Two weeks before the winter break, everyone is busy for the final exam and at the same time for the Christmas party held in the gym. All the students of the school is welcome to join the said party and also as a closing program. The student council is assigned to do the decorations and all the things needed for the event, any student also that is interested is allowed to help. This kind of event only happen once, not just once a year but once in a decade, it depends to the seated principal of the school.
"What will you give me this Christmas Kazumi?" "I also asked him that last night and he said that he will give you his heart this Christmas" "Hitoshi! When did I said that. If I will give away my heart then I will die" He faced Fuyumi from Hitoshi "What do you want Fuyumi?", he said in a small shy tone of voice. "Anything will do, as long as it came from you", answered Fuyumi. "What about me, what will you give me guys" "Nothing for you this year Hitoshi" "Awww that's sad, you used to give me scarfs in the past. Because of you I collected many of them in my cabinet with different colors" "Did I?! when?! Don't joke around Hitoshi, there is no way I will give you gifts and scarf! Seriously?! That is so cheap. Don't come and make stories, if you want a scarf then go by one. I will not give you anything even you beg for it" "But you really give me scarfs and you knitted those yourself" "What are you saying? I don't know how to knit so how will I do that and I will never make an effort for you, you wish" "How about you Fuyumi, what will you give me?" "If you want a scarf then I will give you one, I will knit it myself" "I also want your knitted scarf Fuyumi" "Give me also a scarf" "I want your scarf Fuyumi" "Knit me also a scarf", said the guys as they gather around them. "What do you want for Christmas Kazumi?", asked one of the girls from other section shyly to Kazumi that silenced everyone. "How did she enter here, I didn't notice her", whisper one of the guys. "Me too, I didn't see her. Is she a ghost?", whispered the other one. "Kazumi is really popular even to the other sections", whispered the other while all of them are staring at those two. "I really don't want something for now" "I will still give you something on Christmas party, wait for it", said the girl then she ran out of the room. "Woah… what was that? Did you receive again a confession?", asked Hitoshi. "She didn't confess Hitoshi" "Don't be like that Kazumi, you won't be popular if you are like that Kazumi" Kazumi glared at him and says, "I don't want to be popular in the first place" "I wish I could say that someday", whispered the other guy. "I also want to be popular", said the other one. The bell rung so all of them fixed themselves for the next subject.
As the countdown began, the city is filled with Christmas spirit. Everywhere you go, you can see colorful designs and lights adding the loud Christmas songs from every store. People started to buy gifts for their love ones and the trains are fully booked even it is winter. As you breathe the air, you can feel the joy of this season and hear carols everywhere. This is really the time of year that everyone rejoice.
"Huh, I think I'm gonna fail" "I think I will take my remedial class this winter break", said the boys in the class after their last exam. "Kazuuuumiii", Fuyumi said while running to Kazumi's seat in a cute tone. "Hey hey, the exam is finally over what are your plan now. Do you want to grab something to eat before going home?" "I'm sorry Fuyumi, I want to enjoy all before winter but Choi Chung-Ae's parents want to meet me", he said while packing his things without looking at her. "Do they blame you on their daughter's death?" "No, of course they don't. they just want to talk to me…I guess" "Do you want if I will go with you?" "No, I'm okay. I guess, I also want to pay respect on Choi's death. It is nearly Christmas, everyone should be happy and celebrating but this happened", he said as he finished packing and faced her. "Okay then, if something happened just call me, see you on the Christmas party" Kazumi stood and about to go as Fuyumi said that yet he stop for a while and turn his head to her. "Ah, I don't think I will attend the party" "Huh, why?!", said Fuyumi as she stand to reach Kazumi's level. "I am not fan of those kind of things, and also I am planning to go home to my hometown this Christmas until new year"
"Hello Mister and Missis Choi. I am Kazumi, Chung-Ae's friend here", he said as he bow for respect. Chung-Ae's mother is bit emotional and teary while her father is expressionless as he introduce himself and his wife to him. "At first, I don't agree on letting her go abroad alone, I mean, it is her first time to travel alone and she is just twenty-two but when I witnessed how hard things for her, I decided to let her go. If this trip might help to freshen up her mind and move on to the guy she first fall in love. She is an independent girl and like doing things on her. I know I can't be a good father to her sometimes and I can't show how much I love her but she is my only princess. She had her future already planned after school and she's looking forward for it. I thought that this will be a great start for her if she'll found her way again from here. That guy was really good that I thought he is already the one for her, I never thought that he will follow her here and do such crime. It is unforgivable, I will never forgive him even he dies" Then the couple start to cry again. Kazumi can't find words to say or if he was supposed to comfort them. He just met Choi Chung-Ae a week ago so he didn't know her that much even she told him about her life a lot. "Mister Kazumi, thank you for being there for our daughter and always listening to her problems, your presence is already enough that we know our daughter met a great person like you in this place where she is alone", said the mother. "N…no ma'am it is my responsibility to take care of a visitor in our country, I am glad that I am of a help to your daughter" "We are planning to bring her home and held her funeral there, if you are free this winter. We are glad to accommodate you" "I am sorry but I already have a plan but I will promise that I will visit you if I've given a chance"
When Kazumi went home, Fuyumi is in front of his door hugging her knees. When she felt a presence around her, she looked up, smile then stand. "Kazumi, I thought that you will be too late. I brought ramen", she said while smiling with her head tilt and showing a plastic of two cups of ramen to his face. "Ah Fuyumi, what are you still doing here? It's getting late" "I am worried about you, what if the killer will get you next, what if they will blame you, what if something will happen to you, what if—" "Fuuuyumii, you are getting paranoid, the murderer is already caught red handed and nothing will happen to me" "But—" "Let's eat that inside", he said as they enter to the apartment.
