Chapter 12: speak

"And that is Newton's Law of Motion" , Chikao bow as her classmates applause for. She is really have a nice voice and good at speaking. Since she was five she already dreamed to be shown on televisions as on of the most popular tv reporter.

Morita Chikao is a simple girl living a simple yet happy life. She is the last child and has an older brother which is seven years older than him and now working as an engineer. He is currently out of town for some project. Her father is a car salesman in one of the most famous car company not just in the country but to the foreign lands also. While her mother is a housewife. Her mother discovered her natural speaking voice is beautiful when she was practicing her role at home one time when she's in elementary. Her mother said that she is very amazed that she heard an angel speaking. So that time she promised to her self that she will going to be a news reporter. Even she has a beautiful speaking voice she's not good when it comes to singing. When she go to middle school she began in emceeing and reporting or any speaking activities. Then when she reached high school that is when she became more active and join clubs that she can use her passion and also as a student council member. You can say that Chikao is very passionate when it comes to her dream. She don't want to disappoint her parents who is working hard for her, even her brother who promised that he'll wait for her to finish her studies before getting married.

Her family is used to live in one of the provinces in the country. When her brother finished his studies he moved to the city to work. Her parents was a farmer that time, they have a small lot of vegetables in their backyard and that is where they get their expenses for everyday life. She was there before she start her high school so it means she graduated middle school in the province. A large typhoon hit their province that destroys their farm and even their house so they don't have a choice but to live in an evacuation center for a month. When her brother knew what happened he said that they better go and start a new life in the city where he was currently working. So Chikao's high school life start after that event in a new school.

It was a good beginning for her in a new environment and knowing new people. Upon staring the whole school like it shows you what you can become in the future. When she was in first year in high school she's always in the top of the class and chosen as a muse even she don't have a talent in singing, her good speaking voice is enough. Kiraya Satomi is the first person she met and apparently became her friend. Satomi grow up in a province just like her and just transfer in the city with her older sister leaving their parents in their hometown.

Morita Chikao is a usual type of shy student who doesn't know everyone and not familiar with the place. She belongs to a class of section C in her first life. In the past two weeks she spent her time alone, every break she tour herself in the school, stay in the room to study or sleep or in the school library. Her house is quite far from the school so even she want to go home during lunch or vacant period she will get it in time and she doesn't like crowded places so much like cafeterias or canteen so she used to eat bread for lunch. When she was in middle school she used to bring lunch box and ate it with her friends in the room, or sometimes in the school rooftop. But now she doesn't feel to bring lunch box in school for she doesn't have a friend. It will just make her a loner to eat lunch alone.

She bring buns and ate it while she's taking tours in the school. She still have a lot of time in her hands and her she just finish her bun when she reached the last corner of the building. She was about to go back when she noticed a half opened door that she didn't know it was there. She walk around the school for so many times and yet it is her first time seeing that door. Slowly she opened it. The whole room is covered with dust, it looks like an abandoned stock room. She startled a bit when she heard a noise coming from the room, she relaxed herself thinking that it might be just a mouse, insects or small animals who likes living in a place like this like lost cats or something. It makes her hears pound a little when she heard the noise again. Slowly a girl who has a messy hair and her uniform is a bit dirty showed in front of hear. In shock she scream and ran as fast as she could but before she do that. The girl is already beside her like she teleported holding her hands. She was really scared that time that she cries and scream a lot. It takes a little time for her to calm herself realizing that the girl she just saw is not a ghost, it is a real person and it is her classmate. She introduced herself as Satomi, she was being bullied by some group of girls and locked her in that room. Chikao was bit puzzled when Satomi that the door was locked but she saw it clearly that it was opened. The next day, the group of girls who just bully Satomi yesterday get her again, this time Chikao stand for Satomi's side and get rid of those bullies. It is her first time to join a fight, a little wound left beside her lips and a scratch in face. Her hair become messy as well as her uniform. It is her first time yet she enjoys the experience. Satomi said that she shouldn't have done that, now the girls will also bully her. Chikao said that if they get back then she will again teach those girls a lesson again.

