Chapter 8: the queen bee

Hijemata Brianna or simply Brie is the school queen bee in their batch. She is the prettiest girl in the campus among the second year students. It can't deny that those perfect figures are to die for, a man's dream, a desire.

Brianna is an only child of the Hijimatas. In the morning she is a second years prettiest high school student and at night, she lays on bed with different men.

At school, they know that she is a spoiled brat being in a rich family but the truth behind those lies are she is a beggar. Staying under the bridge with her father who is always going home late and drunk. Her mother chose to be with another man living both of them behind. They are used to be a happy family and rich. Brianna has all the things she wished for, it was so happy but she never thought that this happiness will come to an end. Her father found out that her mother is having an affair with the delivery man, her father can't take the betrayal that leads all of them in the bottom until one day they just woke up one morning having nothing at all. All the happiness fades and the richest are gone. Her father is jobless and always drunk, at night he is still crying calling her mother's name. She is his first love so it hurt so much to be the one left alone. All the money she gain from her work are the one they used to survive in everyday life.

Currently. She has a rich boyfriend she met in the bar one time at her work. The guy fall in love at first sight to her so even she don't like the man she still become his lover because of the money he had. And now, she and her father are living in a condominium and having her own car service at school, also she quit her job and both of them are enjoying the life of luxury.

Fuyumi stayed late at school for playing badminton. She already changed her clothes into a school uniform and was about to leave when she remembered that she left her pen in her desk in the room. So she went to get what she forgot but she left the place without the pen. She saw from the glass in the door that there were two people left in the room but she is not sure who the guy is with Brianna but one thing is sure the guy is attending in this school wearing their uniform. Behind the door she hear Brie's moans. The only light is the moon reflecting from the window of the room enough for her to know what they are doing.

Brianna went home that night at exactly ten in the evening. When she opened the door she saw her rich old boyfriend waiting for her wearing his usual angry face like he was going to kill someone when he was doubting her having an affair with another man. He didn't wait Brianna to talk or to explain, he immediately pull her hair dragging her into the bedroom. Brianna was already complaining in pain for it hurt so much that goes until to the roots of her hair like she was going to be bald. When they reach the bedroom he throw her into the bed. Brianna was wiping her tears while the old man is removing his clothes then he crawl to the bed where she is to pull her hair one last time and whispers that if he found out that she has another man he will kill him, both of them. Brianna wept while his man remove all her clothes and let him do what he wants in her body.

Brianna used her beauty to get what she wants and let the men think they own her. For her it is a win-win situation for her and the men, she get what she wants and she gave them what they want. Her beauty is her asset, and yet her weakness.

The night was so dark, there is no moon nor stars in the sky, Brianna went home again late and when she entered to her room she found her high school boyfriend hanging in her ceiling. She went out of her room immediately when she found her old boyfriend standing in her door glaring at her. "I told you I will kill whoever the man who will steal you away from me. And now you're next", he said as he draw nearer to her. Brianna was cornered when the man draw a knife from his back. "WAAAAH!!!" Brianna woke from her nightmare, she was sweating gooey and her heart was racing.

Fuyumi's popularity is coming to a level of Brianna even she's not doing anything and Brianna hate her for that. She hates when someone is more popular or more beautiful than her, the fact that Fuyumi was chosen to be Hikari's best friend in the series they are filming, she already hate her. She hate her that Hikari noticed Fuyumi more than her thinking that is more of a beauty that Fuyumi and she also want to be an actress who will be shown on tvs. Brianna hate Fuyumi when she's not doing anything that came to the point she wish her to die, she wish all the women who come on her way who is much gorgeous than her to be death until she was the only beautiful girl left in the school. Brianna was selfish, only thinking of herself even she's already hurting anyone she doesn't care if she was already hurting someone.

