Chapter 16: dinner

"Oda! Do you know her sister also?", Fuyumi asked while approaching them. "Ahm yes" "Why does it just like me who doesn't know her. Kazuumii" "Why does all of you want to meet my sister" "We don't want you that the only one having fun" "What do you mean?" "I know, I will come with you after dismissal to meet your sister. Is that okay Kazumi?" "Do whatever you want" "Yieee thankie", Fuyumi said in excitement while hugging Kazumi from the side. "What about me Kazumi, I want to go too" "Back off you man. I won't let Kurumi meet you again" "Why?!" "I just don't"

"Yiee I was so excited that I can't concentrate in class for the whole day. I should bring her something, what do you think she want", Fuyumi said with lots of energy and smiling until to her eyes while the two of them is walking on the way to his place. "Ahmm Kurumi likes ice cream or anything sweet" "Then we should buy an ice cream then" They went to a convenience store near the apartment to buy an ice cream. "By the way, what is the bid deal why all of you want to meet her" "I don't know about the guys but for me I just want to be her friend and I'm also curious if she look like you and… I heard the guys saying that she's cute so it makes me want more to meet her and besides she's your sister. We might be so meet often someday" "What do you mean meet often someday?" "N…nothing"

Kazumi was about to open the door of his apartment but Fuyumi stopped her. "Wait, I'm nervous" "Why?! It's not like you're meeting your boyfriend's parents or something. C'mon she's just my sister, she won't eat you" "I know, I just feel nervous" "You will relaxed once you meet her" Slowly, Kazumi opened the door. Fuyumi is holding his other hand tightly.

"Kurumiiii! Kurumii!!", Kazumi went all over the place already but Kurumi is nowhere to be found that makes his heart skipped a bit. "Wha…what happened" "Kurumi is not here", he said while wearing his shoe to find Kurumi. Before he go, he heard an echo of laughter coming from Hitoshi's place. He knocked through his door, a very loud knocks that can broke the door while he was shouting for his sister's name. Suddenly, the door was opened by his sister. "What are you doing there?!" "Well… brother, Hitoshi invited me over and I'm also bored sooo" "You shouldn't be going to someone's house especially if you don't know that person" "What do you mean I don't know, he's Hitoshi. I know him very well and so are you" "Wait, who is she", Kurumi asked opening the door wide opened staring at Fuyumi who is standing behind Kazumi. "Is she your girlfriend?!" "What?! No!!" "Then who is she and why she's with you" "She's a classmate and she want to meet you, she brought an ice cream" "Really!", this time Kurumi went out of Hitoshi's place to meet this Fuyumi girl. "Ah.. hi I'm Fuyumi, Nagisa Fuyumi" "Hello I'm Kurumi, Kazumi's sister. Can I call you Nagisa?" "S…sure" The three of them entered to Kazumi's apartment.

"Hmmm… delicious" "Your brother said that it was your favorite" "It really is, I really like ice cream" "I like ice cream also, it is my favorite" "Really!" Kurumi went down to the floor from the sofa where Nagisa is sitting to hold her hands having those sparkling eyes. "We shared the same interest Nagisa, I think we're really close. Maybe you are my long lost sister in my past life and you are really fitted to my brother, you look good together" "Stop it Kurumi, you're making her uncomfortable. Go and finish your ice cream" "No no it's okay"

"Ah I still want to hang out with you Nagisa. You should come again next time, and he next you'll come eat dinner with us, I'll cook for you" "Really, I'll be expecting that. I will come again" "How about tomorrow" "Tomorrow… okay I'll come back tomorrow" "Yiee thank you Nagisa. It is fun talking to you" "Me too Kurumi, it's nice meeting you" "Stop it Kurumi, it's getting late I will walk Fuyumi home, you should stay here" "Okay brother take your time because you're a gentleman"

"Your sister is a bit funny and fun to be with. She never loss a story to tell" "I'm sorry, she's always like that. She's a year younger than me but sometimes she still act like a child" "No, you shouldn't I also have fun being with her and I promised that I will be coming back tomorrow right" "If it is not too much, will you?" "Of course, I found anew best friend and a sister, I should not let this opportunity slide" "You're a kind girl you know and cute also" "Siiiiisss!!!", called Fuyumi's younger brother. "By the way Kazumi, before I enter may I ask you one last question?" "Sure, what is it" "You always call everyone by their first name but not mine, why?" "Uhmmm…. Becauuuuse… " "Sis, where have you been I'm already hungry", her brother said came clinging to his sister's arm. "Uhm oh. Yeah I still have to cook just you wait okay", Fuyumi answered patting her little brother's head. "Kazumi, if you don't want to answer it's fine. I will wait for you to tell the reason yourself"

