Chapter 5: statements and alibis

It's been two days since the success of the cultural festival. A phone call from early in the morning wakes Kazumi up in his sleep. It is four in the morning of Saturday so Kazumi planned to sleep for the whole day cause he was still tired and have festival fever. Fuyumi in the other line is in panic, her voice is crack while trying not to cry. From the background you can also hear people's mourn. Even Fuyumi didn't tell anything yet Kazumi had already an idea what happened. Even he is half sleep he woke from his bed then go to school immediately.

He was still in the school gate when he saw lot of people in front of the school, a police car and an ambulance. This is also the same thing he saw when they found his girlfriend's body in her dorm. He stood there like a statue without moving a muscle. He can't believe what is happening. It was just yesterday when he saw Kaoru in their play, she was strong and alive that time. Who would think that after an exciting festival, a tragic moment came next.

Kaoru Oizumi is the most behave in class. She was shy, quiet yet friendly and smart. You would never know that she was there or she was your classmate not until she talks. She is a member of the debate club in the school. Her mouth run fast as her mind. She is a classmate that you can say that she is introvert yet active in school activities. Once you lied an eyes to her, you can take it off her. In first glance she look like a nerd hiding in those big thick round glasses but once you became her friend you can get off her charm already. She's bit popular even she's not a queen bee type of girl but her simple gestures are enough to admire her whole personality. Because of the talent she had, she already win so many award in debate representing the school. She's still second year yet her future is already told.

Kaoru was said found under the stage where they performed dead. She was killed just like how she died in the role play. The culprit really killed her intentionally just like her role. Because of what happened the school especially their class is suspended for two to three days. The detective called them one by one even the teachers for more information about the said incident. They found a knife full of blood in a trash can outside of the place that police believed it was the weapon used to slit her truth, yet there were no fingerprints found in the weapon, in the body and in the crime scene.

'' I didn't saw any suspicious person during the play, there were too many audience I can't memorize all their faces''

''I was in charge for the props so I was at the backstage preparing the things for the next scenes. The knives and guns used were just plastics and toys''

''In the middle of the play I saw from the corner of my eyes though I am not so sure. There was a man in the very back of where the audience are, he was wearing a black hood and gray shades even the place is dark enough''

''Yeah, yeah I saw that man too. At first I didn't mind him cause he kind a weird and funny. He was tall like two meters high? I think and his like sixteen or seventeen in age. He was young, I didn't saw his face in the school before so I thought that he came in another school. He was alone but what catches my attention is his smile, whiel the play is going on he was smiling, so creepy''

''I was assigned in the entrance for tickets so I don't have an idea what is happening inside. The line was quite long so I don't have time to leave my post or even to peeked what is inside''

''I was in the corridor whole time while the play is going on. I was handing out flyers to the people passing by and promoting our play to the visitors''

''I ate lunch with her during our break before going on a play again. There were nothing different around her everything is the same''

''She was my best friend!! Why would you think I would do that to her''

''Even there is a festival going on, I was in the faculty room the whole time checking out papers''

''Yes, I am their homeroom teacher but I am not in the place when the incident happen, I was expecting visitors from other schools so I can't check on them''

''I was going around the school checking and monitoring the different classes on how they are doing''

''I am the emcee of the festival so I stayed in the school studio the whole time''

''I courted her last year but she dumped me, she said that I am just a friend. It was hard for me cause she is the only girl I loved this way so until now I still can't move, I still like. But even she dumped me, killing her is not in my plan. Believe me, I love her very much so how can I do such thing to the person so precious to me''

''She is the president of our club, she was kind and courageous enough to support the members''

''I was living next to her. There are times I heard arguments in the house next door, she was in broken family. When she was five her father leave them for another girl. It was hard for her mother and her younger brother. Even like that happened, you can't trace a sorrow in her eyes, she was strong''

''I was working with her in a part time job in an Italian restaurant, she is hard working to support herself enough. There are times that some customers picked on her and also some stuffs. We always go home together after our shifts''

''She was already working in my restaurant as a partimer for almost two years. In those two years she didn't cause a problem. She was hardworking so there are times that I increase her salary because I know that she was supporting herself and her family''

''Even she shows a strong appearance, I know that she's crying inside. At night when I woke to go to the bathroom I heard her crying in her room. She don't cry in front of me and mom, she wants us to think that she is okay even dad leave us. She was my older sister so I know everything about her, I know that she was sad even she is smiing, she was my idol, since we were young I look up at her, she was like a superhero to me''

''I was always going home late at night because of my work and leave early in the morning. When I got home they are already sleeping and before I went out they are still at sleep. So I really don't have time to ask them how school are what is going on because I believe they are old enough and they can already take care of thereselves''

'' I am the class representative so it is my responsibility to look out for my classmates. I thought that I was doing my best yet it is not enough, I still failed'', then she burst to cry.

''I… I just transfer here recently so I really don't have an idea or I don't know her that much. I was the main character in the play, I rehearsed some lines with her with the others and that is our main conversation after that we don't talk to each other that much''

''I am the script writer and the director of the play. I came up with the idea of the story when I watched a movie one time. Yes, in the story Kaoru died when a teacher slit her throat and lost lots of blood. Do you think I am the one who killed her just because I wrote that story and she died just the same what it is written?''

The statement of twenty two people who was close to Kaoru Oizumi was heard. All of them gave reasonable reasons to not to do the crime. Their statements was so true to believe except for one person. This one person shows too much affection to the victim that might lead her into her death. But the question how did this person do the killing.

After two days or three of investigations and interrogations, the police and detectives came into a conclusion.

The manager and the owner of the Italian restaurant where Kaoru was working as a part time worker was caught to be the culprit. Some stuffs and workers told that there are times he was always calling Kaoru in his office during work. Kaoru also once said to her co-workers that their boss was molesting her in return of a high salary. At first Kaoru was not happy and wants to file a case to her boss. But because she is just a minor , she can't afford to get a lawyer and she needs money for her family.

One witnessed also was him in the festival watching the play where Kaoru was in. and that person saw them together after the play at the back of the school building where no one go.

The manager keeps on denying the truth while the police are putting handcuffs in both of his hands. The police car leave the school carrying the culprit. Even he was already caught it can't change the fact that Kaoru is already dead. Her memory was still living in the hearts of those who love her. She was will always be with them.

Tomorrow the class will resume, tomorrow is the start of a class where there were no Kaoru as neighbor, as a friend, a classmate, a sister and a daughter.

The class was gloomy, it is not active like it is used to be. There were white flowers in Kaoru's seat. Some of their classmates was still in anxiety knowing that there were one Kaoru Oizumi existed in the class.

Their homeroom teacher didn't came that morning. To those who really are close to Kaoru take the day off. The day after tomorrow will be the burial of their classmate who died tragically.

All of her classmates, teachers and friends was present as they stare at her for the last time. Slowly she was getting covered in soil, slowly they are getting close to the truth.

The culprit, was decided to be guilty and to be in jail in his whole life. Even the lawsuit is finished he still saying that he didn't kill her. Yes, he was attracted to her but she never molested and killed her.

''Kaoru is already gone. She was already in grave and Saki didn't even attend her funeral. Don't she have a guilt? One of her classmate just died'' ''Who cares about Saki, we didn't know where she is or what she's up to''

''G…guys, I just read a news'', while holding his phone standing from his seat staring at everyone. ''S…Saki… they found her dead body floating in the river for almost a week just this morning''

Everyone was disturbed because of the news they heard except for one person, a smirk formed in his face.