drag you to hell'' ''Is that so, so what if I really did'' Kazumi turned his back to Hitoshi and hold his collar up. Hitoshi doesn't seem so shock or afraid of Kazumi's action but instead he giggled looking at his eyes. Someone was about to stop them when the next teacher came so Kazumi let go of Hitoshi.
After eating lunch, Kazumi went to the rooftop to cool his mind. From the top of the building you can see almost half of the place and people looks a little tiny. A fresh air makes him chill that he didn't noticed he fall asleep.
The first thing that Kazumi saw when he opened his eyes is Hitoshi. It makes him a little bit shock when he saw him sitting in front of him watching him while he sleep smiling until in his eyes. Kazumi asked him if what he was doing in there in a panicking voice like something would happen having just the two of them in the rooftop. ''You really seemed not got enough sleep this past few days seeing you here sleeping like a baby not attending the afternoon class. 'Oh shacks I forgot I didn't notice I fall asleep', Kazumi thought in his mind while standing rushing to go back to the room. Before he opened the door Hitoshi shouted at him while standing saying that the class is already over a few minutes ago. He rather go find Fuyumi who is looking for him to practice. Kazumi rushed to the classroom to look for their class representative.
Kazumi's face was full of sweat while getting down the stairs in a thought of Fuyumi's angry face crushing him. He was catching his breath when he reached the front door of their room trying to call Fuyumi. He stand straight when he heard the voice of the girl he was looking right in front of him. He tried to explain although Fuyumi doesn't seem so interested in his reason. He thought that he was doomed seeing those serious face of her.
Because of a few minutes delayed of their practice they need to have an overtime. Everyone shouted, ''eeeehhhh!!!'' yet they still did getting scared at Fuyumi's stare that looks like she will kill anyone who will complain.
They were the only remaining students in school when they packed up. While walking in the corridor the moon was reflecting at the window that lights up the way. Everyone was getting ready to go home when one of their classmate, Sera stopped them to suggest that what if they go on a nearby family restaurant to dine in for dinner. Her classmates looked at each other in a moment. In the end, almost half of the class raise their hands to go while the remaining others wants to go home and rest.
Kazumi was near the window checking his wallet if he has a budget for the said dinner and when he opened his wallet he was disappointed to know that even he want to go in a thought that this may be the time for him to get along with his classmates, he can't. ''I'll treat you'', he was a little bit shocked when someone talked in his ears while hanging her left arm around his shoulder.