After that they found into one another a friend. Chikao already bring a lunch box at school and ate it with Satomi. After a month she got more friends. The girls who bully them didn't show up again. Chikao was longing for a sister since she were young and Satomi filled that spot. They like a twin sisters that never be separated, every weekend whether it was at Satomi's place or her they sleep over. They gets its others feelings, wants and hates. It was like a dream come true for Chikao having a friend or a sister like her. Every moment are so good that she wishes that time will freeze and this will not end. She wish.

As far as she remember, there were not a thing they fought, they always give ways and compromise before it happened so it is a puzzle why all of a sudden Satomi ignores her. They were just happy and laughing the last time she slept with her in her house so she can't find a reason why did she turned like this so sudden and what is more surprising is she's friend with those girls who used to bully her. Chikao gather all her prowess as she approached her to ask if there is something wrong or if she did something that might hurt her. Chikao apologized without knowing what she's apologizing for. "What are you being sorry for?" "I… I don't know but I feel that I did something that might hurt you so you are acting like that. I'm sorry Satomi I didn't mean—" "Nothing is wrong Chikao, the thing is… I'm just tired of you. I don't want to be your friend anymore", after she said those words, Satomi leave Chikao there like a statue. Her first ever best friend in high school ignore her without knowing what is wrong. Chikao is still not convinced in Satomi's words, who would tell that they hate that person with tears in their eyes. Whenever she have a time or an opportunity she approached the girl to talk but every time she do that, the bully group of girls are appearing. She found new friends in the class yet there is still no one can replace Satomi's place.

Chikao is on the way home seven at night when she received an unexpected call from Satomi. Her heart skipped a little upon seeing the name calling her on the other line. She said her first hello to her in a while expecting Satomi to answer her back. A different voice spoke, a voice of a man. She can't find way to ask who he was or where is the owner of the phone. The last thing she knew is she gotten weak when the call ended. After hanging up the call she went immediately to the said place in the other line.

It is too late, she was twenty five minutes late. Satomi has already gone. They said that she committed suicide, jump in the school building. The possible reason is that bullying. There is this popular group of girls in the school that bullies her. Chikao said to the investigators that this is impossible because lately, she became part of that group that came to the point that she ignore her own best friend which is her. The investigator answer her back saying that at first glance you can just see them as group of girls who are friends but these girls admit it already. They blackmailed Satomi to become one of them and allow them to bully her as much as they want and leave her alone and if she's not they will go to Chikao instead. So in order of protecting her, Satomi did that until she can't take it anymore and decided to take her own life.

Chikao still blame herself on what happened. She promised to herself that she will not let anyone die again in her or because of her. She passed her freshmen life and now a sophomore. She's still a [art of the student council and any speaking activity club. She became more active at school than before. She met new classmates and friend in the same school. Even how happy or what achievement she can get, there is still Satomi that she long for. Those group of girls who cause those mess are kicked out in the school and punished that they will not be accepted in any high school universities. They are still minor so they can't still go to jail but they will receive consequences to their actions.

In her sophomore life, Chikao has this classmate who is always absent or if not, late and when he is at school all he do is to sleep. He is known because he belongs to a family of one of the richest in the country. When she is going home one night she saw him lying on the floor in front of a bar. It looks like this guy is asking for help so because Chikao is pure and have a conscience she helped him to cure all the wounds he got. Until she just woke up one morning and found herself as a close friend of that guy. They became really close that came into false rumors that they are dating or something but it doesn't block them to be together. This time another important person came to her life again, so she promised that this time she'll not fail for sure to protect this man.