"You really wait on front of my apartment until this time, you really is a good friend. No wonder why the boys like you", as he swallow the noodles. "F..friend…", Fuyumi whispered to herself while staring the cup of ramen so close. "Huh?!", questioned looking at her. "No…nothing!", she said while her cheeks turned pinkish.
"Oh did you just come out there from this time?", Hitoshi asked in wonder who just come out of his apartment and saw Fuyumi that also just come out of Kazumi's apartment. "Ah hmmm" "Did you spend the whole time in that small place with just the two of you?" "We just ate ramen!", answered Kazumi to Hitoshi who is getting the wrong idea. "Ohhh ramen. As far as I know, most of the love stories start in eating ramen together. I should start eating ramen too" "Ah, don't mind him. He is crazy", whispered Kazumi to Fuyumi as they walked past him. "What did you do? When you met her parents?" "Ah you mean Choi Chung-Ae?" "Oh so her name is Choi Chung-Ae, very foreign. Is she beautiful?" "Hmmm, if you're going to ask me, yes she's beautiful. I mean not that beautiful like a model or something, she is beautiful on her own way and that is kinda cute. She always tell her problems and like a kid sometimes. There are times she act so matured and there are times she act like a little kid and maybe that makes her charming" "Do you like her?" "Huh?! Of course not, she is like an older sister to me. I am not into girls who is older than me. Why? The rumors are not yet down?" "No, they have forgotten about that, it is just me who want to know, I am curious. If I act matured and childish, would you also see me cute and charming?" "Huh, what do you mean?!" "Nothing, forget that I asked that" "You have your own charm Fuyumi, you don't need to act like the other people so that they will say you are charming or cute" Fuyumi's cheeks that night is burning in red and thank goodness that it is dark in the street where they are walking to so that Kazumi will not see how embarrassed she is. After that conversation, no one dares to talk anymore until they reached her place. "If you changed your mind, come to the Christmas party, I will be waiting for you", said Fuyumi as she ran as fast as she could without waiting for Kazumi's response.
Kazumi slowly close his hand and bring it down when Fuyumi ran without even telling his goodbye. He put his headset on and was about to play a music when he heard like someone whispered to him. He removed his headset just to make sure and look around and yet, he is the only person that time. He thought that maybe it was just his imagination and put his headset back to his ears and play music. While walking on his way home, he feels uncomfortable and unusual like someone is watching him or following him but every time he looks back, nothing is in there. One and another step, the feeling is getting stronger, until he feels that someone touch the back of his shoulder. He turn his back in panic and yet again, no one is in there. He walked fast as he could and play the music to its full volume but even it is already full, he can still hear the background noises and even the feeling that someone is blowing his ear makes his spine run through his vein in nervousness. He let out a deep sigh of relieved when he finally reached his apartment, he thought that the chills will stop like he is shooting a horror movie. he is so tired when he take the first step on the stairs of the building like his feet is really heavy yet even how many steps he did, it seems unending. It's been thirty minutes since he is going up yet he still can't find his apartment, the stairs and the corridors is like a labyrinth in a game. He don't know how to get out on that situation and he really is tired. The next morning, Hitoshi was about to go to school when he saw Kazumi sleeping on the stairs. He walked him up before he will be late in class. "Kazumi, Kazumi wake up, why are you sleeping here Kazumi", he said while shaking him up. Kazumi open his eyes slowly as he stretched his arms. He was too shock to see Hitoshi in front of him first thing in the morning that makes him stand. "What are you doing here?! What am I doing here?!" "That is what I supposed to ask you, I saw you sleeping in her. What happened?" "I…I don't know…I don't remember", he said while holding his head and moaning for the pain in his head as he walk to his apartment.