"Brootherr, did you take Nagisa home safely? You should walk a little more with her", Kurumi stand from sitting on the floor to approach her brother who just came back removing his shoes. "Did you ate your dinner already?" "Hmmm…", she answered while shaking her head. "I'm already full from all the ice cream I ate" "Don't you think you'll get sick eating ice cream even the weather is cold" "Nope, because I'm strong. I will not get sick that easily" "Okay then, I will cook noodles just for myself, if you changed your mind just let me know"

"Kazuuuumiiii good morning" "Oh good morning Fuyumi" "Nagisa" "Huh?!" "My name is Nagisa, try calling me that from now on" "N…Na….Na….Na…. huh I can't do that!" "What is so hard in saying my name" "You're Fuyumi" "Yes Fuyumi is my family name and Nagisa is my first name just like everyone else. You, your name is Kazumi and your family name is Yano right?" "I think that I will disrespect you if I call you by your first name and it's kind of embarrassing", Kazumi answered in a shy tone. "You're not disrespecting anyone, it was just a first name, no big deal try saying it again" "N…Na….Na….gi…..Nagi….Na…." "Okay if it takes a lot of work then don't mind it, Fuyumi is okay and just fine. I found it kinda unique because you are the only person calling me that" "I'm sorry" "Don't be but if you are really sorry then accompany me this afternoon after class" "For what?!" "Did you forget, I'm coming over at your place tonight, Kurumi invited me" "Huh yeah, it just lot of things are running into my mind" "If you want to chill then go with me, I will buy some ingredients for dinner tonight" "But Kurumi said that she'll be the one who will cook for our dinner tonight" "I'm feeling guilty if only Kurumi will cook so I thought that I will also prepare my own dish so that she will also have a taste of my cooking" "Aaah I also missed Kurumi's cook should I also come over tonight Kazumi" "No", answered in a called tone. "Aaaah why we're neighbours and you're coming over to my place sometimes to eat dinner" "Because you are inviting us you freak!" Hitoshi startled to the sudden change of voice of Kazumi, actually all of them are startled.

"Why are you so angry to Hitoshi, he was just being friendly" "I don't like him and when he was around with my sister I feel like I am out of place. I didn't even know that they are close or they know each other ever since. It feels like I am solving an unending puzzle" "Oh oh", Fuyumi pulled Kazumi from one of the stall in the market when she saw a sale. "What did you said you'll cook tonight?" "Curry" "Curry?" "Yeah, I heard that you like curry" "Then who said that" "Hitoshi" "Hitoshi? Don't tell me you are also close to him" "No we're not so close, there are just the times that both of us are free and…we talk" "I will pretend that I understand that even I don't" "You're rude"

"Oh Oh" "What again", Kazumi said in an annoyed and tired voice letting pulled by Fuyumi. "There's a sale over there" "Do girls really that addict in shopping and there are eyes went dazzling when they saw an item on sale!" "It is a girl thingy and it is our happiness, well not all girls like shopping but most of us did" So as if Kazumi had a choice and one more thing is that he don't want to argue with her so he end up sitting in a chair on one of the store while watching Fuyumi trying clothes. "Kazumiiii! You're not paying attention. I'm asking if this dress look good to me" "Yes it is, you are very gorgeous. You should buy it so that we can go already", Kazumi said pretending to be amazed while both of his thumbs are up like it was really good but honestly, at the back of his mind. Fuyumi looks like an old lady on that dress but because he want to leave the place already he lied. "Liar", said Fuyumi while going back to the fitting room. "N…no it really is—" In the end, Fuyumi bought a three bags of clothes, dresses and accessories that only girls will understand how satisfying that feeling is. "So we end up buying clothes than ingredients for your curry" "S…sorry I got carried away, it was on sale Kazumi can't you see fifty percent off. I promised I will cook a curry for you the next time"

"What was this?!" "A flower?!" "Yeah I can see that it is a flower Fuyumi what I mean is what is a flower doing in front of my doorstep" "Oh, there's a note" Fuyumi picked the note that felt when Kazumi picked the flower. Kazumi get the note from Fuyumi's hand and gave her the flower instead. "What, what does it say", Fuyumi asked in excitement like she know what is happening but she had a gut feel about this one. "I don't understand it look like a doctor wrote it" "Let me see", Fuyumi get the note from Kazumi and hand over him the flower. "Oh I understand, it says…."


I don't understand why your brother don't want me for you but believe me the moment I lied my eyes on you when we were hiking on that mountain I knew, I like you. Please if you are free, can we meet? I will wait for you.

-Oda (heart heart)

A heat run all over Kazumi's body when he heard the message mainly when he heard where this letter is from. He got really angry that he crumpled the flower he was holding. Fuyumi was about to chill Kazumi when the door opened. "Oh guys why are you not entering still standing there", Kurumi said showing just her head behind the door. Fuyumi hide the note behind her back because she know that Kazumi don't want Kurumi to read it and meet Oda. "Aaah nothing", Fuyumi said trying to fake a smile. "C'mon I already prepared for dinner, we should all eat together", said Kurumi opening the door wider.