Whenever he feels like partying, Chikao invite him to go to a karaoke instead. When he wants to go drinking, they went on a coffee shop. When he wants to go around, they went on an amusement park. When he feels hot, they spend the night studying.. Because of her he doesn't miss his old habit that much. Chikao follows the flow and good in accompanying people. In a very short time they don't expect that a classmate will be mean all this much.

Even she got fifth place in an English exam, she is still happy and proud of herself seeing that this guy got the first place. The guy that never pays attention to his study is now the top of his class and it was all because of her.

The two of them went on a family restaurant near the school to celebrate both of their success. Now they are one step closer to success. After that he invited him to ride with his service car going home but she was too shy because she think that he did so much already and another thing is they are going on a different direction. So even she want to spend more time with him she don't want to disturb him seeing that how happy he was to deliver the good news to his parents. She leave him in front of the restaurant to wait for his service while she went on the bus stop.

Upon entering to the bus she received a call from an unregistered number. She think for a while whether she will press the green button or the red one. Actually she never answer a call from someone she doesn't know but this time she felt that she know the one calling. The person in the other line is crying so it is hard for her to talk or to ask. In the end, a crack voice of a middle aged woman answer and trying not to break down told her that this man is in the hospital right now. He has been stabbed with a group of unknown people in front of the restaurant a while ago. Chikao freeze when she heard the news and her hand is shaking. She again fail to protect someone close to her. Her face became pale but no tears are flowing into her eyes like she was already dumb in the pain.

She immediately went to the nearest hospital to find him. She can already hear the cries of his mother in the corridor. Her hands are still shaking while reaching the door knob. She stand there like a statue watching the closest man she have fighting for his life and his mother beside him. Upon entering she still heard him said in a crack voice. "Are…you…p…proud of m…me now" Then after that he rest. That is the last time she heard him talk and saw him alive.

A month had passed and yet, Chikao is still can't get over him. After that she spoke and socialize less to other people. The old Chikao everyone knew changed. Speak, yet she is silent. Speak, it is her asset. Speak, but only one word came out of her mouth. Speak and you'll die.

She again failed to protect people close to her. If she had speak that time maybe nothing like this happened. If she spoke to Satomi and try to understand her she might not think to commit suicide. If she spoke to him and tell him that she want more time with him and stand there maybe those guys can't get back to him. If she just spoke, for not speaking made them die.

As usual, Chikao is chosen to be a reporter as an activity in one of the subjects. She was already standing in front of everyone waiting for her to speak yet she was silent. She was just there staring back to those eyes. Tick…tack…tick…tack…the sound of the clock is the only noise you can hear. The teacher can't take this anymore, she can't let any more time to be wasted so she asked the reporter to start talking or else she'll got zero in this activity. Instead of answering her teacher back or discussing about her report she brought out a knife that no one knows where it came from. Without a word she stabbed her throat. Everyone can't believe what they just witnessed. Her blood spread in front, the blackboard has it and even some students especially to those sitting in front. One of the girls in class screamed while Chikao's blood is also in her face. Everyone followed and scream while they are panicking getting out of the room as Chikao's lifeless body lies on the floor with blood. The class didn't resume after that.

Kazumi is on his way to school after that incident happen when Fuyumi from his back called him and run to him. "Kazumi, good morning" "Good morning Fuyumi" "What are you thinking first in the morning?" "I'm… thinking of Chikao. What happened to her can't get out of my mind" "Me too, it is my first time witnessing a suicide. It's kinda traumatizing" "But what would you think she'll do that?" "Well maybe because Watari died a month ago. You see, they are really close that come to the point that they look like dating but they're denying it. Maybe because Chikao can't get over him and she want to follow him so she did kill herself to be with Watari" "Are you serious? Who is not in their right mind to do that" "Chikao is" "Well you see Kazumi, she already lost her best friend in first year she also committed suicide then Watari is the second person close to her. So she might blaming herself for those what happened and killing herself may the only solution she think of" "Yet it is still not enough to do such crime" "If you are in her shoe, what will you do to repent if you know that you are the reason why those people close to you died"