When she is a kid she was used to be bullied in school, a laughing staff and a slave. When you say Brianna, her elementary classmates will think of her as their toy, the one they played around and hurt. Her childhood was not that pretty to be remembered until she went to middle school, where she learned to fix herself and became popular with the guys. She also started working as a whore in her young age. It was illegal and she was been wanted to the police but she went out to jail many times and continue her life as it was. She reached high school and there she met the old man who became her boyfriend. Although she's not in love with the guy, she still pursue him thinking that this man was old enough and anytime soon will die and she will inherit all his money. The one she was really in love with is her childhood friend who was in the same school as her. Actually they are not really friends, he was the number one guy bullying her when they are kids and yet now they are lovers. The guy doesn't have an idea what Brianna has been doing, all he know is that he is in love with her.

"I'm pregnant" "What?! How did that happen, I know I used protection every time we do it. So tell me, how come you got pregnant!" "I… I don't know" "Brianna I know you, that child is not mine" "Then who else babe!" "You know what I heard a rumor that you have an old boyfriend, is that true? And you're living in a condo with him" "No were not, he was just paying my rent but we're not living together" "So you're admitting it, that you have another boyfriend aside from me and he is older" "No… not that babe" "What else Brie, what else are things that you're hiding from me! Did… did something happened to you in that man. Th… that…that child, you're insisting that it is mine, what if he is the father and not me" " No babe, nothing happened between us, believe me. I was just with him because he's rich and when he dies, all of his assets will be mine. We will going to be rich babe, don't you want that?" "I… don't know, I just can't take that another man is with you" "Oh c'mon babe, you're the only one I love, so… so this child… it is yours" "No Brie, we can't have that child. We're still in high school and I'm not ready to be a father" "Then… what you want me to do" "Abort the child" "What?! Are you insane, this… this whatever it is inside me I know it is alive. It also has a life and it is considered as a murder. I am not a murderer babe, and so are you" "So what do you want me to do, let that child live and destroy my future. Brie I also have dreams in life, I will not going to reach it if I have a child, and so are you, do you have dreams too right?" "Ye…yeah I'm sure I have, but… I can still reach it even I have a child" "Whatever Brie, you can do what you want but don't expect me to act as a father or a husband. Maybe this is the end for us Brie I'm sorry" "Y…you're gonna leave me? Is that it? After all I have done? We both decided it, we both want it babe" "I'm sorry Brie"

After a month and another month, Brianna's tummy got bigger. "Brie, are you getting fat?" "No honey I just eat a lot" "What do you mean ate a lot, you even didn't eat that much and you're always vomiting. Tell me Brie, are you pregnant?" "No honey of course not, why would I be getting pregnant. Nothing happened between us right? Maybe I was just too tired and I'm not feeling well" "Whatever Brie, if I caught you lying you know what will happen, including what is inside you" "I know.. I know honey. I'm not lying to you"

Brianna stop attending school, she used her allowance for hospital fees and medicines for her child. Her old boyfriend still didn't find out that she's pregnant even she knows that anytime her secret will be revealed.

There is one afternoon that she went home for her checkup is finished as she thought. She found a big package in the table in the living room. There were no names written or even the address. She thought that maybe the delivery man just got it wrong, in her curiousity she opened the box. In her shock that the package contain the head of her high school boyfriend. When she saw that just one person she thought who can do this thing. She ran out of her unit to seek help but no one is around. She was in the sixth floor of the building and the elevator is under construction so she need to take the stairs. While going down, she's still shouting for help, in every step she get weaker and weaker until she can't take it anymore. Her tummy is so heavy and she was exhausted and shocked. When she take turn in the stairs, she saw the body who owns the head, his blood was all over the place and his body was in the stairs. She was so afraid to walk through so she came back in the sixth floor yet there is no single person in sight.