"Why is Hitoshi here?!" "I invited him, he invited us last time for dinner so I want to return the favor"

"Hahahahahahaha!!!" "So what happened next", Fuyumi asked looking excited from Hitoshi's story. "So Kurumi went climbing at that tree but she doesn't know how to get down so she cried" "Eiyyy Hitoshi stop it you're embarrassing me", Kurumi said hiding her face pushing Hitoshi. Hahaha I thought at first I'm seeing a large bird but hahahaha when I get nearer it was just Kurumi hahahahaha I'm about to throw stone to that big bird for dinner hahahahaha" while the three of them are enjoying each other company over dinner, Fuyumi noticed that Kazumi went out so she followed him. Kazumi went to the balcony staring at the blank space and took a deep breath. "Why are you here?", Fuyumi asked walking beside him and also stared at the blank space. "They are seem enjoying each other's company and being with them is so much fun" "Then why are you here instead if you are enjoying being with them" "I don't know, my feet moves on its own" "I feel like I was just a shadow there, I can't relate on what are they talking about and I don't have an idea that Kurumi knows him since we're kids. I feel like I am the only one left behind" "Why don't you try to get along with him so you will understand Kurumi or him and maybe your questions might find its answers" "Why are you always there when I need a company it reminds me of Saki" "Saki?! Oh yeah I forgot you two are close that people tell you look like a couple" "But we're not!" "Oh, why are you so defensive. I'm just saying what I heard" "It was just, all the rumors are not true especially the rumors about her, nothing of it is true" "Do you know each other longer than I think?" "No, we just met the first time I transferred here. It was just something happened so we kinda close" "Do you like her, do you?" "Who, Saki? No?!" "Why are you so defensive, it making it look like you're lying" "Saki is the first person I get along when I transferred here" "Why did you transferred here in the first place?" "Just… personal matter" "If I were the one present that time will you also see me like her?" "What do you mean?" "I mean if I were present that time when something happened like you said instead of Saki" "I don't know because if you were her you will not do the same as her and we will not be like the way I am with Saki" "Hmmm is that so"

Fuyumi stopped for a while at the door of their room even the others when they saw Kazumi's angry face, an expression she never saw before. Well it's not like she saw every emotion or expression Kazumi has because he was always serious but this it is different, like she was looking at a different person this time. His fist has a drop of blood and his face is very angry tracing all his veins. In front of him is Oda sitting in the floor wiping the blood on his face. "Why her?!! Of all people why her?!!" Fuyumi remembered the letter they found out in front of Kazumi's apartment addressed to Kurumi from Oda. She touched the crumpled paper in the pocket of her mini-skirt. She knew that this will happen but she didn't know that it will be this worst. "Why are you so against it. I'm not planning to harm her or anything and don't act like you own her. She was just your sister, she's not your own" Kazumi dropped another punch again on Oda's face. That time Hitoshi entered to the scene and stopped the two of them. "What are you two you think you're doing huh!!", looking one after another. "That jerk, you should blame that jerk!!" said Kazumi in an angry tone pointing his finger to Oda. "What did he do that make you look like a mess like this?" "He said he like Kurumi" "Whaaat?!", this time Hitoshi is looking at Oda. "What?! Do you also know her? Kazumi's sister?" "We are close, veeery close, she like my own sister and you're saying that you like her ", Hitoshi is kneeling on the floor grabbing Oda's collar getting ready to punch him. This time Kazumi stopped him. "I didn't raise her just for a jerk like you, stay away from her before I will kill you myself" "Why everyone is so against it, you are not her father" "Yes maybe I am not her father but she's a family" After that the bell rung for the first subject so everyone spread in the room and get back to their seats.

"I still want to stay here with you brother" "But you have school, you should go back, mom and dad might missed you already and it is safer there" "I will come again bro, you better wait for me. And oh tell Nagisa that I will miss her. She should come again when I came back" "Okay okay I will tell you better go, the bus might leave you" "Bye brother, I'll miss you", said Kurumi while running and waving to her brother.

"Ahhhh ouch! Ouch! Why are those people so against my love to Kurumi. Well as if they will stop me", Oda said while treating his bruises in his place. He heard a three knock on his door. "Who will visit me this time?", he asked himself while getting up from sitting in the sofa to get the door. "You! What are you doing here?!", he asked from the man who knocked on his place this late at night. The man didn't answer. He brought out a large iron tube and scourged it to Oda's head that brake his skull from that strong impact. After the man saw him close his eyes , he immediately leave the place leaving Oda lifeless on the floor.