Chapter 19: tardy

In school there is a rule that if you came to the class late before the time of any of the subjects, you will be punished like doing the after school cleaning, watering the plants, assisting your teacher or running an errand. If you are caught by the guard in front of the school gate when it is closed and the late people is not already allowed to enter and considered absent but sometimes the guard will let them run in the field for a few rounds to let it pass before going to their class.

"Kazumi! You're late?" "No, I went to the faculty because the teacher asked me to. I was already here before you do" "Tsk… I thought I will win this time" "You wish Fuyumi, that will never happen" "I know someone that I can win when it comes to coming to school early" "Who?!" "Ota Fuji" "You're not playing fair, whatever you do you will win. He always go to school late" "I know and that is why I chose him" "Cheater" "Tsk…" "Are you two arguing again" "Enough with those couple thing Hitoshi, we are not" "I am not saying anything yet" "I already know where this is going, Fuyumi and I are just friends" "Do you know it already? Are you a shaman in your past life?" "Are you crazy in your past life?" "You two are always arguing more than we do. The two of you look like a couple than we do" The two of them looked at Fuyumi at the same time with their glaring eyes and said "No were not!!" at the same time also. "Uhmmmm… okay….", Fuyumi said in defeat.

While the teacher is discussing about verbs, a young man entered the room that seems he was so tired and his uniform is not fixed well. His hair is messy and his face is tired. "Ota Fuji, you are late again. This is already the thirtieth and two time you came to my class tardy. This will be your last warning I already had enough. The next time you will do it again, we will meet with your parents in the principal's office" Fuji go to his seat while the teacher is lecturing with his head down. Fuyumi looked at Kazumi and smiled. Kazumi just make face to her.

"You are happy when someone is being lectured" "No I pitied him, I smile to show that I win" "Are you still on that competition? He didn't even know that you are competing with him" "Even he knows, I will still win" "What do you think is the reason he is always late, it's like something is happening" "Maybe because he is awake all night playing games or whatever he does and getting up late because his alarm broke down" "Do you think that is a valid reason?" "I am not living with him so I don't know, what do you expect of me" "Are you angry? I am just asking" "Well I don't know?!" "Do you have a period today?" Fuyumi slapped Kazumi's face then leave. "Are you two on lover's quarrel?" "Hitoshi, why do girls are so unpredictable" "Well, that is what they are. And that is why also I don't want to be engage with them" "Are you guy" "Whaat?!! Are you….!! Huh I just not fan of dating girls" "That was new, I thought you like them. You are close with Miss Honda and to my sister so I thought you like them" "Well I do like them, I mean sissy and your sister but not the way you think"

"Uhmmm… Kazumi. I'm sorry on what happened earlier, I was just in a bad mood you see I—", Fuyumi said in a shy tone while wiggling, "It is okay Fuyumi, it is also my bad. I shouldn't asked girls about their periods. I have a younger sister so I should've known that girls have mood swings" "Well, it's okay if you understand now" "Well Kazumi I think you are right", she said while sitting. "There is something happening to Ota Fuji. I know that my guts are right again this time" "Your guts? Again?! When did you become right?" "Do you remember what happened to Miss Honda, I already knew that they have a relationship with Miss" "No you don't, you just said that you have guts like you said earlier and that something is wrong with her but you didn't said about her relationship status" "Well, that is the same" "Yeah whatever I won't believe you anymore" "You're bad Kazumi", she said in a cute tone while pouting. "Then if you want me to believe you, let's say that you are right then what we will do to prove it. do you even know where Ota Fuji lives" "Mount Fuji?!" "Hahahaha you are funny", Kazumi said in a sarcastic way" "How would I know, we are not close" "But you are the class representative, you should do more your work" "I am doing my work but it doesn't mean that I have to know every details about our classmates. I am not a walking encyclopedia or something that have every details that you want to know" "Are you two fighting again? I thought, you already make-up? You like a cat and dog. You should learn how to control of your emotions" "Are we asking your opinion here, Hitoshi?" "Oh no, the queen is really mad", Hitoshi whispers. "Okay, that is my mistake. I know you are having a hard time and I'm being inconsiderate. I'll help you with Ota Fuji" "Really?!!" Kazumi nod for an answer.