Brianna came back to her unit and tried to dial the phone but is out of service. She turned to the door when she heard that someone is dialing the passcode. In her shock, her old boyfriend came in. "How are you Briee, why are you tense it is just me Briee", he said as he draw closer to her. He pull her closer to him. "I told you, no one can have you except me", he whispered. Her whole body is shaking and afraid what he might do to her yet she gathered all her strength to ask, "D…did you k…kill…him?" "Who? Who are you talking to Briee. I didn't kill anybody. But I might if I know you're lying" "Then why are you here?" "Do I need a reason to see you I missed you Briee. I missed you" "The elevator is broken, did you use the stairs?" "The stairs? Why are you acting weird today? The elevator is working just fine, of course I used it" " you love me, do you?" "Of course I love you. I love you very much that I could marry you Briee. Even you are pregnant with another man". That last sentence surprised her. She moved one step backward. "Do you think I wouldn't notice? That you are having an affair with a high school guy. Even I am not with you my eyes are still on you Briee. I know everything… but don't get me wrong, the head in the package and the body in the stairs. I didn't do that, let us say that someone killed him for me but I didn't order him to do so. And, maybe he's after you Briee" "Don't get scared, don't be I'll protect you and the baby because I love you Briee. I love you very much that I could die with you"

Brianna moved backward until she reached the dining table, she secretly grab the knife. "You're insane, I will not die with you, you moron!" As she motioned to stab him but he stopped her with his right hand. "Brianna, I know you can't do that because I'll kill you first before I kill myself so that we can still be together in hell" Brianna lost all her strength and drop the knife on the floor. Her boyfriend kissed her gently, Brianna shed her tears while responding to him sitting on the floor when suddenly a blood came out of his mouth. "Ho..honey?" He keeps on vomiting blood. "It is you?! Why are you doing this?" "Yes Briee it is me and I'm doing this because…it is fun?!" "You're a psycho!" His old boyfriend dropped dead while the guy moves forward and Briee backwards. The guy is holding a knife with drops of blood and when he got close to her he swing the knife to stab her. Briee grabbed the vase from her back to use as her weapon, even she's losing her strength, she still find force to strike him using this vase. The guy moan in pain, Briee used this opportunity to ran.

The elevator is not opening so she used the stairs. As she move the steps from above also getting nearer and the sound of the knife in the wall. There is no time to rest or to think, the only thing she want now is to survive. She was nearly on the first floor when her tummy hurts. She scream in pain and seated on the stairs. She tries to run but it is too late, the guy is already in her back.

Hijemeta Brianna is the sophomore's queen bee. The prettiest among the prettiest in the school. She is the face of a dream girl, her body is to die for. Brianna also known as Briee once felt the betrayal in her life when her mother leave them for another man. Brianna is a name for strong woman who once experienced poverty and hell. No one knows who really she is, no one knows what she feels inside but one thing is sure, when she loves, it is true and pure.

"Good morning Kazumi" "Hitoshi?! Where did you get that scar from your head?" "Ah this one. Nothing, I just slipped in the stairs in my house" "Tsk… why did you just slip. You should just die" "You're mean Kazumi, I am not a bad person as you think" "I don't know Hitoshi, you gave me chills" "So you still think I'm the killer?" "Why aren't you?"

"Good morning. Good morning Kazumi. Oh Hitoshi what happened to your head" "he slip in the stairs in his house" "Oh that must hurt" "You shouldn't care, his head is made of steel" "Hey Kazumi you're hurting my feelings"

"Okay class settled down, I have an announcement" "I'll be taking a break from work, maybe two or three months so I will not be your homeroom teacher on that time" "Awwww" "Enough already I know you're happy that I'm living, enough with those acts" "No ma'am we're gonna miss you!" "Yes ma'am yes ma'am we'll miss you" "Stop it, you're making me cry. You're making me regret on my decision. It was just two months I just need to unwind and refresh myself. After that I'm coming back, I'm sure. And while I'm gone, a new teacher will take over you. You're gonna meet her next meeting so be good to her okay, she's still young. When I heard you made her angry or cry even I am far I will run from there to here to punish you. Did we have a deal" "Yes ma'am" "Okay that is for the homeroom today"

"Oh new teacher again, I'm tired of introducing myself" "I hope she's not strict and terror" "Nah, she's young so maybe she's sweet and innocent" "And pretty" "Haahhahaha oh yeah"

"Class 2-D I will try my best to be the best homeroom teacher they ever had" "Do your best Miss Honda, call me if there is problem" "Yes ma'am" "I'm sorry to bother you this time of the year. And thank you also for accepting the job" "No worries Miss my passion is teaching so I think I'll enjoy teaching these students"