"Kazumi is absent?!" "Yeah, he had a headache" "Huh?! He was still well last night, how did that happen?" "I know, it feels weird. I found him sleeping in the stairs this morning. Did something happened last night?" "I don't know, we separated when we reached my place and I don't know what happened next. I remember, we are talking about—" Fuyumi remembered what happened last night ("If I act matured and childish, would you also see me cute and charming?") "Waaaahhh!!!" "What, what happened last night?" "No…nothing", as she forced to smile. "I think something happened to Kazumi that he don't want to talk about?" "Weird? He still act normal when the last time I see him" "Kazumi is not a kind of guy who will sleep on stairs like that, he don't have a smell of alcohol so it means he is not drank" "I will visit him this afternoon after class to ask what happened"
So did Fuyumi went to Kazumi's place as planned. She asked him what happened and if what Hitoshi said is true. Kazumi's mind is still in a mess yet he still managed to tell the details. "Maybe you were just tired and thinking a lot of things so that is why you are imagining things" "No! I am sure on what I see and felt. Someone is following me last night and the stairs are forever" "You know Kazumi, you need to take a rest for a while" "You don't believe me do you" "Of course, I believe in you. It just, you have a headache and it makes you imagine things" "I am not crazy okay. Fuyumi, believe me, I am okay" "Of course, you are not crazy. The Christmas party is tonight, I think it is better for you to not attend and stay here to take a rest" "Are you going?" "To the party? I was thinking, if you will left alone here something might happened so maybe I will accompany you" "No, you are waiting for this party and you really want to come. I am okay I swear, I told you numerous times. You can go" "Ah… okay but if something happened call me okay", Fuyumi said as she stand and took her leave to get ready for tonight's Christmas party.
There are not so many students who attend, the emcee started to light up the mood and start the celebration. The principal is supposed to have his speech to completely open the program yet he is not in the venue yet. It is been thirty minutes since the party started and yet no one still see him. The faculty present that time tried calling his mobile but the machine is the one answering. They tried searching for him starting from his office while the emcee left on the venue without telling the students about it to keep the tension and keep them from panicking.
Two male teachers and one female teacher go on their way to the principal's office hoping that they will find him there. "The door is locked", said the female teacher while looking at the two men and holding the knob. One of the male teachers put his ears on the door to listen if something is inside. "Can you tried calling him again?", he said to the female teacher that she immediately did. "No one is still answering" "Ssshh", as he put his middle finger to his lips as a sign of silence and listen carefully from the other door. "His phone is in there, I heard it ringing and also flies. I heard flies." "I will get a spare key", said the female teacher as she go on her way to get the key. After a few minutes, she came back with the key while she is catching her breath as she gave the key to the male teacher. The male teacher try all the keys that is in there yet, the door is still not opening. "We leave no choice, he have to destroy the door", as he motioned to the other male teacher to help him. After a few tries, the door is finally opened.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!", the female teacher screams that echoes in the whole building the moment they saw what is inside the office. The carrion of the principal surrounded by flies is sitting on his chair. The three of them can't believe on what there are eyes are looking, the principal is already dead and it seems that he died few hours ago that it makes his corpse look like that.
Because of that unexpected incident on the day of Christmas, the party is cancelled and required the students to go home immediately while the ambulance and police came. Instead of going straight at home, she went to Kazumi's apartment.
Kazumi woke up from his sleep past seven in the evening when he saw a paper bag on the side table of his bed and Fuyumi is peaceful sleeping on the chair while leaning her head to the bed where Kazumi is lying. He smiled a little and take his sleep again as he whisper to her, "Merry Christmas"
The door is locked from the inside yet the windows are opened but still it is impossible that the culprit will come in and go out from the window when the office is in the third floor of the building. There is also no sign the he used ropes or any material in doing the crime, there were no fingerprints leave or signs that the principal is struggling and trying to fight. The case is closed as suicide when they found the weapon used in the trash can of the office with the principal's fingerprints that is used in slicing his pulse that makes him died immediately and that is the only wound he get as they examine his body.
Christmas party is supposed to be fun and worth remembering, yet it turned bloody.