After class the two of them followed Ota Fuji wearing shades, coats like spies or detectives in the movie but the two of them look like a funny stalkers. They are hiding in a post while following him when the two of them both jump out of shock when someone talked behind them. "What are you two doing?" "Aaah! Hitoshi, you startled us" "Soo… what are you doing?" "We are following Ota Fuji to know the reason why he is always late because we thought that something is going on", Fuyumi whispered. "So the two of you playing detectives again wearing glasses and coats" "Ah! We lost him" "Huh?!" "It is your fault Hitoshi, you came out of nowhere and talked to us, now we lost him" "Then follow him again tomorrow or the day after that or the day after that" "Grrr, this is only our last chance" "I'll treat you to a snack to pay for my mistake okay jeezz… you two look weird" "Shut up, come on and treat us"

"Sooo… when did the two of you become close?" "No we're not!", Kazumi answered in a loud voice. "Okay jeez I thought you two already get along after Kurumi's visit, I mean Kurumi is your sister and she's close to Hitoshi" "I still don't know how did the two of them know each other but it doesn't mean that I will fit myself in just because he's close with my sister" "Why do you hate me so much huh Kazumi? What part of me that annoys you?" "Everything, I hate everything about you. I want you to get out of my life but because you are my neighbour and classmate and we sit next to each other, I have to deal with you everyday" "You are acting like a child" "Well I am and if you will excuse me I want to go home", Kazumi stand to leave even he is not finish yet on what he is eating. "Wait, I will go with you", said Hitoshi who is standing also and preparing the payment of what they ate. "What?! I want to leave because I don't want to see you" "We live in a same place, it will bored me to walk alone" Kazumi did not do anything about Hitoshi so they end up walking home together.

"You are late this morning Fuyumi, is there something wrong? Is your period that bad" the room is covered from silence when the sound of Fuyumi's hand land to Kazumi's face echoed in the whole room. "Awww that hurts", said Hitoshi with a facial expression like he was the one being slapped while staring at Fuyumi's hand marked on Kazumi's face. "I…I just want to try and feel the feeling of being late. You know your high school will be incomplete if you didn't obey the rules even just for once, it is exciting and I want to try how to do it" "You know what is more exciting? When you are caught from your stupidity and being punished" "You are too occupied from your books so you don't know how to enjoy and stop bringing up the period thingy, it is not yet my schedule!" "You want to sympathize Ota Fuji aren't you, so you tried to put yourself in his shoe even you really don't know what is going on" "I am just doing my job as a class representative because someone told me that I am not responsible enough in my position" "I wonder who is that someone" "He is just a stupid freak who don't know how the world runs!" "Maybe because the world is not really running but it is rotating" "Arrrggghhhh…I hate you!", she packed her lunch box then leave Kazumi while kicking the desks.

"If you really want to find about Ota Fuji, here is his address. You can do whatever you want with it", Hitoshi drop a piece of paper to Kazumi's table. "Where did you get it?!", Fuyumi asked out of curiousity. "You don't need to know. I have my sources. Sources that you don't have", Hitoshi answered without looking at them then leave. Later that afternoon, the two of them started to find the address written on that piece of paper by Hitoshi even Kazumi is not sure if it really the real address.

The two of them found themselves standing in front of a small eatery in the end of the road. There are two or three people are coming in and out of the place, it is not really popular, it was just your typical eatery for the commoners. "What are you two doing here?" The two of them almost jump out of shock when Ota Fuji appeared at the back. "Ahhh…. Ota Fuji… do you live here….ah…what a coincidence hehehe", said Fuyumi while stuttering and scratching the back of her neck and secretly elbowing Kazumi. "You should leave if you are done what are you doing here", said Ota and supposed to walk away when Kazumi talked. "We're going to eat on that place", said Kazumi while pointing the eatery in front. "We heard that they serve delicious food in that place", he continues. "This place is not well known and people don't come here too often so you might wrong" "We have to try to prove it", said Kazumi then walked forward to the place while Fuyumi is confused following him.

"What are you planning", Fuyumi whispered "Ssshh just be quiet and follow me. we are already here so no backing out and you want to know more about him right? So if you want this to be successful just follow my lead", Kazumi whispered. Ota Fuji places their order on the table using a tray. "If you done eating please leave immediately", said Ota. "Can we have a chat with you Ota Fuji" "What for?! I have nothing to say to you" "Your family run this small business right? Is this the reason why are you always late? You are helping your parents" "Yeah, if that is what you think" "Okay, that is the only thing we want to know. We're taking our leave" Kazumi stand up leaving the payment of what they ordered even they don't touched it. "Eh Kazumi are we leaving?", asked Fuyumi picking her bag.

"You should let us finished our food first, I think it is rude if we just left without trying what they prepared", said Fuyumi while chasing Kazumi. "His reason is the only thing we came for and not for the food. We already got answer so what is the point of staying?" "But—" "You know Kazumi, you are getting ruder and ruder" "I just don't want to lose anyone already!", Kazumi shouts that stopped the two of them from waking and shocked Fuyumi. "What do you mean lose anyone" "Na…nothing I'm tired I just want to go home", then they continue to walk.

"Ota Fuji, you are late again. I already told you, I need to talk to your parents to the principal's office" "Ma…ma'am", Fuyumi interrupted. "Forgive Ota Fuji, he is always late because he is helping his parents in running their eatery"

"Ah… Ota—" "Did I asked your help? Did I tell you to cover up for me? Why are you doing this… ah… you want to be a perfect class representative" "No… Ota I just—" "Isn't that the reason, you want everyone's attention and praised you more. Isn't it Fuyumi" "Don't judge me like you already know me. I helped you because I thought you need a hand on whatever you are going through but I'm wrong. You deserved being called by the principal. I thought you are different but you are also one of them, I'm very disappointed in you Ota Fuji. Don't worry I won't disturb you anymore"

"Why did Ota Fuji called you to the rooftop, did he thank you?", Kazumi asked when Fuyumi came back to the room. Fuyumi took a deep breath before talking. "He got angry at me" "Why did he do that, you helped him!" "He said that he don't need my help and don't interrupt him anymore" "I already told you to stop sticking your nose to other people's business and acting detective" "But you told me--- arrrggghhh I hate you Kazumi! I hate you!!"

Kazumi is on his way home when he saw Ota Fuji on the other side of the road holding paper bag and plastic bags containing vegetables and any other things bought in the market on the other side of the road. At first, he is supposed to call hi but before he shout his name he stopped himself and bring his hand down. Ota Fuji is a helpful son and a good student doing all the works by himself without asking the help of others.

Ota Fuji can't believe what he is looking at right now when he woke up and go down to the eatery, Kazumi and Fuyumi is helping the eatery in serving the customers. "Good Morning Ota", said Fuyumi flashing her bright smile while wearing an apron and holding a tray of food. "Your friends are good, they showed in front of the eatery early this morning volunteering themselves to help", said his mother who came out at the back. "Bu…but—" "We want to help you even on little things that we can so you can rest a bit but we are there is no guarantee that with us helping here will keep you from being late", said Kazumi. "Bu…but—" "You shouldn't worry too much, you should go and eat breakfast and get ready, a long day is waiting for us ahead", said Fuyumi.

Thank you for helping us out here" "Don't worry, we thought that it is a waste of time spending this beautiful weekend staying in our rooms staring the wall" "Uhmm… Fuyumi.—" "It is okay now Ota Fuji, don't worry about what happen, if I was you I will also get angry if someone is trying to get my burden without asking for a permission" "But—" "Ota, we will keep going, it is getting dark already", said Kazumi. "I enjoyed helping you here, if I have more tie I will come often", said Fuyumi. "You have a good friends", said his mother who just came out while watching the two walked away.

It is a start of a new week in school, Kazumi woke up a little more late than his usual. He is on the way home when he saw Ota Fuji not so from afar, taking an elderly to the home of the aged. It is his grandmother that he saw last weekend on Ota Fuji's place. Every morning, he used to bring her to the place and get her in the afternoon. They do this because no one will be able to take care of her if they let her stay with them. "So this is the real reason why he is always late", Kazumi whispered to himself. It takes Ota Fuji a ten minutes or more inside before he went out.

Kazumi wait for Ota Fuji on the other side of the road in front of the home of the aged. There are two men carrying a large organ using the window in the same building, they are lifting this through the window with the use of a rope. The organ is to large for stairs and doors, so through the window is a great option. One, two and pull, one two and pull. From the third floor of the building they are pulling the organ, a little more and they will be able to lift it. Kazumi is watching the whole thing since in the beginning and that at the same time, Ota Fuji went out of the building. Kazumi called his attention while waving and Ota Fuji do the same. He was about to run to him when the rope used in lifting the organ is cut and the organ land on the same spot where Ota Fuji is standing. The people passing by scream on what they had just witnessed. His blood is scattered on the ground with the part of the broken organs.